Thursday, March 13, 2014

Commercial Plane Travel


I'm sure all of you have taken flights on commercial planes.  The plane ramps up to speed as it races down the runway.  In mere minutes, wheels are tucked in, and in minutes you're airborne.  I haven't been in a commercial plane in a long time, but I do remember that kind of whoosh feeling I get in my stomach as we take off and begin to ascend into the clouds.  Very cool.

On "big boy" planes, you are crammed into narrow coach seats.  As you go down the aisle looking for your seat, you're saying a silent prayer that you have an aisle seat.  You also pray that your seatmates are (a) not chatty; (b) overflow the seat who take ownership of the arm rest and (c) even worse, fall asleep and SNORE!  

There was a time when flying on a plane was a fine adventure, the stewardesses were attentive, and a very long time ago the food was even pretty good.  Now your food options are pretty much: rubber chicken or mystery beef. I'm not sure that there is much difference, taste wise, from rubber chicken or mystery beef.   All airline food now is blah, so why bother picking an entry, whatever you choose is not going to be very tasty anyway..  Airline food these days, unless you are in first class, tastes just about as good as hospital food - and that my friends is not a good thing.

Planes were more spacious (or we were leaner!) and you actually had leg room.  Now if the person in front of you reclines their seat, that person's head is almost in your lap.  Yuck.  Of course I'm only speaking about coach because I've never been in first class, where I know that the service and food are supremely better than those of us who are packed in a small space like cattle.

Years ago on a flight from Maui to DC, we had intentionally booked an aisle seat for Jeff and I.  We were in the same aisle, but aisle seats assures that you don't have to climb over other people.  Which is a definite plus.  Jeff and I were in our "matching" aisle seats, when a couple with a very superior, or perhaps even haughty look about them, realized that their seats were next to Jeff!  Given no choice they had to take their seats because the plane was full and there were no empty seats.  As we took off, I took Jeff's hand and asked if he needed a snack or something to read.  The woman, in particular, sent daggers my way.  I know what she was thinking - why aren't you sitting to this guy?  Why?  Because we both wanted an aisle seat - what a dummy!

Shortly after takeoff, the pilot indicated that we had a problem with the luggage door and he was returning back to Maui.  The sound of the groaning was deafening.  When we landed, we were all hustled into a "holding area" to wait to see if the problem could be fixed.  After a few hours, the plane was deemed air ready and I was really surprised how many people were afraid to get back on the plane.  Our reasoning for re-boarding was simple - if the pilot wasn't concerned, then neither were we.  Many of the passengers took advantage of the airline's option of a room in a nearby hotel.  Well who do you think was the first one to opt to stay behind - yep "Ms. Haughty Pants".  My sincere hope is that the next day when Haughty Pants boarded a new plane, she and her husband were stuck in the middle of some really obnoxious and "well-fed" seatmates!

For our flight, we pretty much had many available seats to choose from - heaven!   Such fun.


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