Friday, August 14, 2020

Let Me Tell You About My Day Yesterday


Weather wise, yesterday sucked. Not only are the weeds growing really fast, pretty much as if they were on Steroids. But, alas most people, who have a yard also gets the weeds. This is which unfortunately grow like weeds! And you also know that as soon as your turn back,  frustrating and annoying they can be.

I can pull on those weeds for only a bit, before I have to holler "Uncle". But the progress I made is satisfying to me.

And then my body knows, without ever uttering a word, that my weed pulling is done for the day. And, I'm old enough, even with a short memory, seems to know when my body is saying "enough". My usual position, at that point, is to get my butt into my walker a fast as I can for a rest. 

And, after the rain, the sun came out, as if Mother Nature was apologizing for her earlier weather. There is a song in a movie, which I can't remember. Wait, I think I've got it, Annie and Daddy Warbucks. 

Seeing Stacey and Benjamin certainly made my day. Benjamin stayed home with Jeff. Stacey and I, haven't had a pedicure since all this virus started! At the salon, there were plastic dividers separating you from the manicurist. We kept our masks on, until it was time for waxing! Duh. Finished up with manicures. At that point, Stacey and I could have taken on the world. After all our procedures were done, then men should be afraid, our procedures, we felt like Wonder Woman! Men  should be afraid, really afraid! Such a great feeling! I paid for everything, and told Stacey that it was an early Christmas present. I know, when it's convenient for Wendy and Elly, who have a lot going on, I will give them also a "spa" day. A gift with no expiration date.

I mentioned earlier this week, that I was going through my clothes. All of my "fat" clothes are going into a bag so that I can donate them. Once their gone, I'm totally screwed I step on the scales once in the morning and again at night. A "bit" OCD on my part. 

Last week, not only did I go through my clothes, I also sorted out Benjamin's toys. He had a lot of them, but mostly the toys that were given to him years ago. I ended up with not one, but two plastic bags. I decided as I was bagging up his toys, that I wouldn't go through the toys. Benjamin did go through the two bags, and only kept four things. What was left, were random pieces that, for the most part, couldn't really be donated. I mean who wants to start with this or that kind of blocks, and then discover, there were only three or four blocks. Time to toss.

Benjamin over time, received many books as presents. One particular set of books, were all about the Bernstein (sp) Bears, with titles about: a first  visit to the beach, first day of school, etc. I intend to put all of these books away for the next generation.

After all, Jeff isn't the only person in the house that keeps things. We just keep different things. Things that I keep are sentimental to me. I know that when I'm gone, the boys will likely take everything out of the chest, including Benjamin's first pair of Crocs, and make a donation to the big trash can in the garage. Knowing that the boys are not sentimental, I've asked them not to toss out, my Mother's needle point pictures. They are quite beautiful, and if they don't want them, perhaps a new generation might.

Okay, I've blogged or typed enough for one day. I use the weekends to rest my brain, at least the part that's still working, to come up with blog ideas.

Be well everyone.


I always enjoy my time spent with both of them, even more so now, because I stay in the house 99% of the time. Jeff is very afraid that I'll get the virus, and likely combined with other issues - heart - is one, that I'll never recover from this horrible virus.

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