Tuesday, July 4, 2017

July 4 - Guest Blogger - STILL!

Hi, Jeff Here -
With all that has been going on, I have not been very good at keeping up my duties as a "GUEST BLOGGER"

Patti is still in the Rehab center - at the Asbury Methodist center here in Gaithersburg.  She has progressed - and is stronger.  She continues to have ups and downs.

We saw a spine surgeon last week, and of course, he asked do you have films or tests for me to review... "no" - ok, so go get these tests done, and see me when you have these complete... (it takes approximately 2 weeks to schedule these tests - she can no longer have a regular MRI due to all the metal that she has in her body (cages in her spine from the previous spine surgery, and nerve simulator) - so, we have scheduled July 12 for the tests...

Meanwhile - the spine doc wants her to see another "LEG DOC" (orthopedics) due to the swelling and condition of her leg and foot.  That will occur tomorrow July 5.

The actual rehab - has helped Patti tremendously - she is now able, with a lot of pain, to actually make it up a set of stairs in their lab, and walk some.  And, they are also working on her upper body strength as well.  This all causes lots of pain, and as she says "angers the leg God" - so she then goes and gets in the bed with her leg elevated to "calm" the "leg God".

Her initial fully paid Medicare allocation has now ended - so moves to the 80/20 portion where Medicare pays 80% and the supplemental policy pays 20%.  We are told, that this will require additional justification... but, she really is still not strong enough to be alone, so she will stay.

This week, we made the hard decision to cancel the trip to Patti's 50th high school reunion.  She was really looking forward to the trip - just because it would be an ADVENTURE - road trip to Illinois, see people, and something different.   She really is not physically ready, and she reluctantly gave me the list of things to cancel.  The boarding for the dogs, the various hotel reservations, the actual dinner reservation at the reunion etc.  and, I have completed the list.

Today is July 4th - Happy Holiday, I hope this finds everyone well and enjoying the day off.

I am heading out to my Andy and Stacey's house to spend the day with them and Ben.

Back to work - and the grind tomorrow.

Enjoy the day!

1 comment:

  1. So good to get this update. I tried calling yesterday, I've been concerned about your guys. Glad to hear Patti is making some progress. Take care, Love, Ruthie


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