Tuesday, August 18, 2020

I'm Still Here!


Readers, I owe an explanation about the blog from yesterday. When I saved it, I didn't realize that my blog was going to be in columns. Readers, I know it's been several days since I checked in. Apologies, and I have no excuse. But, for a retired person, I've been a busy gal. And, after you retire, actually when I retired, my life became simple. If, you know me well, then you're not surprised, with my acceptance of mostly staying in the house. I handle this better than Jeff, which makes us the "perfect" couple!

I don't remember if I told you about my appointment with a plastic surgeon. Mind you, I'm not asking for, what they call, a body lift. Nope, just a few "adjustments" to this old and sagging body. I know that I'm rather late to the game. And, all I can think about is that song "you're so vain, you probably think this song is about you". I believe, and you guys may feel differently, that up until the last few years, I was okay with the old bod. There does seem to be some kind of a driving force, behind my desire to look better. I'm not looking to look prettier - because everyone knows how pretty I already am! (insert laughing emoji here)!! I want to feel better. Nothing wrong about that.

Saturday, Jeff was going to a fly-in party, at somebody's house that has it's own runway. When he was talking to me about this, I can imagine, and you can too, that Travolta likely has his own runway. Perhaps, if we ever find our selves winning the lottery (would actually have to buy the lottery ticket!), and find ourselves at odds about how to spend this vast amount of money. Unfortunately, every time we buy tickets, we don't even get back the price of said tickets! then perhaps we too could have a runway. Unfortunately, dreams don't always become reality. Even though that's true, the two of us will continue to dream. 

Oh, back to where I was talking about Jeff who was flying in to attend party, I spent the day at Andrew's house. Actually, that's kind of not true. Stacey and I went out to stores, to "test try" my Visa card. And, it did. My rationale is/was that Jeff told me to have a good time. Trust me, I did, and Visa will be happy that I'm out there spending money. Jeff, not so much.

First stop, was to a thrift store. Mind you, I needed nothing! But, when in a store, most women, and me for sure, fee obligated to buy something. Men will never understand this. And, that's why they are from "Mars" and we girls are from "Venus". 

At the thrift shop, I was in a buyer's heaven. I have a "thing" about glass. And, the boys and Jeff will attest to this. So, remembering that Jeff said I should have fun, I picked up some beautiful, and heavily discounted, pieces. 

I wasn't interested in the clothes, because that for me, is boring. Ah, but then I found the book section. I was in heaven. Wonderful. I can hardly hold myself back, when books are involved. Mind you, I didn't need any more books. Since the book swap that I did earlier this year, I am up to my elbows in books. I have so many books in the neighborhood, I have books in boxes, some on the bookcase, and more, taking up space in a spare chair in our den! Jeff knows that my love for glass and books are just about equal.

I found several Danielle Steel books, so I put them in my cart. Bought a few more Golden Books to add to to my collection. I have a love for these kinds of books, because my Dad read these to me, when I was young.

But, while browsing, I came across a very old book. Titled "The Sheik" , published in, wait for it, 1921!!! This is not a book I intend to read. I bought it because I really love old books, They have a certain smell to them. I know when I'm in a store where there are really old books, people stare at me. They do this, because I'm holding the book to my face, and taking in the "scent" of the book for lack of a better word. Trust me, this old book, "ticked" off all the boxes. The title of the book was almost unreadable, and that's okay. I don't buy these books to read, nope. This book was yellow with age, and had been printed using a very small type, that I wouldn't be able to read it, even with my reading glasses! 

In the back of the book, this is written:

"Of all the amusements which can possibly be imagined, for a hard working man, after his daily toil, there is nothing like reading an entertaining book. It calls for no bodily exertion. It transports him into a livelier and gayer and more diversified and more interesting scene, and while he enjoys himself there he may forget the evils of the present moment, ......." Lively words from a book this old.

Unlike myself, Jeff doesn't have much down time. Sometimes he finds the title of an interesting book, that he wants to read. but reading is not his passion. Flying is his passion. 

Give me a book, and I can be transported anywhere and be anybody! Just saying.  

My old/new book was published by A.L.Burt Company, which was in business from (incorporated as A.L. Burt Company) was a New York based book publishing house from 1883 until 1937. See, I told you that this book was old.

Anyway, once we were done in the Thrift Shop, we went to several other stores, the names of which I can't remember (shocker I know). Our final store was Michael's. I love that store, and while I was there, picked up numerous things for Christmas. Since, I'm not sure who, in the family, reads my blog, obviously, can't say what I bought. This Christmas will likely be very strange. Can families get together, if they stay six feet apart and wear masks? Or, do will all use Zoom - you show me your gift, and I'll show you mine! Just writing this, makes me grimace.

I think I've written a pretty wordy blog, catching up on what this old lady has been up to. "Stella" and I, will get our groove back tomorrow.

A research note about the old book I found:

A. L. Burt (incorporated in 1902 as A. L. Burt Company) was a New York-based book publishing house from 1883 until 1937. It was founded by Albert Levi Burt, a forty year old from Massachusetts who had come to recognize the demand for inexpensive reference works while working as a traveling salesman.

Please stay safe everybody, and while we don't like it, wear your masks when you leave the house. Just think what your suntan would look like, if you were out in the sun, with your mask on!! You might end up looking like a racoon!

Tomorrow, I'll sit here in my "office", and will be back to my "normal", self, whatever that means when it pertains to me.



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