Thursday, September 1, 2016

Three Dog Bed and Two Dog Chair


Can you believe it's September already?  The stores will be putting out Christmas decorations before we know it.  Retailers love to rush the seasons.

After weeks of keeping the girls in our bathroom at night, we decided to let them sleep in bed with us last night.  There was a small deposit on the carpet, but otherwise things went well.  Of course, around 7:00 this morning, they were both on top of my head, letting me know that continued sleep was over!

Bella had her last veterinary visit yesterday and her last round of shots.  Her first appointment she weighed 11 pounds.  Yesterday, it was 24.  She's getting to be a heavy girl.  To stop their "sisterly" fighting now, Bella just sits on Daisy's head.

There was a young woman in the veterinary's waiting room who had 3 young children with her.  The children were taken in by Bella, and she offered kisses all around.  The woman said that rescue organizations won't let them have a puppy because she has too many young children.  She also told me that they had bought a Golden Retriever puppy but since it chewed on everything, they got rid of it.  I smiled while in my head thinking that with a puppy you have to be on your toes all the time.

I always have my bagel and coffee in the living room while I read a book.  Normally, only Daisy gets in my lap, but today both dogs were sitting with me. By the time the girls both join me in the recliner, it's a really full chair.  I don't know if the dogs are in love with me, or also likely they think I will give them a part of my bagel.  That is so not happening.

When I feed the girls their meals, they now know they have to sit and wait before I'll put the dishes down.  It's a small step toward getting them properly "civilized", but a step nonetheless.

Today is fold the laundry (blah) day and shampoo the dining room carpet (double blah).  I'm in the middle of a book that I'm enjoying, so I want to hurry through my chores, so I can get back to it!


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