Friday, July 31, 2020

Sorting Through The Toys


While it has dawned on me before, but I didn't realize how hard it would be for me, to sort through Benjamin's toys.

This special boy came into our lives twelve years ago. And, yes, even I can do the math. Benjamin is now 12 years old. I have been spending a lot of "free time" (that's a joke, all I have is free time) going through some of Benjamin's toys. I kept obvious things, such as wooden blocks and the many foam building blocks that he has. Both of this items can certainly be passed on to another generation.

But, what I also found, was a lot of Benjamin's little boy toys. Little people, little cars, magnetic toys, some mega Lego blocks. The list just goes on and on.

By the time I was through sorting all of the toys that we have been keeping in our "formal" dining room for years. Doesn't everybody keep toys in their dining room?

Back to the sorting. By the end of going through Benjamin's toys in the dining room, I managed to fill up an entire large plastic bag. I was just about ready to donate these mostly broken bits and pieces into the trash, but Jeff stopped me. He suggested, and I should have thought about it, that Benjamin should be the one to go through the bag and decide what, if anything, he wants to keep.

I think there is another container upstairs in a spare bedroom that also holds toys for Benjamin. I'm not saying that Benjamin, was/is spoiled, but he might be. Benjamin is very special to Jeff and I, and though we don't see him as much as we used to, the bond between the three of us, is very strong.

The downside of going through Benjamin's toys, was how emotional I became. Each toy, broken or not, was a memory of days gone by. Benjamin no longer can sit in my lap. Why? Well, because one of us has gotten too  "bigger", and I always accuse Benjamin for getting larger! Saying this to one another, always produces a lot of laughs, and then he moves to another chair.

If you have children and/or grandchildren, then you know, at least for me, how difficult it is to watch that tiny baby, grow up, and is now taller than I am. Actually, I'm on the fairly short side, so perhaps it's not much of a stretch, to be taller than yours truly!

When I calm myself down, I know that Jeff and I will always be "MomMom" and "PopPop". Benjamin growing into his teen years and beyond, will never change that. That is a very good feeling. And, it warms our souls.

If, I was pregnant (I'm not), this running around the house gathering up this and that, while I try to find a more suitable place, at least in my mind, gives me a calming feeling. You know the old saying that goes something like "every thing has it's place". Well, that's what I'm trying to do now.

Scott and Wendy have Elly, who is, forgive me, I think 11, and is a very special granddaughter to us. Elly is a "pink" (girl) baby for both of us. And, after raising only boys, Jeff and I are pretty much out in left field, for buying for a girl. But, we'll get the hang of it!

Since we don't happen to have any pictures of Elly as a baby, toddler, etc., I will ask Wendy if she has, or can make a copy of pictures for us, so that we can display them around the house.

I have a friend, who tells me constantly that my house looks like a Grandmother's house, and I take that as a compliment. After all, my brain which isn't working at 100%, and likely never will. But, the one thing that I still have, are my memories, and you can't take them from me. I have a hope chest filled to the top, with memories. Wedding dresses, cards of sympathy when my Dad passed away, a pair of baby crocs. And, of course, every picture or card that I receive. I always put the year on the back of everything. I guess you can just call me "mushy".

Old Hand Of Grandmother With Her Memories High-Res Stock Photo ...


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