Friday, July 17, 2020

Going Into The Closet!


I know that all of you have heard the expression "coming out of the closet". But, doubtfully heard someone say they are "going into the closet!

And today, I'm go into one of my closets, and yes I said one to get a handle on my shoes. I have shoes that are comfortable, but so scream "old lady", when I'm out and about. But, at this point in my life, I don't really give a hoot what people think. 

I rid myself of high heels years ago. It might have had something to do with teetering and likely falling. I do admire women who can pull off wearing heels. And, of course, one of the most desired shoes, has a red sole. These shoes are made by Christian Louboutin, and can, depending on style (I guess), can be really expensive. Confession: I don't own any of these shoes. Even if I wanted these sought after shoes, I would still leave a store without a box!

I also have a number of shoes by "Sas" (San Antonio Shoemakers). I own a number of shoes from this company, and the ones I own, are, well to be specific, are really unfashionable. For lack of a better word, they could be called ugly. To be fair, they make some shoes that are more fashionable, but most of them have either, buckles or laces. I now can tie my shoes, but owning a shoe with buckles, would be a two person job (Jeff and myself).

I do own, two pairs of "fancy" shoes. Shoes that I have worn to weddings, etc. The shoes only have a small heel, reducing my chances of falling. I know I have mentioned falling a number of times, this is because I have fallen multiple times this year. And, when I'm all "gussied" up, the last thing I want is to find myself down on the floor. So unladylike!

I have a small step stool, and I'm going to my closet, and sort out my shoes. Some shoes no longer fit. Why you ask? Because my right foot is wider now than the left one. Nobody knows what's wrong with the foot, but I have told Jeff that when I eventually croak, I want to have an autopsy on my foot! A reasonable request - at least I think so.

I'm taking down all the shoe boxes, which are probably all empty, and putting the corresponding shoe inside. And, because of my OCD, will write on each box, what shoe is inside! And, once I've done all of this, I'll be exceptionally proud of myself.

Image result for picture of louboutin shoes
 SAS Women's Me Too White 11 Wide
Aren't those shoes beautiful! But, from a comfy standpoint, not so much. And, looking at the SAS shoes, you can definitely see how unflattering they are.

Stay safe everyone, and wear masks.


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