Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Dentist Today And Other Things


For today's entertainment", I'm going to see the dentist. Argh. I didn't grow up in a time that children dentists were plentiful.

Over the years, with different dentists, I have come to shy away, as much as possible, going to the dentist.

When the boys were children, they went to a children's dentist, and they, now as adults, have no fear of seeing a dentist.

I, on the other hand, have "mushy" teeth. Another word, I suppose, would be soft teeth. Basically, as soon as I leave the dentist's office, I'm pretty sure that a cavity is already growing! That's not true, but it feels like that.

After my face plant on an asphalt driveway last week, I chipped a tooth, towards the front of the mouth. Yipee. Today, I'm going to the dentist to see what can be done to fix this tooth. Right now, it has a jagged edge, which is sharp and really noticeable. Have to fix that for sure.

We're getting our second shot tomorrow. We'll still have to wear masks, etc., but we'll be more protected.

Jeff and I are going tomorrow, to see the retirement community that Stacey and I thought was the best fit for me. I have a copy of the activities for February, and you can be as busy as you like.

I know this is likely to be my last great adventure, but it's time. A move will give Jeff and I space. For a very long time, Jeff has to wonder pretty much 24/7, what I've gotten myself into. Hmm - like standing on a chair, and breaking the chair! More bruises. But, no broken bones! Let's hear it for ice cream!!

While staying at Andrew's house, cooking shows, for example, are generally not recorded. I record all of the cooking and baking shows, but watch them when Jeff isn't around. For instance, this morning, I watched Spring Baking Championship, What amazes me with these shows, is the general lack of measuring cups and spoons. When they pour in flour, for instance, how do the bakers know how much to use. Baffles me every time. Of course, when trying to burn the kitchen down, I do no longer cook or back. But, on the bright side, I'm still able to do the dishes - yipee!!

From 2009, until today, I have kept a "Who's Who" phone list. I have made changes over the years. I add people, and also delete people. It's important, though nobody but myself knows this, it's good to be on the list!

Those are my thoughts for today. I'll be back in the chair tomorrow.



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