Thursday, July 30, 2020

Just Another Hot Day In Maryland


We have gotten to the part of the year, where sitting on leather or plastic will be, or could be, somewhat difficult. I don't like sticking to my chair or the seat in the car. I know, I'm such a Princess!

A few years ago, we put in new air conditioners. Yes, I said air conditioner, plural. One unit runs our upstairs. As Jeff and I have both agreed, we like our bedroom to be on the cool, scratch that, on the cold side. There is nothing worse. Wait, I know there are many things worse than sweating while you're sleeping. Our condition in the bed, is the inclusion of two dogs. Said dogs want to be up close and personal to their "people". And, if you don't have a dog, let me tell you how hot they can be.

Since I'm a person who hates being hot, the downstairs unit, keeps me nice and cool during the day. When I'm sitting in "my chair", I mostly always have a blanket on my legs and feet. This could be fixed by turning the a/c up, but who wants to do that? I also sit on a towel, or something equivalent. Why? Just read the beginning lines, and you'll understand.

In the winter, I can, and do, put on clothes.You can always put on more clothes, but in the summer, you are limited in what you can wear. Now, that doesn't sound right. It sounds like I don't wear clothes in the summer, but I assure you I do. Trust me when I say that nobody wants to see me al naturale!! Pretty much, not even myself.

Because I'm a fragile flower (I wish), I prefer to stay in the house. I know that women don't sweat, we "glow". But even "glowing", is not a good look for us girls.

Story time, and the following were actual events.

In the summer, we loaded up our car, with each boy taking turns being in the front seat. Whereas, yours truly remained in the backseat all the time, to keep peace.

Jeff's great aunt lived in Arkansas. This is not a place you want to be in the summer. We arrived at her house, and it was obvious that her a/c was working well. Stay with me folks. Jeff's parents were also there, and they had the spare room on the first floor.

That left Jeff and I plus the boys with a "

Once inside the attic, the boys looked as if they were about to complain, but one

There were two beds in the attic. One bed, which was uber small, was for Jeff and myself. Our bed at home is big enough for both of us, plus the dogs.

The other bed was small, but could accommodate two boys. The unlucky son, slept on the floor, with a sleeping bag (unzipped of course).

But, just because there was no a/c, Aunt Ruby assured us that there was a fan in the room. Yes, it was a fan - circa perhaps the 40's. This fan did not oscillate, nor did it have a guard on the outside. Basically, if you happened to be near the fan, you could lose a finger!

Jeff was good enough to keep getting up to readjust the fan, so it was blowing on this child or that one. While we sweated through the night, we made the ultimate sacrifice in comfort, so that the boys could get any air coming from the fan.

There is much more to this story, but I don't want to bore you guys all at once. Let's just say that another part of this story, included a shower that had a toilet inside the shower. Basically, you could kill two birds with one stone!

If it's hot where you are, stay inside. Trust me, yours truly will be staying inside.

Stay safe everyone and don't forget your masks.

Thought for the day: "Live so that when your children think of fairness, caring and integrity, they think of you".


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