Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Tuesday All Day!


 When you think about it, Tuesdays are really just not important, as let's day Friday is. So Tuesday has the "distinction", if you will, of being stuck between a Monday and/or a Friday. I just did my research and for this year, there are no holidays occurring on a Tuesday. Sometimes, but not always, if a holiday occurs on Monday, you might get a Tuesday off. Notice I said might.

When I was working, I hated, okay that may be too much of a stretch, of having a middle of the week holiday. I just did some research, and all of you know how much I enjoy doing this, our last Christmas holiday on a Tuesday was in 2019. 

For me, Tuesday means that the trash will be picked up today. Please, please try to contain your enthusiasm. Looking at a "normal" week, if you will, there isn't too much to be excited about. 

Once you're retired, one day just drifts into another. And, before you know it, you actually have to think about, what the day is currently. Obviously, calendars become pretty handy. On my desk, I have a day-by-day calendar. This helps me know what day to put on my blog! Sad, I know. And, for those of you that are still working, perhaps wish for a problem such as this.

Another way that I can "tell" what day of the week it is by remembering what happens on a Tuesday. I know, you're dying to know, but it isn't much of a big deal - but the trash is picked up.

I checked, of course I did, and found many facts about Tuesdays. 

In the Thai Solar Calendar the color associated with Tuesday is pink. How rare is that? There are many Tuesdays where pivotal events have occurred. I had a fairly long list about events on Tuesday, but I'm having a brain freeze, so I can't remember them. This not being able to  remember things, will haunt me, if you will, I suppose the rest of my life.

I watched one "loop" of news every morning. Notice I said one loop. Watching more than one news program, for me, is fairly depressing. When I reach that point, I'm more than ready to find another show to watch. Pretty much anything, that isn't associated with news, I'll watch. Even the occasional episode on "Shark Week"!

Today, on my calendar, is to continue sorting out, what I believe, are pieces of clothing, without stains, tears, etc., I'm bundling them up for Stacey to take them to the thrift shop, close to her home.

Also, on Tuesday, is a great day to empty the shred basket. It is generally a messy and two step project. You used to be able to put your shredded documents in with the paper recycling. Now, I dump the contents into a large plastic bag, and then transfer into a recycle brown bag. Since I don't want our "confetti" to fly everywhere, I seal the bag with staples. 

While I know the reason for recycling, it was much easier to just put your shredded papers into a regular trash container. Trouble was that, using your shredded documents, meant that later you would have to go out into the street and pick up the bits and pieces. I can remember a time, and perhaps you do as well, when trash was just trash. But, at that time, people trying to steal your identity, etc., wasn't yet a problem. Sometimes, I think about the 60's, minus the Vietnam war, was a pretty peaceful time.

Thought for the day: 

"Show respect for others' time. Call whenever you're going to be more than ten minutes late for an appointment". This is something that Jeff and I do, and have always done, is to be respectful of time, particularly if it's a doctor's appointments.

I'll end with my usual closing: masks, washing hands, and try to practice social distancing.


The state of recycling in Virginia: It may not be going where you ...


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