Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Healthy Brains!


Let's talk about healthy brains.  I, for one, could use a healthy brain and I'm making progress, though slowly, to capture back more of my short term memory.  Losing consciousness twice in one year does take a toll on memory.  Also 22 plus ECT treatments left me, at times, feeling addled.  I've been home nearly a year and while I don't remember everything that's told to me, I have been able to hang onto some passwords to sites I visit regularly.

One of the most entertaining things I do for my brain is "paint by number" online.  There is a company that sells black and white patterns of everything from pictures of the sky down to rocks on beaches.  You pick the picture you want (after you've paid of course) and to the right of the screen is your "paint".  You simply find the numbers corresponding to the color and move (for lack of a better word) it to the numbered piece.  If I'm on a long phone call with some insurance company for instance, I can be "coloring" silently in the background.  You can always buy new pictures or you can delete ones you have already colored and start all over again.  Sounds boring as I type this, but I enjoy the heck out of this app.

The other thing that I do while waiting at a doctor's office or equivalent is crossword puzzles.  And no I'm not talking about the puzzles in The New York Times.  Nope, these guys are called "Fast and Easy" or "Super Easy", names like that.  I personally call them puzzles for idiots. One clue is what sound does a cow make?  Hmmm, let me think - oh yeah - moo.  Clues like that. All I know is that I feel successful when I have finished more or less on my own (cheating optional) a puzzle.

I also play Words With Friends with my sister-in-law who beats me every time. She comes up with amazing words and I'm lucky if I can find a spot to add an "s" or "ed" to a word! I also play with an unknown person that I was hooked up with by looking for a compatible Words partner. We play several games at once and I seldom bet her, but I believe all of these activities that I do are helping me to get stronger mentally.  I may never have all of my short term memory back, but it won't be for lack of trying.

I researched the ten best brain trainers today, so I'll share with you. I have no idea how good these games are, or if they're free, just throwing them out there. So happy brain training every one!


  1. Lumosity
  2. Cognitfit Brain Fitness
  3. Personal Zen
  4. Brain Trainer Special
  5. Brain Fitness Pro
  6. Happify
  7. Positive Activity Jackpot
  8. Fit Brain's Trainer
  9. Eidetic
  10. Relieflink 


  1. I appreciate the list, I now need my own brain help having had a stroke. Memory seems fine, speech and words are affected most.


  2. We wont know until after the 22nd, but the guess is while I was in the hospital and they just found it. I have 2 spots showing on the CT scan. One might be from years of high blood pressure and the other affects speech, etc.


Talk to me people. Please leave me your comments!

Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...