Friday, August 7, 2020

Cost of Drugs!


No politics this morning. But, I would really like to get on my "soap box" and give you my opinion. Alas, I will not do this.

Today, I looked up prices on some pills. One medicine costs $53,000.00, and a daily dose costs only $33,000 for 4 pills. If you paid $53,000, you could buy a car! One pill's main usage is mainly for people with MS. Hmm. Well, I know that he doesn't have MS, so it's possible perhaps the pills treat other conditions.

Unfortunately, Jeff weighed in, using the cost of the pill and the price. The price made the decision pretty easy for him. And, it makes me wonder how people suffering from MS, can afford to take this medicine. 

Everyone knows, that the drug companies, who puts some random price, that a lot of people just can't afford to buy it. And, that's really sad. I know that the companies, are in fact, there to show a profit. But does anybody sit in on a board meeting, and doesn't think the price of some pills is ridiculous. How can drug companies sleep at night? Probably, very well. They don't count sheep before falling asleep. Maybe, they dream about money, and how much richer they can be. Does the comic book about Richie Rich (I think that's what it was called, have lost their sense of empathy.

Seamless pattern with lot pills and capsules Vector Image



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