Sunday, March 16, 2014



Can you look back to at least the 60's, and possibly back even further?  Back then we we didn't have child proof pill bottles.  All liquid medicine wasn't sealed with an almost impenetrable piece of plastic.  Once you manage to cut off literally the plastic your still not in the clear.  Nope, now you have to get out scissors or a sharp knife to poke a hole in the shiny cover.  My advice is: don't wait until your pain level is out of control before trying to break into a bottle.  If you do then not only will you be sick - but you'll be so frustrated trying to open up the bottle, that you may just give up entirely!  I know this because this has happened to me.  My solution - Jeff!

How did we become so safety concerned?  You can blame it on the Tylenol scare in 1982 which resulted in seven deaths.  Allegedly, the poisoner used a syringe filled with cyanide and injected the poison in the pill bottles.  

Since the 1982 scare, precautions were put in place to prevent another occurrence like the one in 1982. I know that the precautions were necessary but now I find myself, as well as probably thousands of people, in a quandary about actually getting the bottle opened.  In my kitchen I keep a very small pair of scissors that I use to cut through the outside seal as well as to cut away the inner seal. Turns out it's a lot of work and I do rely on Jeff's help most of the time.  I don't know what I would do if I lived alone.  I repeatedly ask not to put child proof lids on my medicine, but that request seems to fall on deaf ears.  

Of course it's not just medicines that are hard to open.  Have you tried to get something out of the blister pack?  Argh.  Again scissors have to be involved.  So when a package arrives you have to first get the box open (scissors or knife).  Once the box is open, and you pull out whatever you ordered.  And, of course, the merchandise inside the box also requires scissors.  

I know we have to have these measures in place for safety, but I long, and maybe you do too, for days when you bought something through the mail, it didn't come to you packed to withstand all levels of destruction - whatever they are!

So I have a few things that I've ordered coming in the mail next week.  And, if you're wondering, yes the little scissors will be by stide.


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