Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Peaceful Television


In our current world, there is more bad news than good. I fine this hard to struggle with. I watch CNN every morning faithfully, so that I know what's going on. But, after I watch it, my mood almost always take a nose dive. I know what you're thinking - don't watch the news. How could I not? I always believe that knowledge is power. Problem is, after I gain "knowledge", it automatically leaves my brain! This is the fun that having a muddled brain gives you.

To take the edge off all the negative stuff, I have found several "nice and peaceful" television shows. And, I record all of these. American Pickers is always fun. Watching the "pickers" haggle with the owner of items they want, is interesting. Other peaceful, no real drama shows are: Dr. Pol, Heartland Docs, and the Zoo. I know there are more shows on television that are like these. But, you will have to hunt for them.

After watching "American Pickers", makes me think of some of the things I have in the house, that might be worth something someday. For instance, I have a wood merry-go-round, that has horses (duh) and a red fringe around the top. My father bought this for me in 1952, and I consider it priceless. Will the boys, one day, remember it's value? They will, of course, if I put a tiny sticker on the bottom, so they get an idea of it's selling price. A cold and rather harsh thing to do, but I understand the necessity.

I just checked Ebay. Who doesn't? And, one 1952 carousel horse has a price tag of $450.00. That's a lot of money for one horse, especially since it doesn't come with the actual carousel!

As one friend describes my house as a "grandmother's house". I know that I'm sentimental to a fault, and my hope chest confirms this. Every time I receive a card, for instance, I date the back of the card and put it in the chest. The chest is now very full of my memories, and I can just barely slip a card through the opening! I have told my friend, who has kept nothing from her children's childhood, that I can open the chest anytime I want, and can remember in an instant, my memories from the past. Mind you, I can't remember what I ate yesterday! And, for me personally, maybe that's a good thing.

Yesterday, I put some food in the oven. Didn't realize I was using the convection oven (whatever that is), and almost burned the food. In addition to all the other things I am no longer able or allowed to do, baking in the oven is now off limits. So, if you're keeping track, I can no longer drive (driving into a building puts the family off), cooking or baking, move furniture (which I did last week), or anything else for that matter. I have managed to lose my "regular" glasses, so have had to ask my ophthalmologist for a new prescription! My personal world just keeps getting smaller and smaller.

Sorry, I got off track. I was writing about television shows, and next thing I know is that I'm writing about my own personal troubles. Apologies.

National holidays today: Buffalo Soldiers Day, National Chocolate Milk Day (yum) and National Water park Day. And with the virus all around us, I'm pretty sure that going to a water park is not likely to happen.

Stay safe everyone, wash your hands, and wear masks.




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