Thursday, September 15, 2016



Last night after Jeff got home from picking up the plane, which he was allowed to fly since he had another pilot with him, we went back to the hangar to update the avonics, which are important to keep updated.

We took his car, rolled the windows and top down and went 60+ miles an hour down the road with wind whipping our hair (correction - my hair).  I have to tell you that riding in a convertible is very mind clearing.  And my mind always needs clearing! (insert smile here).

We didn't eat dinner before we went but we decided that we weren't particularly hungry, so we drove through McDonald's and bought 2 ice cream cones.  They have great ice cream and you can't beat the price.  So on our short trip home, I put the radio on my music - 50's and 60's.  With the top down you have to crank up your tunes loud so that you can hear them.  Of course, if you're at a traffic light, the folks next to you can listen to your music as well!

I'm still doing battle with the girls potty business.  One thing that slows that process down is it is difficult for me to go up and down the stairs "x" number of times a day.  The girls, of course, can run at great speeds up and down.  They have so much energy.  I'm exhausted just watching them run around.

Our community has an electronic bulletin board of sorts and it amuses me to see what people take the time to post.  One such recent post was that a snake skin was found in the garage.  The person wanted to know if she should call animal control to see if the snake was poisonous.  When I read that all I could think of was - throw the skin away.  The snake is gone and not likely to have been poisonous.  Perhaps some people just have too much time on their hands.  Unfortunately, it has become the new norm to post every little detail of your life.  I rarely put anything on Facebook and when I do, I make sure it's a generic post.

Now that I've finished my morning blog, it's time to get up and get something/anything done.


Image result for picture of a convertible

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