Wednesday, July 8, 2020

I'm Back!!!


Did you miss me? This is where you say of course we did. 

I came from the hospital yesterday. I've been in the hospital since June 8th. A very long time in the blogging world. I do apologize for the length of time that I was away. But, going forward, I'll be here, just like before 5 days a week.

While I was away, I wrote down in a notebook, some of the things that I saw while I was in the hospital. Okay, first there were the people. An odd assortment of men and women, all with different personalities. Some of those personalities, were unique and other times, just downright annoying. But, none of these oddities pertained to me, of course! Okay, I'll agree that I might be "somewhat" mental (ya think!), but at least I didn't mutter to myself, and there was a lot of that going in. 

Near as I can tell, I was the only one suffering from memory issues. Some on the people on the floor, had depression issues. The lady that I ate with every day, was there for ECT treatments. She wanted to know, if the ECT that I had had (24 of them), helped me. I wanted to be positive, of course, but I didn't want to lie, so I told her, for myself, I didn't notice a difference. But, I assured her, that every person is different. Before I left the hospital yesterday, I wished her good luck. 

I said I was home. But, when you have been gone for a month, it was scary to come home. I now need to find my "groove". At the moment, I'm somewhat "wound up", and I know that's normal. It may be normal, but, I'll admit to some agitation. I try to keep in mind, that Rome wasn't built in a day.

I had purchased before I was in the hospital, a latch hook pillow. I can't describe it, because it's going to be a Christmas present. I should be able to finish it before December. If not, perhaps Christmas in 2021! And, when I tried to "hook" (unique word to describe this), my memory came up empty. But, I had a wonderful occupational therapist, who worked with me, until I got it. I'm happy to say that I have made good progress on this particular project. I've enjoyed it so much, that I bought several other kits, all to be Christmas presents. 

I'm being referred to a brain injury program. Apparently, they tell me, that when I had my heart attack, my brain was deprived of oxygen. I didn't know this, but apparently it has somewhat, muddled up my brain. Hence, some of my memory issues. I was challenged by an older woman in group therapy, who told me that my memory loss was just a part of aging. You'd be proud of me - I took the high road, and didn't engage with a response. But, boy oh boy, I wanted to. A book was recommend by my doctor - "When I Say No, I Feel Guilty. Describes me to a "t". 

A few months ago, on our neighborhood bulletin, I posted that I had some books on the porch. Take one, etc. The responses from people, who had books that they wanted to get rid of, two very large bags of books! So excited. Ever since when I was young, my Dad, read to me from the Little Golden Books every night. Some of you might remember, one of my favorites, "The Poky Little Puppy". He didn't know it at the time, but those little books, was, I'm glad to say, started me on a lifelong passion for reading. As a teenager, my love of books, when I was asked to do something, I always said - just one more chapter - or two!

Now, for birthday and Christmas presents, I receive Little Golden Books. I have them lined up, of course I do, (blame this on my OCD), in a cabinet. What, will I eventually do with them? As long as I'm still humming along, I will do nothing. I take them out, from time to time, to read. 

Doing my research, and you know I do a lot of this, on Ebay, you can buy 15 vintage books for $575.00. That's crazy talk. Do you know what you could buy, or save, with that amount? Of course, some vintage books, sell for a whole lot less. I think I would still like to have these books, vintage or not.

Let's talk about dieting. This is a subject that strikes terror in a lot of people. I started on my high protein diet last year, and have lost 52 pounds!! When I go to my physical therapy sessions, the therapist, always tells me to donate or toss, pants are too big. This is such a huge problem to have. What I did do, was I donated all my big clothes. This means, that I can never go back, nor do I want to. Being thinner, also means that eventually new clothes, in a much smaller size. And what woman wouldn't like to be able, to buy smaller clothes. Unfortunately, at the moment, I don't have many smaller size clothing. Oh, what a dilemma to have!! It was super easy to lose weight in the hospital, because the food wasn't all that good. Okay, now I'm home, and I'm loving coffee. Hospital coffee is dreadful, to say the least. And, don't get me started on scrambled eggs. Jeff, has always made the best scrambled eggs, I've ever had.  And, if that's not good enough, Benjamin always asks PopPop to make eggs for him when he's at the house. Unfortunately, thanks to this stupid virus, I have only seen (but not hugged), him one time. Jeff went out there last weekend, and was able to see, and hug, him. So jealous.

I apologize that this blog is so long. I just had a lot to say. Hope I didn't bore anyone. I will be blogging, as I always did, five (count 'em) days a week. It's a know fact (just kidding) that bloggers have to rest during the weekend!!

Today, unfortunately, is National Video Day. Whoopy! My love of games, ended with Pac Man, for example. More research, tells me, and now you, that in May of 1972 with the Magnavox Odyssey (first home video game) and Atari in November 1972 (their first PONG arcade game). Atari's game was quickly copied and Atari's game was quickly copied and improved in 1973. Later in 1975, home video games became popular and were sold, pretty much everywhere. And, you can now, buy vintage Pong and games on Ebay!

Stopping for now - I can see eyeballs rolling around - not really. I missed all of you very much, and will try and continue to bring, my latest ramblings!




  1. So happy to have you back, I really missed your daily blogs! Thanks for all the info above. Did Jeff show you the picture of our new addition, "Daphne"? We are adjusting to each other. They said she is 5. I had to order dog sun screen protection because she is so pink and her hair is very sparse! She's a keeper! Sending love, Ruthie

  2. Happy to hear from you, you were in my thoughts daily. Enjoy your day and know that I love you very much!!!!



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Closing Up Shop

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