Monday, September 12, 2016

Sunny Monday


Jeff came home last night from his trip to Duluth.  I knew that his plane landed late, so I took the girls and we went to bed.  I knew when he got home.  All three dogs stood up in the bed waiting for the bedroom door to open.  The dogs were so happy to see him and he received the right amount of puppy kisses.  

The dogs let me sleep in until 9:00 this morning.  When they are really ready to get up, they make sure that you know it.  The jumping up and down from the bed increases as does the volume of their yips and yaps.  

After breakfast which the girls consume in mere seconds - they are not dainty eaters - they went out to the backyard to play and see what plant(s) they could destroy this morning.  If they only loved weeds as much as they do plants!

Cooler weather today but I'm still not in the mood for opening up the house and then having to close it down again.  And yes, I can be rather lazy, a fact I freely admit.  Besides, I'm not ready to have the girls push their noses against window screens!

Agenda today: unpack Jeff's suitcase and do laundry.  I know you're all drooling with envy over my "to do" chores.  (Insert smile here).

The girls have returned from being outside for 30 minutes or so and they have collapsed onto the floor for their first nap of the day.  When they're napping, they're very, very good. 

Have a great day.



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