Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Children's Art


If, you belong to a family, and I assume you do, then you are probably familiar with children's drawings.  Even if you don't have a child of your own, it's more than likely that there is a small child in your life.  It might be a niece or nephew or just the child that lives next door.  What small children do best is draw or paint pictures.  These art pieces will never adorn a museum wall, but they look great hanging on my refrigerator door!

My sons' artwork were front and center on the refrigerator while they were growing up.  Some pieces were framed and were put on the walls.  Art doesn't always have to be a drawing or a painting.  I have some pottery pieces that the boys made over the years.  One of the earlier pieces of art was made by Scott and I don't know what medium was used, plaster perhaps.  Anyway, he made a face that has HUGE eyes, a big nose, bushy eyebrows and a very large mouth.  That face (or mask), was put up in the stairwell going into the basement over 20 years ago.  That piece of art will not come off the wall until we sell the house and move somewhere else.  Oh, and when we do move, the face will come with us.

In my living room is a framed hand print of Benjamin's that he made in 2012. On the top of my computer is a Popsicle caterpillar made out of assorted colors of fuzzy balls.  I have had it on top of my computers for a very long time.  Also on my computer, is a felt heart that he made stitched with the letters: I (picture of a heart) and U. Benjamin also decorated a coffee cup with different colors of his thumbprints. 

On a bookcase I have a jar or vase that was made by Scott when he was in camp when he was in I believe junior high.  Throw it out?  NEVER.  If life is made up of memories, then I'm a very lucky person because I have a lifetime of memories to call on to help me remember all the good things in my life.

Anybody who knows me well, also knows that I'm a super sentimental person.  I have a large cedar chest in my bedroom and it's chock full of handmade cards, artwork, pottery pieces and pretty much anything that the boys or Benjamin have ever made.  What I'm going to need soon, is another cedar chest!  I don't intend to stop putting all kinds of sentimental treasures in chests.  

I don't open the chest unless I have something new to put inside.  I know that taking everything out of the chest would make both happy and sad.  I have no intention of ever removing anything from the chest, even when I run out of room!

Spend some time with your own memories.


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