Tuesday, February 23, 2021

It's Beautiful Outside


After days of some combination of snow and/or ice, today looks promising. And, the weatherman, if we believe him, says that one day this week will be in the 60's. Definitely a cause for celebration.

After much research, Stacey and I have found, what we believe, is a good retirement community. I initially thought that I would do something called "respite care", which is temporary.

Most of the family thinks I would be better off with a one bedroom apartment. The cost, all in,  comes to just a little over $2,000. And, that cost will be the same, for the remainder of the year. We all know what generally happens after the first of the year - yup there is an increase. I've never seen any fee decrease!

Currently, I'm making a list, and of course, checking it twice, to see what I need for my new apartment. While moving is scary, but, I think I have found possibly, my forever home. 

I will be able to do activities, and also take scheduled trips to town. As far as the residents go, I will likely be the "teenager" among most of the residents, who are much older than me. I'm sure that even with the age difference, we'll have many opportunities to talk with each other.

I want to continue to blog, but Jeff will have to set me up to do so.

Second shot this week. Will still have to wear masks, but I'll feel more comfortable. And, because my ears are so small, Stacey gave me a piece of crochet (perhaps?) that has buttons on both sides of the mask. If I use the buttons, then my mask won't continue to slide down my face. 

I fell down while trying to get into Stacey's SUV. Problem was, my right foot didn't quite make it into the car. Nope, I lost my footing, and literally did a face plant on the driveway. I did get a ride to the emergency room, where it was decided that there was nothing physically wrong with my brain. Unfortunately, my fall left me with a very scary black and blue face. It's better now, but I told Benjamin that if was Halloween time, I wouldn't need a costume, just show everyone my really scary face!

The house is going to be cleaned today, although Jeff did a really good job of keeping up with the dishes, etc. Andrew's spare room bed, was very comfortable. But, even so, it wasn't my bed. When I came home on Sunday, I thought Daisy's tail would fall off, it was wiggling so much. I guess she was happy to see me! Let's just say that apparently she wasn't used to sitting in my chair, without me.

My neighbor will come visit me tomorrow. Perhaps we can play Scrabble. I played many games with Benjamin, and enjoyed do so very much.

Signing off for the day. I hope it's pleasant where you live and beautiful outside.



1 comment:

  1. Hi, that sound exciting! I bet that you will love making some new friends and getting to play games, crafts and stuff and no more cooking for you...just like a restaurant! I wish you all the happiness in the world and hope that you will be so very happy there. Don't forget to send me an address so that I can write to you. I can send you some little art pieces that you can hang in your new space! I love you very much and wish all the best in your new adventure. Marilee


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Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...