Sunday, September 14, 2014

Reaching for My Sweater!


Yes, you read correctly.  The heat (for the most part) is over for the summer.  Temperatures are now dipping into the 60's at night (extra blanket needed) and we are getting more days in the 70's and low 80's.  Our air conditioners have been turned off, and unless some huge heat wave drops in on us, likely will remain off until next summer.  Each year Pepco (electricity) loves us a lot during the summer and in the winter the gas company loves us a lot!  Isn't it nice of us to share our utilities between these two companies.

Some other things that are happening back here.  Our large oak tree in the front yard has already begun to drop it's leaves. It's a gradual thing requiring multiple days of raking and bagging the leaves.  Sometimes I wish I could just shake the tree and all the leaves would come off at the same time!  When we moved into our house 28 years ago, the oak tree was maybe 4 or 5 feet tall.  That first fall we had just a handful of leaves to pick up - and we thought that picking up leaves was an easy chore!  Okay, we were wrong.  The tree is now humongous, and until the first freeze, leaf raking and bagging will be something we will do many, many times.

The squirrels are busy with their acorns as evidenced by our sidewalk and driveway.  Those little critters toss the acorns down (sometimes I think intentionally to try and hit us or the car) and if you step on one of those in your bare feet, you're going to feel it.  The squirrels are fun to watch, but I have a deal with all outside critters and that is - stay outside.  I don't want squirrels making a home for themselves in my attic, but I know they have.

During the fall and winter months, I sit at my computer with my "SAD" (Seasonal Affective Disorder) light shining brightly - and that is with a capital B - on my face.  The light is supposed to be good for me and help to eliminate "winter blues". 

Today, I used the sunlamp in the bathroom while I was in there.  I didn't turn it on all summer, but now feel the need to have the bathroom warmed up a bit.  What I would love is to have radiant heat under my bathroom tiles - toasty toes!

I really shouldn't drive at night.  The cataract in low lighting or dark makes me see multiples of everything.  There are four tail lights on the car in front of me - little stuff like that.  Since I'm seldom out after dark by myself, this isn't much of a problem for me.Jeff does all of the driving when we go somewhere.  I drive but even after all these years, really don't like it very much.

Oh last, but certainly not least, Sunday night football.  Okay, here's my confession. I don't like sports - any sports.  I think that games should be played on some kind of special "game" channel.  I have to allow for the football game to go long which makes my TV line-up starting with 60 minutes and ending with whatever we're watching at 10:00 back by at least an hour.

So there you are. My pearls of thoughts for the day.

Enjoy the sunshine.


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