Monday, August 31, 2020

Getting Here


In 1986, we moved from California and moved to Maryland. IBM requested that Jeff work at the local IBM facility. The commute, if you can call it that, was just down one road, and then park your car.

Okay, Let's see if I can back on track. This house, was our home in California. It was 1500 square feet. During that time, we raised the boys. The  Out home was a stone throw away from another house. Occasionally, it was nothing for the boys to get on that property and bring us avocados. This made Jeff very happy. Me? Not so much. Like the majority of California homes, most homes in California, at least the older ones, have a flat roof and stucco on the outside of the house.

Here is a picture of stucco: Armed with the right equipment, you could spray color. Jeff and I decided to go with yellow. Be aware, that you don't really want to go outside, and "hug" this surface. One of the unique and tiring things in the house in California, was a copper oven. Nope, I'm not talking about "fake" copper. This oven was the real deal!  I could polish (boring, by the way) the oven. And, after doing so, was happy - until you touched it.  It left behind finger prints, etc. After being in this house for I think 34 years, we were anxious to start a new adventure.  Frankly, I don't remember how many years we lived in California, but I anything that involves numbers, has me running to the hills!! And, by comparison we have lived in our present home for 32 years. You can see that Jeff and I don't move around a lot!

One of the unique and tiring things in the California house in California, was a copper oven. Nope, I'm not talking about "fake" copper. This oven was the real deal!  I could polish (boring, by the way) the oven. And, after doing so, was happy - until you touched it.  It left behind finger prints, etc. After being in the California house, we were looking forward to the move and we were also anxious to do so. I do remember, that the price of our present house  Frankly, I don't remember how many years we lived in California, but anything that involves numbers, has me running to the hills!! By my latest calculator, we lived in the little house (picture on the bottom) were there about 34 years. And, by comparison we have lived in our present home for 32 years.



Let's just say houses like the second one below, are now selling in the $800,000 range. Trust me, we didn't pay anything near that price, but when we ever sell, if that ever happens, we will net a tidy profit. Just saying! We have continued to love this house, for all the years we have spent here. Our home in Maryland, is in a prime location for elementary, junior high and high schools. This makes the value of the house get higher. And, this is certainly a good thing!

This is a picture of our house in Riverside. Jeff, the boys and I, enjoyed living in California, our first house, the second picture below, you can see that we don't move around very much.


Same song, different verse: masks, washing your hands, and practice social distancing





Friday, August 28, 2020



Today, I'm going to "talk" (i.e., blog) about privacy. Jeff and I left California for Maryland in 1986. Once we arrived in Maryland, we could, very quickly see that privacy here was at a premium (i.e., you have very little).

Even while our house was being built, we checked on the progress every weekend. And, we were stunned to find a couple upstairs in one of the bedrooms. Really? It's not your house, so what the heck are you doing here?

Our house sits higher than said neighbors. But, when we encountered these people, they told us that they were checking on how much we could see from a particular bedroom. This bedroom has a side window that possibly could or can see into their den.

They also had concerns about what kind of "window coverings" we were going to have on the first floor. I asked if they meant curtains, but apparently there not the same thing.

We've been in our house for 32 years. You remember that side window? Well, 32 years ago, we put up blinds. These blinds, haven't been opened in all these years. Why? Well Scarlett, frankly because I don't give a damn, about the neighbors.

Jeff and I might not be interested in you, and/or yours, the people around us, are interested. We have an HOA, which during the course of a year, drive around to nit-pick looking for something wrong with your house. One year, it was a piece of siding that fell down during a storm, and simply won't stay put. Believe me, we've tried.

Trash can on the left side of your driveway, is a no no. Your must put your garbage on the right side of your driveway. Again, Scarlett makes another appearance. However, to make peace, if you will, our garbage and recycling are all on the correct side of the driveway.

We have an "old lady" (really a man), who monitors closely things around his house. A neighbor stacked some firewood on the side of their house. Guess who became all twisted about this wood? Yup, you guessed right.

This week, a neighbor who is behind us, came over to have us sign our permission, for them to build a stockade fence. How high this fence will be, hasn't really been shared with us. But, if I were to guess, I'll say five feet. 

When put in a fence around the backyard, we made sure that the fence was erected on our side of our property. 

We have a very large window in the kitchen, that is directly across the backyard and faces the neighbor's kitchen window. We planted Leland Cypress trees on our side of the yard, to block out this neighbor's view. Alas, after 32 years, the cypress trees are still standing, but looking tired, and branches are dying.

While this neighbor wanted us to give our permission for the fence, he also just happened to mention that we had a dead tree in our backyard. Again, why would this matter to him? We are aware of this tree, but have not taken it down, for no particular reason. When you take down multiple trees, even old and very thin ones, you obviously have to have a tree company, take down the trees.

Jeff and I, have been careful to give privacy to all our neighbors. In return, we don't ask for much, just give us privacy as well. 

In the evenings, I shut my blinds that are in our kitchen. The window in question, is directly across from the neighbor's window. Hence, the closing of the blinds. Based on where our house sits, we get afternoon sun on the back of our house. coming into that part of the house. Makes sense when you think about it.

The quote for the day: "Remember that a successful marriage depends on two things: (1) finding the right person and (2) being the right person".

Have a good weekend everyone. See you on Monday.



Thursday, August 27, 2020



As I'm sure all of you are aware, Hurricane Laura put in her appearance in the Gulf at 1:00 a.m. (if this isn't the time she came ashore - apologies).

This morning, while eating my breakfast, I tuned into the news. After one cycle of news, I turned the tv off. I did this, because this person can only take "x" amount of time watching the news.

Fifteen years ago, almost to the day, Hurricane Katrina, category 4 went ashore in Louisiana. That storm did unbelievable damage to the city of New Orleans, as well as other cities.

When Katrina came ashore, I was working as a legal secretary at Marriott's headquarters. And, I was working at that time for a Law Department benefits attorney. 

It's been 15 years, but I remember some things about that hurricane. At the time Katrina came ashore, people were "herded" into the Super Dome. The picture below shows the number of people trying to get inside. Checking the numbers, there was room for 16,000. The normal capacity, for games and concerts, the Dome can handle easily 76,000 people. Let's do the math. If the Dome could seat 76,000 people and only 16,000 went inside, where did the other people go? This picture shows a throng of people trying to get inside. But, once inside, the Dome, while sheltering so many people, fast became a living hell for these people. Power went out, one person committed suicide, some elderly people had to be removed, for medical reasons, out of the Dome.


Both the Ritz-Carlton and Marriott gave, at one point, $500,000. It sounds like a big number, but you do have to spread it around. And, the money given, while helpful, hardly scratched the surface.

Forms, and I don't remember how, were given to Marriott's employees in New Orleans. On the form, they obviously filled out their name, address, phone numbers, etc.

The rest of the form was filled out with that employee's need(s). How many were in a family? Where have the employees gone, and damage to your home. Questions like that.

The completed forms poured into the Law Department. My attorney, at the time, was in charge of distributing money, and/or needed assistance. Working with the forms, and knowing that real people were in trouble, made the task, harder and harder to do. 

At that time, in the Law Department, once a year, lawyers, etc., handed out a "Partners in Excellence" award for each particular law department, whether it be labor and benefits,  accounting, etc. 

Jeff and I were invited to the dinner. I didn't know why, but soon found out. I was given an award for my work on Katrina. All the years after Katrina, I never received another award. Getting this award for working on Katrina, now that I reflect, was the best, and most meaningful award I had ever received. 

Jeff and I took a trip to New Orleans, sometime later (I don't remember the year), and the evidence of damage from that hurricane, was everywhere. As homes were searched, a number was written in red paint. If the search found no people inside, then a zero was painted on the plywood, which was the front door. 

That trip, was a very emotional one for me. Houses were still boarded up, some businesses, on the outside of their building, you could still see how high the water was in that area. 

Don't get me wrong. I needed to take this trip, if only for emotional reasons. We were on a tour, and part of the tour went through several neighborhoods, and still showed evidence of how high the water was, for instance.

I no longer work for Marriott, but as Hurricane Laura came ashore, it dredged up my emotions from years ago. For the moment, only one death has been reported, and it was a young girl.

And, amid all of that, Covid is still a problem for everyone. As people who can no longer do social distancing, I'm expecting to see the numbers of Covid rise in Louisiana. But, how I wish that it won't.

While I sit and watch the "talking heads" on news shows, I can only handle one round of the news. 

Please let the people affected by Laura, stay safe. And, while it's a long shot, fingers crossed that the Covid numbers don't rise dramatically.


Wednesday, August 26, 2020



The title of this post, "hooking", probably grabbed your attention. And, when I write this, I am fully aware of the word "hooking", and what mental picture(s) that goes into your brain. 

To be sure, I'm not talking about hooking on the street, or dark alley, and scary things like that. Nope, I'm referring to "latch hooking". I believe this is somewhat of a lost art. In the past, I have been able to hook large rugs, etc. 

Once you get the hang of it, it's smooth sailing ahead. However, there are two kinds of kits. There is one kit, where you actually have to follow a color chart. This means, that you are supposed to, follow the grid pattern. The actual canvas is blank, so it's up to you, the "hooker" to keep track of where you are working. And, to pick the right yarn, using a color chart. Working on kits, such as these, takes a lot of time,I  will also tell you that there have been times, where I have simply gone "rogue" about my work. So if a row is patterned in a particular grid, you use 3 gray, and 4 black, etc., you are supposed to follow along, and use the appropriate colored yarn. And, this is where you, meaning myself, are supposed to follow along. But, I have been known to look at the colors printed on the guide paper", and take colors into my own hands! Scary I know.

This morning, I woke up to what I would call "hooking elbow". This is very much like tennis elbow, and other things you do repeatedly. 

I now have 6 (I think) kits to get done by Christmas. Several of these kits have colored patterns, on the canvas. Little or no counting required! 

And, now for some research, and you know how much I love the search:

"The latch hook began life in 1847 as the "latch needle" used in knitting machines. According to one school of study, it was invented in Ireland by Robert Flower (1836-1919) This process was patented by him in 1904; Flower's patented design had a hinged ratchet that kept the yarn hooked so that it could be drawn through the canvas and knotted. This simplified the process of hand-tufting rugs and carpets. According to another school of thought, in the 1920s, the hand hook and latch needle were combined into the modern latch hook. Either way, latch hooks could be used with both yarn with strips of fabric.

Most rug-making histories on the web are Americentric (sp) and will tell you about rug-hooking being popular in North America for more than 200 years.This was done out of necessity. Early colonists from Europe recycled yarn and fabric into hooked rugs to furnish their homes. This craft remains popular on the eastern side of North America eastern side of North America where it has become an art form. Latch-hooking came along in the early twentieth century.

Early hooked rugs in Britain were made by 19th century mill-workers in Yorkshire using "thrums". These were the waste pieces of yarn, about 9 inches (23 cm long) that attached weaving to a loom. The thrums were trimmed away and the workers allowed to keep the waste. These were pulled through a backing material such as hessian."

The top picture below is an example of a blank canvas, with a "pattern" to follow, using the color guide. I am currently working on this kind of hooking, and while it's not complicated, it does "require" you to count a square and put the appropriate colored yarn through the canvas. This kind of latching does require a certain amount of concentration! Basically, it's up to you, to do the counting of each line, and put the appropriate yarn colors, into said line.  This is not always easy. For example, when the pattern calls for gray colored yarn, is that dark or light gray? And, the below picture shows, but not so well

Creating custom latch hook pattern of audrey Hepburn - YouTube

An example of having an actual colored pattern on the canvas, makes your project go much faster. The actual pattern, show you what colors to use and where that colored yarn goes. Easy, easy. Between now and Christmas, either this year, or next, I will need to make multiple hooked pillows, or small rugs. Wish me luck! 


 Pre-Printed Latch Hook Kits

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Tuesday All Day!


 When you think about it, Tuesdays are really just not important, as let's day Friday is. So Tuesday has the "distinction", if you will, of being stuck between a Monday and/or a Friday. I just did my research and for this year, there are no holidays occurring on a Tuesday. Sometimes, but not always, if a holiday occurs on Monday, you might get a Tuesday off. Notice I said might.

When I was working, I hated, okay that may be too much of a stretch, of having a middle of the week holiday. I just did some research, and all of you know how much I enjoy doing this, our last Christmas holiday on a Tuesday was in 2019. 

For me, Tuesday means that the trash will be picked up today. Please, please try to contain your enthusiasm. Looking at a "normal" week, if you will, there isn't too much to be excited about. 

Once you're retired, one day just drifts into another. And, before you know it, you actually have to think about, what the day is currently. Obviously, calendars become pretty handy. On my desk, I have a day-by-day calendar. This helps me know what day to put on my blog! Sad, I know. And, for those of you that are still working, perhaps wish for a problem such as this.

Another way that I can "tell" what day of the week it is by remembering what happens on a Tuesday. I know, you're dying to know, but it isn't much of a big deal - but the trash is picked up.

I checked, of course I did, and found many facts about Tuesdays. 

In the Thai Solar Calendar the color associated with Tuesday is pink. How rare is that? There are many Tuesdays where pivotal events have occurred. I had a fairly long list about events on Tuesday, but I'm having a brain freeze, so I can't remember them. This not being able to  remember things, will haunt me, if you will, I suppose the rest of my life.

I watched one "loop" of news every morning. Notice I said one loop. Watching more than one news program, for me, is fairly depressing. When I reach that point, I'm more than ready to find another show to watch. Pretty much anything, that isn't associated with news, I'll watch. Even the occasional episode on "Shark Week"!

Today, on my calendar, is to continue sorting out, what I believe, are pieces of clothing, without stains, tears, etc., I'm bundling them up for Stacey to take them to the thrift shop, close to her home.

Also, on Tuesday, is a great day to empty the shred basket. It is generally a messy and two step project. You used to be able to put your shredded documents in with the paper recycling. Now, I dump the contents into a large plastic bag, and then transfer into a recycle brown bag. Since I don't want our "confetti" to fly everywhere, I seal the bag with staples. 

While I know the reason for recycling, it was much easier to just put your shredded papers into a regular trash container. Trouble was that, using your shredded documents, meant that later you would have to go out into the street and pick up the bits and pieces. I can remember a time, and perhaps you do as well, when trash was just trash. But, at that time, people trying to steal your identity, etc., wasn't yet a problem. Sometimes, I think about the 60's, minus the Vietnam war, was a pretty peaceful time.

Thought for the day: 

"Show respect for others' time. Call whenever you're going to be more than ten minutes late for an appointment". This is something that Jeff and I do, and have always done, is to be respectful of time, particularly if it's a doctor's appointments.

I'll end with my usual closing: masks, washing hands, and try to practice social distancing.


The state of recycling in Virginia: It may not be going where you ...


Monday, August 24, 2020

For The Love Of A Dog


In my first life, and yes I indeed had one. Good news is/was that after 5 years of marriage, my husband, at the time, wanted out to pursue  relationships. I didn't know it at the time, but this man gave me a "get out of marriage", and in looking back, he did yours truly, a solid.

When I met Jeffrey, I told him that owning a dog, would be a deal breaker. For reasons that I won't go into, just the mere mention of a dog (in that previous time, dogs ate before I did).

A few years after we were married, our oldest son, became quite ill. No reason that I can remember, we bought a Springer Spaniel puppy. The child became better soon, but not before we adopted this puppy. I think the dog's name was Charlie (and Jeffrey will be happy to remind me later, if the name is wrong).

The problem with owning a spaniel, or any other breed where the ears hang down, there is a huge ponderous (sp and I hope I'm using the right name), to suffer from ear infections. And, this dog was no exception. 

By the time we left California for Maryland, we owned a West Highland Terrier. Name, also forgotten. Anyway, this dog, like most terriers seem to always be given you the sign "middle paw", Terriers, at least in my opinion, are very reluctant to follow instructions! They are lovely dogs, but you need to have the upper hand when dealing with a terrier. 

Long story short, somehow we ended up with puppies. For a small dog, she produced a good number of puppies. We made a doggy pen, with a throw-away piece of carpet for the bottom. 

The boys took giving away the puppies as some kind of cruelty on our part. Years later, we owned a Westie, also stubborn, who lived to be around 15 years old.

Over the years, we had dogs named: Daisy (the name of a cow mentioned in the book I was reading). Then we had, through those same years, dogs named: Suzie, Maggie, and Sam (the terrier).

Four years ago, both Sam and Maggie, were getting up in years and both became ill. The illnesses, for both dogs, was partly because they were old, but there were other problems as well. We had to put down these two dogs one week after the other. And, our house was very quiet. 

We had a remedy for that, of course, and we adopted a little terrier mix (Daisy). Now, in her defense, and she does need one, Daisy is the most loving dog we've ever owned.

The second dog we adopted, almost a week later, is named Bella. Bella has very short blonde hair, and black spots on her tongue. Here's what I do about this dog. Jeff has worked with Bella, over the course of the four years, we've had her, to be a service dog for me. No professional training, but when she has her vest on, she knows her mission. Bella has never acted out in public, nor, has she ever, made a potty mess. 

When we go to Hopkins, the name used for the medical center where we go, Bella just lays down in front of us. We have, over the years, discouraged people who want to pet her. We make very few exceptions, but we do for a child in a wheelchair. Her service dog patch says "not all disabilities are visible". We bought that tag to discourage from people giving me "the look". If you're "mental", such as I am, I don't want to have to explain to strangers, and frankly it's none of their business, what the disability is. 

But, here's what I need you to know about her. Once the vest is off, Bella becomes just a regular dog. And, what she does for me, in public is a dog that walks beside me, and I can lean against her if I need to.

Here's the weirdest thing about Bella. She can be anywhere in the house, and knows that I'm crying, sad, etc. She will find me. Once I have her full attention, she puts her front paws on my legs. and licks my face. I always give Bella a huge hug, she's like my own security blanket. After the hug, she licks my face again, and stares at me. Once I'm feeling better, I put my face down next to her, and tell her that I'm okay. How does Bella, or any other kind of dog, know to do this? Or, is it part of her DNA? 

We share our bed, as we have done before, the bed with the dogs. Daisy has a need to lick Jeff's face before she goes to sleep. At the end of the bed, and for only a few moments, Bella will get something out of her toy box to chew on. The chewing doesn't last long, or perhaps I've already gone to sleep. It seems as if she has this need, perhaps like a pacifier for a baby to have a knaw on something before settling in for the night.

And, like the alarm clock in the alligator, named Tick-Tock, both of the girls, absolutely know when it's time for breakfast. They also make sure that we know that's it breakfast time too. But, by the looks of them, it's quite obvious that they haven't missed many meals.

We're supposed to have a very warm/hot week. Thank goodness for air conditioning. Did our weekly shop yesterday. I had a fall on Saturday, which has left me both bruised and sore. This was the second fall for me, during the week. I guess I wobble, and then down I go. Thank heavens for good bones, otherwise, I'd have broken some bone when I fall. Let's drink milk people. And, if you're a "dunker" like me, dipping a cookie into the milk, is like icing on a cake. But, it takes a special skill to know when dipping has completely dissolved your cookie!

Our week's weather calls for mostly hot and rainy weather. This kind of weather, mostly because of the humidity, keeps many people home. At least, that's me for sure.

Stay safe everyone.


Friday, August 21, 2020

We Made It To Friday!!


My friends, we managed to get through the week. I'm hoping that you are well, and perhaps sporting some kind of a unique mask! 

On Etsy, a beautiful beaded mask was being sold for a mere $39.00. A mask that expensive would certainly make some kind of fashion statement. Also, you wouldn't want to leave said mask just sitting around. I'm sure other people would like to have such a glamours mask. Since we all have to wear masks that cover our noses, wearing such a fancy mask, would not only be a fashion statement. And, of course, there is always the mystery of who is behind the mask. A beautiful woman, obviously! 

Jeff and I watched the convention last night, as we have the other nights as well. And, to be honest, "occasionally" would find myself dozing off a bit! Jeff would tell you, that the bit of dozing, looked more like a genuine nap. I, can sleep in front of the television almost anytime. Perhaps, it's merely the drone of the voices I hear. Whichever, truth is, I'm not sleeping well at night, averaging about four hours. It seems as if, I have sent some kind of internal alarm. It's possible that I have, over time, developed some kind of internal alarm for myself, and that's really not good. 

I have a rollator, which happens to be a big one.When I bought this rollator, I concentrated on the weight limit. It's true I was 50 pounds heavier, but upon reflection, didn't need basically a rollator for really heavy people. Fearing, that I might go over the weight limit, bought this, really big and unweldly (sp)  rollator. But, in my defense, I hadn't done my appropriate research. If I had, I would have seen other rollators that were smaller and easier to use. However, that's water over, or is it under the bridge?

Because the rollator is large and heavy, putting it into the car, is pretty much a non-starter. Having said that, I have to ride around in those little "beep beep" carts. And, to say that I hate them, would be an overstatement, or understatement, I don't know which word is appropriate here. But, I know that all of you will understand what I'm hopefully trying to say here.

Doing my "Marie Condo" thing, I gathered up a large pile of clothes, that no longer fit. I decided to bag up these clothes as well as books that I've read, or will never read, donating them to a thrift shop. At the moment, my untidy spare room, has piles of clothes over there, and another pile one over there, etc. It's going to take some time to make this room, nice and tidy. But, I do have time, and a long list of why I'm not working on that room every day. Truth is, it's boring. I have to try on "x" amount of clothes - wearable now? or wearable never? I have only one or two pieces of clothing, that are a little snug right now.

Please don't tell Jeff (though he reads my blog every day) that the pile of clothes that I still have to get sorted, etc., is quite large. But, as I continue to maintain this new weight, and hopefully more - then I'll be "forced" to buy smaller clothes. What a drag that will be (ha).

Every morning, I watch "talking heads" to be sure that I'm up-to-date on everything. Once, my head starts spinning, I turn on a baseball game, to distract me. I even watch games that perhaps I've already seen. Since I have short term memory, I don't know, or frankly care, when the game was initially played. When watching television shows, Jeff has to remind me that I've already seen the show. And, I have absolutely no memory of doing so. Perhaps, it's possible that my short term memory loss, is sometimes a good thing, but more often it's simply a nuisance.

Notice the time people. I have a few minutes to go before it's 11:00!! 

Have a great day, and be well. See you on Monday.


Quote for the day: when someone hugs you, let them be the first to let go.


Thursday, August 20, 2020

Lost an entire post


Apologies, sometimes, like yesterday, I had a pretty long blog. And, not to pat myself on the back or anything, but I thought that I had done a good job. Of course, knowing that I have some brain issues, I don't always remember things that I have done. 

After my fabulous blog, I thought that I had saved it, but apparently I was wrong. When I sat down this morning, to check on the number of folks that had read the blog that's when I saw that I had not published anything but a blank page. And, that's not productive at all, also I don't want to bore you with something you have already seen.

I watched the "talking heads" this morning. When I had seen enough, and/or my brain was about to explode, I switched to a baseball game. It is possible, and happens a lot, that I might take a little snooze sometime during the day. But, I always tell Alexa to set an alarm for "x" amount of time. Since I'm not sleeping well at night, it might have something to do with the nap(s). Every morning of late, I wake up at 3:00. Before, I leave the room, I scan the pads that are on the floor, to make sure that neither Jeff nor I, step into something unpleasant. Such as I did last week, and I promise you that is definitely not the way you want to start your day.

I have been doing some research for getting a medical alert thingy, with the additional cost of fall detection. I fell twice this week, so I think it's time for me to have an alert (goodness I'm getting old) to let someone know that I'm down on the floor again. When you get your system, you can designate who to call, such as friends and/or family. If I don't answer, then the operator does something. Hopefully, I'll always still be able to talk to a person about what's wrong. To help me, for now, I'm wearing those ugly "grip" socks. 

Today, or perhaps tomorrow, I'll go through the clothes that I want to give to the Thrift Shop, where Stacey took me on Saturday. I also have some books, that I will donate also.

Now, before I turn into a pumpkin, I think I'll stop now and save my blog to publish it.

See you later.





Tuesday, August 18, 2020

I'm Still Here!


Readers, I owe an explanation about the blog from yesterday. When I saved it, I didn't realize that my blog was going to be in columns. Readers, I know it's been several days since I checked in. Apologies, and I have no excuse. But, for a retired person, I've been a busy gal. And, after you retire, actually when I retired, my life became simple. If, you know me well, then you're not surprised, with my acceptance of mostly staying in the house. I handle this better than Jeff, which makes us the "perfect" couple!

I don't remember if I told you about my appointment with a plastic surgeon. Mind you, I'm not asking for, what they call, a body lift. Nope, just a few "adjustments" to this old and sagging body. I know that I'm rather late to the game. And, all I can think about is that song "you're so vain, you probably think this song is about you". I believe, and you guys may feel differently, that up until the last few years, I was okay with the old bod. There does seem to be some kind of a driving force, behind my desire to look better. I'm not looking to look prettier - because everyone knows how pretty I already am! (insert laughing emoji here)!! I want to feel better. Nothing wrong about that.

Saturday, Jeff was going to a fly-in party, at somebody's house that has it's own runway. When he was talking to me about this, I can imagine, and you can too, that Travolta likely has his own runway. Perhaps, if we ever find our selves winning the lottery (would actually have to buy the lottery ticket!), and find ourselves at odds about how to spend this vast amount of money. Unfortunately, every time we buy tickets, we don't even get back the price of said tickets! then perhaps we too could have a runway. Unfortunately, dreams don't always become reality. Even though that's true, the two of us will continue to dream. 

Oh, back to where I was talking about Jeff who was flying in to attend party, I spent the day at Andrew's house. Actually, that's kind of not true. Stacey and I went out to stores, to "test try" my Visa card. And, it did. My rationale is/was that Jeff told me to have a good time. Trust me, I did, and Visa will be happy that I'm out there spending money. Jeff, not so much.

First stop, was to a thrift store. Mind you, I needed nothing! But, when in a store, most women, and me for sure, fee obligated to buy something. Men will never understand this. And, that's why they are from "Mars" and we girls are from "Venus". 

At the thrift shop, I was in a buyer's heaven. I have a "thing" about glass. And, the boys and Jeff will attest to this. So, remembering that Jeff said I should have fun, I picked up some beautiful, and heavily discounted, pieces. 

I wasn't interested in the clothes, because that for me, is boring. Ah, but then I found the book section. I was in heaven. Wonderful. I can hardly hold myself back, when books are involved. Mind you, I didn't need any more books. Since the book swap that I did earlier this year, I am up to my elbows in books. I have so many books in the neighborhood, I have books in boxes, some on the bookcase, and more, taking up space in a spare chair in our den! Jeff knows that my love for glass and books are just about equal.

I found several Danielle Steel books, so I put them in my cart. Bought a few more Golden Books to add to to my collection. I have a love for these kinds of books, because my Dad read these to me, when I was young.

But, while browsing, I came across a very old book. Titled "The Sheik" , published in, wait for it, 1921!!! This is not a book I intend to read. I bought it because I really love old books, They have a certain smell to them. I know when I'm in a store where there are really old books, people stare at me. They do this, because I'm holding the book to my face, and taking in the "scent" of the book for lack of a better word. Trust me, this old book, "ticked" off all the boxes. The title of the book was almost unreadable, and that's okay. I don't buy these books to read, nope. This book was yellow with age, and had been printed using a very small type, that I wouldn't be able to read it, even with my reading glasses! 

In the back of the book, this is written:

"Of all the amusements which can possibly be imagined, for a hard working man, after his daily toil, there is nothing like reading an entertaining book. It calls for no bodily exertion. It transports him into a livelier and gayer and more diversified and more interesting scene, and while he enjoys himself there he may forget the evils of the present moment, ......." Lively words from a book this old.

Unlike myself, Jeff doesn't have much down time. Sometimes he finds the title of an interesting book, that he wants to read. but reading is not his passion. Flying is his passion. 

Give me a book, and I can be transported anywhere and be anybody! Just saying.  

My old/new book was published by A.L.Burt Company, which was in business from (incorporated as A.L. Burt Company) was a New York based book publishing house from 1883 until 1937. See, I told you that this book was old.

Anyway, once we were done in the Thrift Shop, we went to several other stores, the names of which I can't remember (shocker I know). Our final store was Michael's. I love that store, and while I was there, picked up numerous things for Christmas. Since, I'm not sure who, in the family, reads my blog, obviously, can't say what I bought. This Christmas will likely be very strange. Can families get together, if they stay six feet apart and wear masks? Or, do will all use Zoom - you show me your gift, and I'll show you mine! Just writing this, makes me grimace.

I think I've written a pretty wordy blog, catching up on what this old lady has been up to. "Stella" and I, will get our groove back tomorrow.

A research note about the old book I found:

A. L. Burt (incorporated in 1902 as A. L. Burt Company) was a New York-based book publishing house from 1883 until 1937. It was founded by Albert Levi Burt, a forty year old from Massachusetts who had come to recognize the demand for inexpensive reference works while working as a traveling salesman.

Please stay safe everybody, and while we don't like it, wear your masks when you leave the house. Just think what your suntan would look like, if you were out in the sun, with your mask on!! You might end up looking like a racoon!

Tomorrow, I'll sit here in my "office", and will be back to my "normal", self, whatever that means when it pertains to me.



Friday, August 14, 2020

Let Me Tell You About My Day Yesterday


Weather wise, yesterday sucked. Not only are the weeds growing really fast, pretty much as if they were on Steroids. But, alas most people, who have a yard also gets the weeds. This is which unfortunately grow like weeds! And you also know that as soon as your turn back,  frustrating and annoying they can be.

I can pull on those weeds for only a bit, before I have to holler "Uncle". But the progress I made is satisfying to me.

And then my body knows, without ever uttering a word, that my weed pulling is done for the day. And, I'm old enough, even with a short memory, seems to know when my body is saying "enough". My usual position, at that point, is to get my butt into my walker a fast as I can for a rest. 

And, after the rain, the sun came out, as if Mother Nature was apologizing for her earlier weather. There is a song in a movie, which I can't remember. Wait, I think I've got it, Annie and Daddy Warbucks. 

Seeing Stacey and Benjamin certainly made my day. Benjamin stayed home with Jeff. Stacey and I, haven't had a pedicure since all this virus started! At the salon, there were plastic dividers separating you from the manicurist. We kept our masks on, until it was time for waxing! Duh. Finished up with manicures. At that point, Stacey and I could have taken on the world. After all our procedures were done, then men should be afraid, our procedures, we felt like Wonder Woman! Men  should be afraid, really afraid! Such a great feeling! I paid for everything, and told Stacey that it was an early Christmas present. I know, when it's convenient for Wendy and Elly, who have a lot going on, I will give them also a "spa" day. A gift with no expiration date.

I mentioned earlier this week, that I was going through my clothes. All of my "fat" clothes are going into a bag so that I can donate them. Once their gone, I'm totally screwed I step on the scales once in the morning and again at night. A "bit" OCD on my part. 

Last week, not only did I go through my clothes, I also sorted out Benjamin's toys. He had a lot of them, but mostly the toys that were given to him years ago. I ended up with not one, but two plastic bags. I decided as I was bagging up his toys, that I wouldn't go through the toys. Benjamin did go through the two bags, and only kept four things. What was left, were random pieces that, for the most part, couldn't really be donated. I mean who wants to start with this or that kind of blocks, and then discover, there were only three or four blocks. Time to toss.

Benjamin over time, received many books as presents. One particular set of books, were all about the Bernstein (sp) Bears, with titles about: a first  visit to the beach, first day of school, etc. I intend to put all of these books away for the next generation.

After all, Jeff isn't the only person in the house that keeps things. We just keep different things. Things that I keep are sentimental to me. I know that when I'm gone, the boys will likely take everything out of the chest, including Benjamin's first pair of Crocs, and make a donation to the big trash can in the garage. Knowing that the boys are not sentimental, I've asked them not to toss out, my Mother's needle point pictures. They are quite beautiful, and if they don't want them, perhaps a new generation might.

Okay, I've blogged or typed enough for one day. I use the weekends to rest my brain, at least the part that's still working, to come up with blog ideas.

Be well everyone.


I always enjoy my time spent with both of them, even more so now, because I stay in the house 99% of the time. Jeff is very afraid that I'll get the virus, and likely combined with other issues - heart - is one, that I'll never recover from this horrible virus.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

The Junk Drawers



Morning everyone. Here is the new challenge I have set for myself today. I'm going to put everything in a bag. Some things I'll leave alone, batteries, doggy bags, etc.

Here's the plan. I'm going to put the contents in a large brown (do you remember those?)The plan is to empty the drawers, and put the contents in the bag, and date it. And, then all I have to do, is see whether Jeff or myself will miss anything having to do with said junk.

History and you know that I love doing research, here's what I found. Most people, excluding the likes of Martha Stewart and/or Marie Condo, just keep putting more "junk" in the drawers. All of you, including myself, keep shoving things in those drawers. And, at some point, the only way my drawers will close, is using the old tried and true method. Dump and sort.

Before I bag things up, I'll keep the necessities. Flash light, measuring tape (do you really need more than one)?, poop and scoop bags for walks, batteries (good and/or bad ones). several pairs of glasses. Now, why do we keep those old glasses, may have something to do with the frames that can be used again. Of course, as a woman, I don't want old frames, even if they are in good shape. I want new ones. Doesn't everybody?

Once I have an appropriate sized box, I'm going to put all of Benjamin's books away. They're not going far - just to the other spare room, which is still needing my organizational skills. But, doing the organizational thing, gets old in a hurry.

New ramblings. Last night, I started dinner. Orange chicken, vegetable and rice. The food was quite tasty. About an hour after dinner, I smelled smoke (between the two of us, it's my job for all of the years we've been married to do the sniff test). Between the two of us, I have the better smeller. And, what I smelled last night was smoke. The source was a pan left on a burner, and never went back to turn said burner off. The pan, obviously was nicely scorched. Today, I'm going to put up a "sticky" that will say - turn the oven off - turn the burners off. I suppose that my time in the kitchen is getting more limited. (insert sigh here)

Remember, and how could you not, to use all the things we should do, to hopefully slow the numbers down.


Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Gotta Love Amazon - and now it's even better


I just have to wait for one more day, before the house gets clean. I have attacked both spare rooms, but only one room could now actually be used. This is the room Benjamin sleeps in now, but if he had a choice, he would still prefer to actually sleep on the floor, in our bedroom!

In the other spare room, I have made progress, but am nowhere finished. I have literally just dumped my clothes on the floor. Don't worry, I'm going to donate all of the clothes that have multiple "x's". My theory is, if you don't own any larger sizes, then you must make a lifetime effort to stay at or below the weight you have lost (52 pounds) avany of my fatter clothes around, well you guessed it. I definitely don't want or need to gain weight. To keep me honest, I weigh twice a day. Our new swanky scale, not only gives you your weight, but will produce a green screen (you've lost a bit more weight) or the dreaded red screen that tells you how much weight you have gained. And, for me, just looking at the red screen, motivates me to pay more attention to what I eat.

I saw a plastic surgeon the other day, and she told me that I would have to lose 40 more pounds. Heaven knows how I'll be able to do that. The surgeon, unfortunately spent a lot of time looking at my chart which for the moment only contains two pages.

I left her office, with multiple feelings: sad, depressed, disappointed and let's throw in a little anger. If I had an ego issue, then it flew out the door as soon as we left.

I should have know that I was going to be unsatisfied, because my glass is always have empty. I know, I know, that's not a good way to live your life. And, I have tried in the past, since at least 2014, to try and stay happy as well as relaxed. Having trouble with both of these issues.

After all the years we've been married, these last few years, have been challenging for both of us. But, even with gentle reminders, I feel less and less useful. I know that I can and do  use the dishwasher and the washing machine. Be still my heart.

We have 3 wedding anniversaries to celebrate soon. Scott and Wendy's anniversary is this month. Andrew, Stacey as well as us, all have September anniversaries. Needless to say, we have a few years on the rest of the family.

I'll close for now. Have things to work on, like tackling the other spare room!

Stay safe, wash your hands and wear a mask.






Monday, August 10, 2020

My Day So Far


Usual breakfast, bagel and coffee. Daisy, never misses to get up in my lap, looking for crumbs. And, yes most of the time she finds some. 

This morning, like every morning (and yes I'm "somewhat" in a rut. But, that's just who I am, and by the time you become a senior citizen, most of us (okay, at least me), don't really want or feel the need for changes. 

Just finished talking to my "head" doctor, via Zoom. I know everybody is zooming their friends, family as well as to doctors. I appreciate that the way the world is today, and it's scary out there. This is a perfect time for me to be reclusive. I've had years of practice being my own company. And, saying that, I actually do like myself!! 

I watched the hour, never more, and never less, the morning news.  And, the reason is, that the news is currently always seems negative

I remind myself that the world could sure use some good news right now. And, while doing a bit of research, I did find some positive news, but nothing much that caught my eye.

I did, however not too much news. And, any of the news that caught my eye, were blocked until I gave my consent. Hence, no exciting unblocked news from over the pond. I can generally find some tidbits that catch my eye. Unfortunately, I found nothing to report. And, full disclosure, there was nothing I found that seemed interesting (at least for me).

As it's August, I have already have started my search for Christmas presents. And, don't roll your eyes at the mere suggestion, that Christmas will come around again this year.

But, based on social distancing and wearing masks, it will make a very different holiday than we're used to. And, based on that, I have searched and found several things on Amazon (is there any other place to shop)? 

There are items are in my personal folder, just waiting for me to tell Jeff to pull the trigger. I have in mind, several "fun" items to give to the big as well small kids! Obviously, I can't say what I bought, because that would be "cheating". Each present should be, and generally are, just fun things. A "real" present will eventually be given. Since the boys, really don't need anything, makes it very hard to know what to buy!

Quote of the day: Never deprive someone of hope; it might be all they have.

My usual good-bye: masks, washing hands, and social distancing. I, and all of you, don't really like masks. They seem to slip off your noses, so that  many adjustments have to keep your nose covered. And, I'll state that wearing a mask is essential, but I see a lot of  people, wear the mask doesn't cover the noses! It's really that simple.









Friday, August 7, 2020

Cost of Drugs!


No politics this morning. But, I would really like to get on my "soap box" and give you my opinion. Alas, I will not do this.

Today, I looked up prices on some pills. One medicine costs $53,000.00, and a daily dose costs only $33,000 for 4 pills. If you paid $53,000, you could buy a car! One pill's main usage is mainly for people with MS. Hmm. Well, I know that he doesn't have MS, so it's possible perhaps the pills treat other conditions.

Unfortunately, Jeff weighed in, using the cost of the pill and the price. The price made the decision pretty easy for him. And, it makes me wonder how people suffering from MS, can afford to take this medicine. 

Everyone knows, that the drug companies, who puts some random price, that a lot of people just can't afford to buy it. And, that's really sad. I know that the companies, are in fact, there to show a profit. But does anybody sit in on a board meeting, and doesn't think the price of some pills is ridiculous. How can drug companies sleep at night? Probably, very well. They don't count sheep before falling asleep. Maybe, they dream about money, and how much richer they can be. Does the comic book about Richie Rich (I think that's what it was called, have lost their sense of empathy.

Seamless pattern with lot pills and capsules Vector Image



Thursday, August 6, 2020

Plastic Surgery


Jeff took me yesterday to meet with a plastic surgeon. I'm not going to bore you with the details, but I can assure you, that I left, I'm not sure what my feelings best describes how I was feeling on our way home.

When we started to leave the house, Bella tried her best, with large dark eyes, to try and convince Jeff that he must have been making a mistake. She always goes with us, when we leave the house. And, she also knows that there is going to be ice cream, when our errands are gone.

Daisy, on the other hand, curls up in a ball on the back seat, and even trying to put the ice cream near her, and get no reaction. Bella, on the other end, just loves chomping and licking a cone. Sometimes, I have to remind Bella, who is higher up on the food chain. And, it's definitively not her.

For a very long time, we didn't leave Bella inside the house because of her taking (she certainly doesn't think of it as stealing), any thing that catches her eyes! We've had missing or chewed up beyond repair, shoes (generally mine), my cellphone, which she played with, until it became inoperable.

But, yesterday we came home, and found no destruction, and no food stealing off the counter. Perhaps, now that she's 4, she has given up on her puppy activities. Keeping fingers crossed.

I always hold my breath when we come home, but so far, she hasn't even touched the potato chips on the table. Progress is being made!

Jeff had bought two burrito bowls from Marie Callanders (maybe I have spelt her name wrong), but you get the idea. I will tell you that the burrito dinners were really very tasty. Tasty enough, to buy them again.

I had a busy head last night, so I came downstairs to watch television. And, in a few hours, my head was no longer busy, and I drifted back to sleep.

Please stay safe, social distancing, masks and washing your hands.








Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...