Wednesday, September 24, 2014



Hair.  Everybody has some, or everybody had some.  Do you remember the song "Hair" by the Cowsills? Part of the lyrics: 

He asks me why, I'm just a hairy guy
I'm hairy noon and night, hair that's a fright
I'm hairy high and low, don't ask me why, don't know
It's not for lack of bread, like the Greatful Dead, darlin'

I have always loved that song.  One of my fights with my own hair is that it's naturally wavy, which is a curse word, for hair that's "doing it's own thing"!  Mother used to tell me that people would kill to have wavy hair - I never believed her.  I have always admired hair that hangs straight, probably because mine will never do that.

Over the years, I have permed, colored and highlighted my hair. I have tried to cover up the gray hair, but at a certain age, you have two options: (1) continue to color, which is way expensive; or (2) just become one with gray hair.  I have after years of fiddling around with trying to cover the gray have now chosen option (2).  By some people's standards I don't have a lot of gray and what I do have is mostly around my face, which I think actually looks pretty good on me.  I think there are other gray hairs on top of my head, but I choose not to get a mirror and actually look.
Besides futzing with hair color, I have worn my hair short for a very long time.  Easy to maintain. Wash, fluff and go.  Trouble with short hair is I generally found that I had trouble controlling the ends of my hair.

Since coming home from Chicago last year, I have opted to grow my hair.  No worries that I'll ever have hair so long that I could sit on it, but it's at a nice length at the moment. Of course with longer hair, now there is a need to blow dry the hair and put in the bare minimum of curlers to get my hair to curl "just so" around my face!  I even use hair spray now - gadzooks when will the madness end!!!!

I have never liked hair on my face, so having bangs is a no go for me. With the use of barrettes I can clip my hair off of my face.  Longer hair gives a person a few more options when it comes to dealing with their "do's".
The good news, and at my age I need some, I likely will never be asked at a movie theater, for example, if I qualify for a senior citizen discount!  

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