Monday, July 13, 2020



I know you're wondering what I'm going to blog about when it comes to spots. I'm not going to blog about spots on animals. I could do that, of course, but today I want to blog about spots on people.

At age 70, I'm old by younger people. I get that I've reached a "certain" age, and spots are considered "normal". Okay, they may be normal, but that doesn't mean I have to like them. I notice now, okay, I've noticed for some time, that the ugly age spots are showing up pretty much everywhere on my body. First, it was just on my hands, and I eventually learned to live with that. I don't much like looking at my body, so I avoid mirrors as much as possible. But, when I eventually did give in, much to my horror, the spots had moved up and down my body. Disgusting. How did age spots move "south"? What's up with that? 

What do the famous people, or movie stars know that I don't? Obviously, they have "people" to help take care of their skin issues, whether it's sagging skin or uplifting needed, they have the money to take care of every- thing related to their skin. So, I'm jealous - big time. 

It seems as if every day, a new spot shows up. I feel about these pesky spots, much as I do with mice and ants, let's just get rid of them! Easier said then done. The only thing I get done, on a fairly regular basis, before the virus, is doing toes and nails. And, for most of my adult live, my make-up, if you can call it that, consists of lipstick. I was with Benjamin over the weekend, and he said that I looked pretty - that's good enough for me.

Today is "National holiday is World Elder Abuse Awareness day". 

I'm signing off with all of my wrinkles and spots in place!



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