Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Stepping In Poo!


Last week, I did just that. Gross would be understatement. And, to make matters worse, I sort of "limped" along to the bathroom. I put my foot in the toilet (I know double gross), to clean my foot, and it worked.

After leaving the bathroom, with my newly washed foot, I was horrified to see that my "shitty" ( don't want to offend anyone by using that word) foot had followed me from the hall, the scene of the "crime" all that way across our bedroom and sitting room.

Once I saw the "markings" I had made, I had to get to work trying to scrub away the obvious spots. And, unfortunately, this was to no avail.
But, then I remembered that I had bought a product "Rocco and Roxie", that is a stain eliminator. I had several new bottles, but had never put them to use.

I grabbed a bottle, headed to the rooms in question, and saturated each spot, as per the directions. You soak, let it sit for at least 5 minutes, and then you blot. Much to my surprise, being a pessimist, I really doubted that this simple product would be successful. And "ta da" it did! I should get some bucks (ha) for touting this product for them.

I did, go back with a new bottle this morning, and put more product on the stains. The spots are damp at the moment, but I think when Ada comes and vacuums the rooms, I will be pleased.

My solution so that this doesn't happen again, is to us a flashlight!! This way, I can see what's in front of me, no surprises! The majority, if not all, of the spots on carpeting, would be from Daisy!

I am in the process of having Jeff order a few more bottles. But, at the price of a bottle, I can order a gallon-sized container for about $49.99. Since, I didn't do a very good job of potty training her, I suppose I'll be "picking" up after her for the next "x" years! Her defense is how loving she is. I guess no dog is perfect. Bella, as a puppy destroyed the skirts off couches and chairs. She's better now, but if you leave food where she can reach it, all bets are off. She doesn't like vegetables very much, but then neither do I!!! What she does enjoy is ice cubes. As soon as she hears ice coming out of the freezer, she is right there. We've never had a dog that liked, nope loved, ice cubes. If you don't give her ice, she then she looks at you, with those dark brown eyes, is likely wondering why the delay.

I'll close for now. Ada is coming today, and while Jeff objects, I like to "tidy" up a few things, like the kitchen.

Stay safe everyone and wear a mask, even though we don't like them.


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