Thursday, July 23, 2020

In The News


I have never in my adult life, been overly interested in current news. I remember when President Kenny was assassinated. I was in junior high at the time, and there very few television channels.  And, yet my parents remained in front of the television, for what seemed to me, hours upon hours.

At the time, Life magazine (some of you have never known about this magazine), had a cover dated December 6, 1963 titled the "Kennedy Funeral Issue". The picture below doesn't show up very well. But, even for a young person, I read from cover to cover.


Eventually, there was the war in Viet Nam, and many of my school friends were drafted. And, some were killed. I kept up a fairly steady correspondence with one of my high school friends, named Bill. To save on postage, I used a very light airmail envelope, and I also lightly perfumed the letter inside.

When the war in the Middle East began, I was having trouble keeping the different countries and leaders straight. I do know that the war in that part of the country, seems to have gone and gone. While I wasn't overly interested in following the news, I was thrilled (I don't know if that's the emotion I had), when Saddam Hussein was killed. 

Many years later, like right now, almost all you hear or read is about the virus pandemic. I watch CNN every morning, to catch up on the news as well as the numbers of new cases, and the rising number of deaths, which increases every day. Just about anytime of day, you can find a channel, that keeps you up-to-date.

I stay in the house, and going out for groceries with Jeff. Then, back in the house again, where I'm safe. 

I fear, that the holidays this year, are going to look very different from last year. And, just of that, makes me sad. Thank goodness for Zoom where we can meet and show off our presents. And, this is a horrible way to celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas.

When I see lots of people out and about, that are not wearing a mask, I become quite angry. People who don't keep a safe distance and don't wear a mask, just keeps the numbers rising.

I guess that's all I have at the moment. I know this, because my brain is now empty. Of course, some people would say, that my brain is almost always empty!!

Stay safe everyone.



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