Monday, March 3, 2014

Post Oscars


Okay people we can now get on with our lives - truly!  Millions of people flocked to the movies last year to watch the latest releases.  Movies have gotten so expensive that I just don't go to see any old movie.  Just because it's new, doesn't mean it's good.  I did see Philomena which was was sad and touching.  I cannot imagine what it must have felt like watching the nuns put your son in a stranger's car, knowing you would never see him again.

My favorite movie of the year was Saving Mr. Banks which didn't get an Oscar nod for Tom Hanks and Emma Thompson.  I thought both actors did an amazing job with the movie and I liked it so much, I saw it twice!  And even convinced Jeff to go with me, thus satisfying my one movie a year requirement!

I saw Gravity and I thought it was a good film, but not a great one.  I was truly surprised at how many Oscars the movie won last night.  Unfortunately, no Oscar for Sandra Bullock or George Clooney, two of my favorite actors.

I also saw Osage County and Meryl Streep did an amazing job, but there was so much cursing (and I'm not a prude by any means), and the screaming made my head ache. 

I watched The Butler and loved the movie and the performances by Oprah and Forrest Whitaker.  The real butler Eugene Allen was a butler at the White House for 34 years and served 8 presidents.  Unfortunately, no Oscar nod for the movie or the actors.

There are several movies I want to see but most of them have left the local movie theaters.  I'm hoping that they'll be available on Netflix soon.

When I go to a movie I no longer want to be scared, which means thrillers are out for me.  One of Jeff's favorite tv shows is Blacklist.  I watched the show a few times but the amount of violence was too much and filled me with anxiety.  Jeff now watches the show alone.

Now that we've talked about the movies, let's talk about the dresses.  I have always contended that actresses and perhaps even actors, have a multitude of designers at their disposable.  What fashion designer doesn't want his/her name mentioned as the designer of a dress or dresses.  But truly some of the designs are so horrible, I'm not sure I would want to put my name out there.  I'm also wondering what the stars see when they are trying on dresses and looking in a mirror.  Do they really think that some wacky design looks good on them?  Or does a designer "convince" an actress that they look beautiful?

I thought Ellen did a great job last night.  I particularly loved it when she ordered pizza (I thought she was kidding), the pizza guy brought 3 pizzas along with plates and napkins.  And actually some of the actors must have been hungry because they accepted a slice of pizza.  Of course then Ellen passed the hat around to pay for the pizzas, which I thought looked like she and everyone else was enjoying themselves.

I've made a list of the movies I want to see: Monument Men; American Hustle, 12 Years a Slave, Wolf of Wall Street, Dallas Buyers Club, Captain Phillips and Nebraska.  I'll just have to wait until the movies come to Netflix.  

Since it's snowing today, it looks like a good day to sit by the fire and read and/or watch cheesy television shows, which I love.


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