Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Where's Your Stuff?


If you are like most people, including myself, then you probably have "stuff" stashed in drawers, cupboards and, obviously behind closed doors. I have two bedrooms, that have not being used in years.

Basically just like going to Vegas, everything stays in Vegas. In those "empty" spare rooms, it's easy to just chuck most anything inside. I  know this flies in the face of everybody, who is a professional organizer. Think Maria (sp) Lundo. She goes into a house that has things around the house. With the help of fast moving scenes, before long the house looks great. You are supposed to get rid of anything that doesn't bring you joy. 

Having said that, none of my clothes spark joy, and haven't for a long time. Is it necessary to put my clothes in the closet by color, or by usage (office, formal)? You get the idea. As I write my closets, and yes I have more than one, are jammed full of clothes. I don't sort by either color or occasion. I'm doing good just to get my things on hangers. Currently, I have clothes that are way toooo big to wear now (I know this is a terrible problem to have). I have a few clothes that fit me right now, I also have clothes that will fit me when I lose a few more pounds. I have started making a pile of clothes that are now really too big and need to be donated.

Then there are my books, a true passion of mine. I have always been reluctant to donate or loan out my books. Why? If I give away a book to a friend, I have to assume that I'll never see it again. Or, sometimes I put a note on the front of the book, indicating that I don't or want the book back. My theory is that you can never own too many books. After my book drive in the neighborhood, I have received a lot of books. Love it! It was no small effort on my part, to find a place to store all of these books. If you're a book reader, then you know what I'm talking about.

The "junk" drawers in the kitchen, are just that. There are glasses that Jeff and I no longer need (wrong prescription), but there is always something that holds me back, preventing me to donate these glasses. It's not that these glasses, will ever be used by either Jeff or myself. And yet, I still keep them in the drawer. Spools of thread and needles and I don't sew! Oh, to be fair too myself, I can sew a button onto clothes. Card game, doggie bags, notebooks, crayons, as well as spare batteries, that I don't even know if they are still useful. 

Since every time I go to see a doctor, I always tell them, that I'm looking for Unicorns and Rainbows. Of course, there hasn't been one doctor that has produced either of those things for me.  My family knows that my spirit animal is Unicorns. I've been happy to receive Unicorns as gifts. Currently, I have Unicorn figures, pinata, coin purses, etc. The list goes on. I feel about Unicorns as I do about books. Unicorns help to make me happy, and that's a good thing. And, I need all the happiness I can find.

After reading all of this, perhaps you too will go through your dressers, cupboards and closets, and feel the urge to purge. This is not my house, but you get the general idea.

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Please be safe. I'm trying to be. I go out once a week with Jeff to get groceries. Otherwise, I keep this old body, inside the house!


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