Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Snow/No Snow?


That is the million dollar question here in the D.C. area.  It is also the question that is asked every time a weatherman puts a prediction of an upcoming storm.  Will it be inches, a dusting or foots?  Getting is just right is a crap shoot, and sometimes they actually get it right.

So, because we were out of one of the major staples needed for a storm, at least in our house, is milk we journeyed to Costco to buy some and a few other needed or wanted items.  From there we went to WalMart, which was really busy.  Go figure.  Now Jeff and I keep, at all times, a really full pantry, our large chest freezer is packed.  We have all the ingredients to make chicken soup tomorrow which will feed us for at least two days and so warming.  Also a near necessity for me is WalMart's chicken and turkey pot pies - at 82 cents - how can you go wrong?  These pies aren't as good as Marie Callendar's, but they are tasty enough and the price difference is huge.  And whether you buy a more expensive pot pie or the cheapy (sp), at the end of the meal, all you have left is an empty plate.  For me, I would rather have ice cream or a stash of cookies.  These are life necessities in my book, but them I'm a sugar freak!  Jeff's into salt and fat, so we make the perfect couple.

Since we installed a whole house generator that runs off our house line, we would like to hear it's steady hum that we currently only here on Saturday during the weekly test to make sure it's okay.  Basically, if we lose power, once the generator starts up, we can run everything and I mean everything (furnace, air conditioning, oven, stove, washer, etc. indefinitely.  I think some people scoff at us for installing it, but just wait until we lose power, then we will have a silent smug attack.  So far, the prediction looks like we may have a major snowstorm, but only time will tell.  If we do, no worries here.  And since we installed a gas fireplace a year ago, we don't even have to haul in firewood and dump ashes.  We are definitely getting lazier as we get older.  And, there are no boys around anymore to help bring in the wood.  Having sons does have its benefits!

It was late when we got back from WalMart and my hip was very sore, so Jeff just put away the cold stuff and today, I'll put away the rest of the food.

Stay warm.



  1. Hope you get real settled in and enjoy the warmth by the fire and the soup!

    Love, M

  2. Fire place is going and the soup is getting started. We probably did get a foot of snow. For Sam, with his short little legs, plowing through the snow is a real challenge

  3. That's really what's upsetting about this whole thing nowadays: we practically cannot tell when the cold weather will hit and to what extent. what with the unpredictability of the weather and all. Times like these, it's best to have good heaters in place, and for them to be working properly. Same thing with HVACs in general, these things are paramount to making a house a home.


  4. Glad you have a generator. It’s a wise investment since it’s very helpful, especially in case of blackouts. To make sure that you can still use your aircon, furnace and everything else with no problem, have them checked up and maintained regularly. It will surely keep give them a longer working life.

    Levi @


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