Monday, February 3, 2014

Super Bowl 2014


What did you do yesterday?   I stayed busy all day on purpose. It was a pretty nice day here weather wise.  Could go out with just a sweater and no need for a coat - yeah.

Sunday morning was spent as all of my Sundays are - recording the next week of television. Thankfully because of the football game, there was no need on my part to have to juggle all of our shows making sure that nothing over ran something else.  I did record the game, and as it turned out we both ended up watching the entire game, which even to someone as naive about the game as I am, was boring.

Some of the commercials we saw were just so over the top that I initially couldn't figure out what the product was.  Loved the Budweiser commercials as I always do, partly because of those beautiful horses. For some of the advertisers and knowing how much each spot cost them, I really felt sorry that they spent so much money on an ad that for me as a consumer would feel no pull to buy their product.  In some cases I actually had trouble figuring out what the product was!  But more than likely they weren't trying to attract the attention of older people such as myself and I'm okay with that.  I have my favorite products and companies and I am a very loyal consumer.

Before the game started, I did some reading and laundry (boring) and continued to find a home for all the things that I had brought home from the office.  It may be easier to put the remaining things (which are small and are inconsequential, in a box, snap the lid on top and wait a year.  If in a year I haven't missed anything in that box, then they need to find a new home.

Yesterday afternoon, my good friend took me to a movie in a very nice theater which had wide, comfy seats and armrests large enough for two elbows!  What a treat.  The movie was subtitled and initially you have to adjust to both reading and watching.  But after a short bit of adjustment it became easy.

By the time I got home, I fixed myself a bite and settled on the sofa with Jeff to watch the only game he ever watches.  The Sea Hawks trounced over the Broncos, which is somewhat ironic to me - birds over horses!   I went to bed before the game was over, so convinced that nothing short of a miracle could change the way the game was going to end.  

So that was my Sunday.  Today is gloomy and raining.  It's one of those days where I appreciate that I don't have to go outside.  There are some benefits from being retired and this is one of them.



  1. We watched the game at a neighbors. I don't pay much attention and only remember a couple of commercials. I loved the Budweiser one with the lab puppy and the horse. Audi had the one with the little dog with a big head which was funny and got everyone's attention...thankful when it was over and I could walk next door and have some quiet.


  2. I hear you. This is the only game Jeff ever watches so I hardly qualify as a "sports widow". Some of the commercials were so over the top and noisy.

  3. So how did your new glasses work out for you at the movies? Are you getting adjusted to them? Glad you had a nice day out in the good weather.


  4. Well the glasses worked pretty well at the movies. I called the doctor back about all the shadows I see when it's dark and I'm looking at tail lights, stop signs, etc. Apparently, my cataract is causing this. He says it's too soon to take it out, but we'll keep an "eye" on it!


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Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...