Sunday, September 7, 2014

Government Over-Reaching (just my opinion)


We've all heard and perhaps watched the tv show "Big Brother".  The participants in this reality show know that they are being pretty much watched and filmed 24/7 - and they're okay with that. Why wouldn't they? Each participant receives a weekly stipend, and on one season that was $750 a week, sometimes not even in two weeks.  

Okay so Big Brother is a reality show and they're a hoot to watch.  But we now have groups of law enforcement that I believe is over reaching (again just my opinion).  After 9/11, police, sheriffs and state troopers have been "encouraged" to act more aggressively in searching for suspicious people, drugs or other contraband.  Homeland Security has spent millions on police training.

There is a network called "Black Asphalt Electronic Networking and Notification that allows police to share information about motorists, even innocent people. Some officers even "compete" to see who has seized the most cash, etc.  I think that's wrong on so many levels.

There have been tens of thousands of cash seizures on highways since 9/11.  Some people who have been stopped did have a lot of money on them or in the car.  They all had reasonable reasons for doing so.  I didn't think it was illegal to have cash in your car and believe you should have as much cash with you as you are comfortable with protecting.

One man was pulled over because he had tinted windows and was wearing a University of Wyoming baseball cap.  The man in question apparently didn't know in which hotel he would be staying or who with.  The vehicle was searched for contraband and none was found.  The police still felt he was suspicious so his license plate was posted on Black Asphalt" so that someone else can locate the contraband, with the message "Happy Hunting"!

If the police find a large amount of cash in your car, they likely will seize it.  You want your money back? Go to court and  hope for a positive outcome.  Oh and don't forget to hire a lawyer and pay for him and court costs.

Since 9/11 this "sharing program" has seized $2.5 billion from people who were not charged with a crime.  The police defense is that they thought the money was crime-related. The police look for signs of nervousness when they stop a car.  I don't know about you, but if I was stopped by a policeman, I'd be super duper nervous - and they could have all my money - all $4.50!


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