Thursday, February 13, 2014

It's Gonna Snow, It's Gonna Snow ...... It's snowing!


After a week of "the sky is falling", it finally fell.  The snow started around 9:00 last night and when we woke up this morning it was definitely a beautiful, quiet world of white.  With freshly fallen snow you can tell if the "varmints" (squirrels) have come through the yard.  

Yesterday, we would check in with the weather channel from time to time. But the near constant blabbering about how awful this storm is, etc., it was refreshing to watch The Price is Right! Every time I "forced" myself to go to the weather channel, we were going to get snow, probably ice and/or sleet.  Okay the snow arrived last night and Jeff has been out twice to start the big job of shoveling the driveway.  If you get the driveway down to blacktop and there is any sun at all, melting begins - and that's a good thing.

Today, we're going to make chicken vegetable soup, enough to last us for at least two days.  When we make soup, we make a LOT of soup.  And when Jeff comes in from the cold after shoveling, a cup of soup or even the broth warms him up quickly.

I think this is the biggest snowstorm we have had since we installed "Jenny" (our whole house generator) and it's possible that this could be Jenny's day, especially if the overhead wires, on some major streets, get covered in ice.  Since installing Jenny, we lost power once for a few hours and she performed exactly as she was supposed to.  And I know she won't disappoint us today if the power goes out.  Of course, with the world blanketed in snow and very quiet, Jenny will sound louder than she normal does during our test each week on Saturday.

The dogs had to "plow" their way out of the doggy door.  Maggie (the lab) obviously was the trail blazer and Sam (small terrier) was just trying to not get lost in the snow.  With Sam's white coat and this much snow, it's sometimes a bit hard to find him!

Jeff took both dogs out front while he was shoveling.  The dogs were in heaven, bounding (more or less depending on the length of their legs) through the snow.  Sam, was trying to sniff out something he could chase, but I haven't seen any little footprints around the house so far this morning.

I noticed when the dogs came back from their little frolic, Sam moved very close to the fireplace to warm up his old and arthritic body.  When I turn on the fireplace, either Jeff or I, will joke about bringing in the firewood and kindling to get a real fire started!  While a gas fireplace doesn't have quite the same ambience of a real fire.  But it's really convenient just to press a button and not have to wait for the fire to get started and having to keep adding wood throughout the day.  As an added bonus, there are no little embers that would occasionally jump out of the fireplace. Maybe we're getting old (ya think?) but this button pushing business is delightful.  I can start a fire all by myself!

I hope you all a good day, whether you're playing the snow or basking in the sun.


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