Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Retirement Party


Well folks I did it.  I really was dreading, in a good way (I think) of going back to the office and be the center of attention (which I try to avoid at all costs).  My department had balloons, bagels and other pastries as well as coffee.  I didn't take any coffee because I really didn't think it would be wise for me to jumpy on coffee - I was already a bundle of nerves!

There was a framed picture, signed by friends and coworkers, of the front of the building with pink dogwoods, which over the years, I always thought was the prettiest picture you could pick.

There were many nice things said about me which made me feel quite special. I have difficulty in seeing the good in me, but I'm working on it.  Baby steps you know.

Two of my bosses who both took a chance on hiring me were at the get together.  It was truly wonderful to see both of them again after such a long time.  My first boss took me on even though I didn't know the difference between a franchisee or a franchisor!  I finally know the difference.  My first big challenge in Franchise was the annual filing of the "UFOC" (we sometimes had other words to describe the work involved to produce these annual documents before the filing deadline.  I did pick up some great overtime money and honed by Word skills.  I had previously only used WordPerfect, so there was a "small" transition period!

My boss at the time was great to work for, but eventually I thought it was time for me to move on and do something different.

My second boss was in the Benefits Department and all I could tell him about benefits was that I had some!  Still he, like my former boss, took a chance on me and we worked together for many years.  With the help of the Benefits paralegal, I was introduced to the numbering scheme for the benefit files.  My favorite benefit plan that I enjoyed most was working with documents for the Pension Plan.  I considered my work on those files to be my "Picasso" and I was very proud of the work I put into it.  This will sound silly, but to me it was truly a work of art (and no I'm not crazy)!

The department gave me Ebay money, which everyone knows is my favorite place to shop, so I always appreciate Ebay bucks.  I was also given a gift certificate for movies, The Children's Place and Toys-R-Us.  As a coincidence, Ben's birthday is coming up shortly.  I will have no trouble finding him some toy or game fitting for his new age of 6 (he's nearly grown up)!  Whatever I buy for him at The Children's Place I know will be ho-hum for Ben.  He is, after all, a boy and they never want new clothes.  But Mom Mom will pick up some "cool" clothes for him to wear in the summer.

For all or any of you that are reading this, I appreciate the opportunity to see all of you again and having a chance to talk to everyone.  The work you put in to getting the breakfast put together as well as the decorations was wonderful, and I appreciate it so much.

If you want to find out what my thoughts and/or rants are, visit me here.  I try to keep my blogs "G" rated.

It was so good to see all of you today and I thank all of you for your kind wishes for the future.  I'll be sure to let you know how Wilma is progressing.  I would love to actually write a real book that some editor was interested in.  That would be huge for me.  It'd be huge for Jeff too because I told him that if I was ever even remotely a rich woman, I'd buy him a bigger and faster plane!

Again, I thank all of you very much.  I'll be well.


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