Monday, August 3, 2020

Sorting Through Clothes!


First, I wrote about sorting out Benjamin's toys. I kept a few things that will stand the test of time. The remainders, have been bagged up, to give to Benjamin to decide what to keep, or not. Anything he wants to keep, he can give those items back to me, and I'll store them with the other toys I have kept.

After doing all that, and finally seeing more of the carpet in this spare room, I decided to try on my clothes (don't tell Jeff, because unfortunately, I own a lot)!!

I put all the clothes that had been sitting at the bottom of the closet. Dragged the plastic totes, and started trying on clothes. This was a big job, but I was ruthless. If the clothes were too big, I mean really big, they went into a pile for me to donate.

I took a magnifying glass with me, because I have a hard time, seeing the size. I worked at this chore, for several hours. The donation people are going to be thrilled, because most of the clothes are in good shape. If they weren't, they went into a different pile - throw them out!

Yesterday, I put on a pair of pants, and if I sucked in my tummy just a little bit, the pants fell to the ground. Mind you, this is a good feeling, as far as my weight loss goes. This morning, I'm wearing a bathrobe, that once it's washed, will go into the donate pile. The robe is in good shape, but when I put it on, it wraps not only around me, but in actuality, it wraps around my body almost one more time. I like the robe, but it's got to go.

To keep me honest, weight wise, I have to get rid of clothes that are much too big for me now. I tell Jeff that if I donate clothes that are too big for me, then there is no going back from my weight loss, nearly a year ago. Basically, if you don't keep clothes in bigger sizes, then if you gain weight, you'll have no bigger sized clothes to wear. Because I have now gotten a little paranoid, I weigh in the morning and also at night. I have a very narrow window, as far as my weight goes. After you weigh, the scale will either show red (weight gain) or green (weight loss). Obviously, you only want to see the green number.

As somebody who, I guess, didn't give a fig about buying larger sizes, when I was working, I had "work" clothes. Now that I'm retired, and the shoppers at WalMart, don't care what I look like, I decided last November, that the multiple "xxx's" could no longer be part of my wardrobe.

Even the dress I had, which basically was my wedding, funeral dress, is now too big. It's a good thing, but now I'm going to have to buy a dress that fits me now. Such a problem!

I will eventually get around to digging through my closet(s), and yes I have more than one, try everything on, and decide to keep or donate.

When I would wear pants for my personal training, Melisa would pull out the sides of my pants. She then told me to go home and get rid of said pants. And, because I always follow rules, I did exactly what she told me. For me, trying on clothes that are too big for me, is a very good feeling. Of course, eventually it might hurt the bottom line, as I need to buy new clothes!

Everybody, stay safe, wash your hands and wear masks. I heard someone on CNN this morning, advising that we should wear masks even when we're in our own house. That is, so not going to happen for us.


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