Friday, January 29, 2021

An Outing!


Look I started my blog BEFORE noon. I'm very proud of myself.

Yesterday, Stacey and Benjamin came to visit. I don't get a lot, or most of the time, visitors. And, this is particularly true now with the virus.

It was wonderful to see both of them. Benjamin came prepared to do his homework. Stacey and I went to Michael's to look for a different shadow box, for the gift she gave me at Christmas. The predominant color of the shadow box and frame were white. When looking for a new box, we decided that black was a better option. Took it home, Stacey put the Unicorn picture.made out of very colorful ribbons, that were either twisted or arranged carefully for the Unicorn's mane. 

While we were at Michael's, I told Stacey that I had bought a Diamond Dotz kit of a butterfly. When I bought it four years ago, Bella was a puppy. And, a puppy that believed, everything in the house was hers for taking. Long story short, she had taken the butterfly kit to the backyard. Luckily, she only chewed on the box; but, somehow she managed to get out of the tools needed to make the butterfly. This kit has set in a spare room for all these years.

While we were shopping, she and I came across a Dotz card with hearts. It's small, and had enough time to show me how to put on these, I guess you could call them dots, on the card. My hands shake a bit, so the placement of the dots was difficult. I could get the dots on the card, but Stacey had to use her fingers, to move the dots into their correct position.

Before Stacey left for home, she took care of hanging up some pictures that I had received at Christmas. So, my unicorn picture and my raggedy Ann and Andy picture, are now in their proper place. Now, the only thing I would like to hang in my office, is a bulletin board, where I could place the bits and pieces of artwork from Benjamin and my sister. My sister is now making beautiful pictures, so as one of her gifts in her "sister" box, was a large box filled with colored pencils, oil, chalk, a set of water colors. It was a good gift for her, and I have been rewarded with some of her pictures - and they are beautiful!

It's winter back here, but last year, we only received a dusting, not the "foots" that Scott likes. The forecast shows snow on Sunday and Monday, with perhaps an accumulation of somewhere between 3 and 5 inches. Of course, in a blink of the eye, the weather could move into a different direction, and we won't get snow. 

Scott has a plow attachment for his tractor. He was nice enough to bring up his snow blower, which will make clearing the driveway much easier. 

Because there is talk of upcoming snow, the stores where Jeff shops, will likely be madness. If, we couldn't get to the store, for the most part, we'd be fine. We have water, it comes from our faucet, toilet paper, and plenty of food in the big freezer. If, per chance, we ran out of milk or eggs, we wouldn't go hungry. And, the gas log fireplace, which also has a blower, will make the den very, very warm. Sometimes, too warm. You can get drowsy if the fireplace is on! Bella and Daisy both give the fireplace a rating of 10 out of 10. Their only problem, which they are able to work out, is who gets the best spot in front of the fireplace.

Since I'm not in front of the fireplace, and it's very cold outside, I want to get my chores done, so that I can return back to the den!

Jeff and I have appointments to get our vaccines, but likely will still have to stand outside, for our turn. If, we do have to stand in line, then I'll stay in the car, while Jeff waits. I'm physically not able to stand for a long time. And, the stories I read about, say that just because you have an appointment, doesn't mean you'll still have to wait. To me, this makes no sense. We are at the stage where people 65 and older, are supposed to get their shots. Somehow, I believe that there will be other people in line, who are definitely over the age of 65. Once we get our shot in a few weeks, I can report how long, we would have to wait in line. And, it's cold back here at the moment. 

When the nights are super cold, we don't use more blankets. Nope, we just pull up a dog or two, between us, and they give off a lot of heat.

Remember to do the right things. Perhaps, before the end of the year, most of us will have had our shots. Although they say, we will still have to wear our masks.

See you on Monday.


Wednesday, January 27, 2021

I'm Back


In case you're wondering, if I have wandered off, I haven't. I can give you a myriad of excuses, but I won't. For several days this week, I was busy with doctor appointments. Secondly, I couldn't seem to come up, in my tiny brain, anything much to write about.

We had our first "snow" this week. I guess you could call it that, but it turned out to be just a dusting. Boring. Since Jeff and I don't have to worry about getting to an office, and the boys are now grown, we wouldn't mind some countable amount of snow. Forecast says that we will have some snow, possibly next week. Since Scott has a tractor with a blade attachment for pushing snow around, he gave Jeff his snow blower. And, that means, we'll probably not need it! If we do get snow, we are prepared. Lots of food in the house, and we also have "Jenny" our whole house generator. Haven't really needed it, since it was installed, but I'm sure that there will be a time when Jenny will be more than useful. 

Yesterday, the Veterans came and picked up my six bags of clothes (don't tell Jeff, because there are still a lot of my clothes in the closets. Mind you, even knowing that, doesn't stop, my, desire to want new clothes. Every woman does, it's just in our DNA!

I've done some research, because I wanted to know how much these "reality" people are paid. The people on the show "Alaska Last Frontier", get paid $1,500 per episode, boy I would like to earn that much money. One of the brothers on the show, Otto, has a net worth of $4 million dollars. There's a lot you can do with that kind of money. It's also true that you are in front of the camera for most of the day, while doing their chores. 

On the show "Gold Rush", Tony Beets is worth 15 million dollars. Two of the other "stars" on this show get $25,000 per episode. Perhaps, Jeff and I should take up mining for gold! We  haven't had any success playing the lottery, partly because we don't buy tickets! Hard to win, if you don't play.

It's cold here in my office, so I'm heading back to the den and the cozy fireplace.

Finally, Jeff and I have vaccine appointments in February. Because of our age, we are finally getting vaccinated. I know, still wear masks, etc., but it will make us feel one step closer to having protection.

Stay well and stay safe.


Friday, January 22, 2021

It's Sunny Outside


We're ending the week, with a lot of sunshine, and a beautiful blue sky. This is the kind of weather, that fills me with optimism. 

The weatherman last night, said something about the "S" word - snow. Since Jeff and I seldom leave the house, having snow, wouldn't affect us at all.

Actually, truth be told, since we had little or no snow last winter, I think that it might be nice to have some of that white stuff on the ground. Since I'm retired, I no longer have to listen to the recorded message: closed, partially close, open, etc. When the boys were younger, and I worked for two attorneys, their snow days were spent at the office with me. Binder clips were never so organized! Later, I would put the things they organized, back in their original place. But, they were able to play outside, and come inside, when they were cold. Best of both worlds for Scott and Andrew. And, for me as well.

Nothing strikes terror, for a parent, to be told that schools were closed. Arrgh. You took the day off, with vacation days, if you still had them, or lose a day or two without pay.

Eventually, the boys were old enough to stay in the house by themselves. We live at the top of a hill, so sledding was a lot of fun for them. Just be aware of traffic at the END of the street!

For the most part, the boys were okay with staying home by themselves. But, there was once an incident, where the boys wanted to go outside, but they had a fire going in the den. Before they went outside, I told the boys to remember to shut the glass doors. What I forgot to mention, is that you couldn't just close those doors while there was a small fire still going. I'm at fault, for not telling them to keep the doors open. The result? After the doors were closed, all of the glass, exploded, more or less. I got the call, because it seems always easier to talk to Mom. There was glass everywhere. When Jeff and I both were home, all of us started picking up the pieces. This always entailed removing glass from the gaskets that surrounded the fireplace. Happy to report, that eventually, we found most of the glass, except for the very little pieces. Naturally, when the glass doors were replaced, that occurrence never happened again. The boys had learned a lesson that day, and one they would never forget.

Once the boys left home, and it was up to Jeff to bring in the wood, and keep the fireplace going. It was a lot of work, as well as being messy. Solution? Use natural gas, to stop and start fires. It's wonderful to just press a button.  Downside? There is no woodsy smell, but there is also no embers popping out onto the carpet. 

When Jeff does his weekly shop, and I no longer go along, he sees plenty of shoppers filling their carts with water. I don't know where they live, but here at home, the tap water is perfectly fine to drink. The boys also know, that if their running out of food, there is always food in our house!

I know the time of this blog, wasn't early in the morning. But I have to watch at least one loop of news. Bad as it can possibly be.

Stay safe, get vaccinated when it's your turn.


Thursday, January 21, 2021



I didn't blog yesterday, because I was busy watching the inauguration pretty much all day. Though, I absolutely needed to do more than just sit on my bottom all day, I couldn't. Yesterday was a day in history, like no other, that most of us, was excited to see the new administration. Apologies if you don't like the new President, in the White House.  

For me, I felt like it was a new beginning. And, heaven knows, that a change for our country was overdue. (sorry, if you don't happen to feel this way). But, know that it's okay.

We have a Tivo that records our television shows, basically so we can skip the commercials. I had the Tivo set up to record all of the events of yesterday. This way, I could skip forward if I had already seen a particular subject, earlier in the day.

I do hope, in time, that the Vice-President will soon not be described as a first black and Asian woman. Okay, all of us, have heard this description of the Vice-President, during the campaigning, etc. But, enough is enough. I find it more exciting that we have a woman Vice-President. That, in of itself, is going to be a major part of our history.

Today, I'm planning on doing something. What that might be, is still rattling around in my head.

I hope that you will get your vaccination soon. Even if you have, we still have to remember our safety issues - masks, etc.

Have a great day.




Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Bachelor or Bacelorette


I have certain television shows, that I watch every episode, they are that interesting. To me, but perhaps not you.

Years ago, I started the Bachelor and Bacelorette (I think that's the correct spelling). With these shows, they remind me a little bit of a Danielle Steel's books. Beautiful woman (or women), and a handsome man, or men.

Right now, it's the ladies turn. The single man, who they are all trying to spend as much time with, as possible. This is predicted, and I wonder how much is scripted?

In turn, the women are always gorgeous, have a full wardrobe of beautiful gowns/dresses to wear. There are group dates (ugh), as well as one-to-one dates. Of course, the women want a solo date, because if you think 3 is a crowd, imagine yourself with possibly 18 or 19 contenders. To make yourself visible, you have to be outgoing, brazen, and there is always one of those, and I could go on and on.

The goal for either show, is to become engaged. As the number of contestants decreases, the contestants who are left, really start to ratchet up individual time with the bachelor or bachelorette.

After all, if the "x" person doesn't really see you, amidst the other woman/man, then your chances of getting a ring, are slim. You know, that at the end of the show, there is always an engagement, with a diamond ring, the size of Texas (not really, but it's definitely big). Of course, the person at the end of the show, always says yes. Looking at the numbers, only 6 couples married and remain married. That's not a really big number. Perhaps, some couples buy into the world of fantasy, where Unicorns live. Ah, but reality starts to set in. He/she lives on one side of the country, and the other person generally on the other side. Does somebody have to give up their home and their job, to follow someone they have only spent several weeks together. Touch decisions. And, by the numbers, you can see that not many couples stay together. When you live with, or marry, your worlds are turned upside down. 

I've had a thought about these shows lately. What would happen if the contestants were not quite as attractive, and/or perhaps a isn't the size of a twig. Would people really watch a show about "normal" people. Perhaps, by watching such a show, it would connect with the rest of the population. That's a pipe dream, and ain't gonna happen.


Tomorrow, all channels, will be broadcasting all day and even into the evening.  Our favorite channel is CNN. I don't know if it's the best place to get your news, but we enjoy the commentators. I'll set our Tivo to record the goings on for the day.

It's going to be an inauguration, the likes of which, I hope to never experience again. Thanks to the insurrection on the 6th, Biden will not have the opportunity to walk on Pennsylvania Avenue. And the hand-off from Trump to Biden, isn't going to happen either. But, for me, that's okay.

Tomorrow, will not only be a new day, but a day full of optimism, for most Americans.

I'll stop now. I probably won't blog tomorrow, because I'll be watching all of the activities.

Even, if you have been vaccinated, they say that you should still do the usual, as we have done for most of last year.


Friday, January 15, 2021

What Might Happen In The Future


After that horrific protest last week, makes me wonder what, if anything, else is likely to happen in the coming days. The news people continually say that it's possible for more protests, in other cities, in the coming week. When is enough, enough? For me, last week was enough. The intrusion of people storming the capital was very scary. I'm not feeling very optimistic about the future days. And, that's not a good feeling, I assure you.

I wonder what the protestors are hoping to accomplish when they invade government buildings. The election is over. Biden won, and there is nothing more to say about that. It's called reality, and sooner or later, everybody, will hopefully adjust to the new administration.

In the meantime, Jeff and I are watching endless news shows. I'm not sure why we do this, because for the most part, the news doesn't usually change from one newscast to another.

The FBI, has warned Governors in all states, to be aware and prepared for a possible attack in their cities. Oh, please let us go back in time, when things weren't so bleak. 

At this point in time, I'm glad I don't have children. What would I say to them about last week? It's hard enough to talk to them about the virus and the absolute necessity to wear masks, when they are not at home.

And, of course, the virus continues to spread. When I looked at the protest last week, almost nobody was wearing a mask. So, it stands to reason, that there is a possibility, that the numbers of people who have the virus, will rise. I'm scared, I'll admit, which is why I almost never leave the house. Why go shopping, when you don't really have to go. Jeff shops once a week, while I remain at home.

I don't know when Jeff and I will receive our vaccination. Some states say, anybody over the age of 65. While for other states, you must be over 75. I have signed on with the county, so that they will send an email to us, letting us know when it's our turn. And, it can't happen soon enough. I know, that we'll have to continue to wear masks, and this will be okay, because it's become normal.

When you leave the house, you have to have the essentials, like wallets or a purse, but more often than not, I get in the car and realize I don't have a mask. Grrr. Before I go back inside, I check the pocket in the car, and sure enough there is more than one, inside the car. Obviously, I should take those masks and hang them on a hook on the back door. Yet, I don't.

I remember, and perhaps you do as well, that years ago, Coke had a lovely commercial, "It's the real thing". As far as commercials go, this one is near the top of my list. As for my number one favorite commercial, it goes to Budweiser with those beautiful horses.

So, there you have it, as I wrap up another week.

Enjoy your weekend, and stay safe.





Thursday, January 14, 2021

Just Another Day


My morning, like many others, just seems to slip away from me. This may happen to other folks that are retired. For all the years, that I, and perhaps you as well, heard the chirp of an alarm clock. How I hated the sound. These days, we only occasionally have to set the alarm, thank goodness.

As regular as a clock, I shared my breakfast with the morning news. It's a wonder that I don't get indigestion! But, with all the news that is occurring right now, I absolutely feel the need to stay current. Once I've turned off the news, if Jeff asks me what's going on in the country, I have almost zero recall! Sad, but the truth.

Trust me, I have done and continue to do, crosswords, word search and an on-line jigsaw picture. I do some, if not all, of these things every day. I took a "mental" test through AARP, and my score was 27 percent, out of 100. Not too good.

I am holding my breath, that there aren't any more protests, such as the one from last week. I feel so sorry for the National Guard. They walk the perimeter of the Capitol, night and day. If I had to do this, I probably would fall asleep standing up! But, because this isn't their first rodeo, they are probably used to standing by, and waiting. All of the National Guards have powerful weapons, and I believe, not afraid to use them. What a sad state of affairs for this country. Oh, how I miss the 60's, minus, of course, the Vietnam War.

Sadly, I understand how we got here. And, I hope with the new administration coming in next week, that the madness will stop. That maybe, wishful thinking on my part, but I'm hoping for the best. 

I have plenty of time to organize things. The closet clean up was very successful. My main closet (doesn't everyone have this?), is now sorted primarily with all the clothes, in one place. I have long sleeved tops, short sleeves, and the list just goes on and on.

With organizing running through my veins, I decided yesterday to go through the cabinet above the stove. Most of the time now, I never think of the consequences of my action. I was standing on a chair, and you already know what likely happened. Yup, I stumbled a bit and fell down after the chair, I was using toppled over. And your highness fell with it. Because of good bones, I didn't break anything, but I do have a very, very big bruise on one leg. You would think that I would do more reasonable things, around the house, but you'd be wrong. Part of my frustration, on a daily basis, is what I cannot do or should not do. And, of course, I can't even begin to explain to Jeff, why I continue to do stupid things. 

After I blog, then I go to Facebook, or Google, to see what interesting new things have happened overnight. I particularly like to read, anything about the Royals. While they for sure don't live like we minions do, but  they do have rules to follow. How, I would like to have somebody make up my bed every morning, and bring me tea, when I'm thirsty.

So, the maid in this family, does make the bed every morning. I don't want to go to bed at night, and see rumbled sheets and blankets. Just a quirk of mine.

I hope that you are going to get your vaccine shot very soon. Jeff and I are waiting our turn, but will be one of the first in line, when it's time for us to do so.

More tomorrow.



Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Television That Can Put You to Sleep


So much to say, where should I begin? Because being up on the current news, is now necessary. At least that's how I feel.

During breakfast, I watched one round of the news. But, this morning, the Senators were giving their speeches, before voting. It was sad, for me at least, to see that the Senate chambers was almost empty. Where are the rest of the Senators? Staying home? Or, something like that. And, of course, if they are not in the Senate, then they will not have to vote. If they vote no or yes to impeachment  they will have to make their constitutes, back home, to try and understand their political stand. That might be hard to do.

After last week's riot, it is rightly so, that every state is concerned about the possibility of future riots and/or protests. Fences are being put around many state capitals. And it's more than likely that the National Guard will be called in, to gain control of the protestors. Fingers crossed for peace.

I think that Jeff and I will soon be eligible for the vaccination. And, we won't hesitate for a minute.

Have a wonderful day. Be safe.



Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Backyard is Bare


As I talked about yesterday, all the trees in the backyard are now gone. Without the trees, there is a significant difference. Ya think? One of those differences, is that the backside of our yard is now barren. And, the other thing, is that our house is sunnier, with the trees gone.  

The only tree remaining in the yard is a 30 plus oak tree. I'm assuming that the neighbors will object to have this tree remain in place. But, around here, you never know. In this neighborhood, your neighbors all want to know what's going on in the front and back of your property.

Our neighborhood, has an electronic bulletin board. And, some of the posts, from our neighbors, is absolutely ridiculous. Such as: they spotted a fox. Could it be rapid? The answer I found after research, is the likely hood of having a rapid fox in the area is minimal.

Other posts, are offering things for sale and/or free. I've noticed that some people, are trying to sell a Tupperware pitcher for instance. They are asking, most of the time, ridiculously low prices. If you are asking, let's say, $2.00, do you really think people are actually going to buy this item? I think not. Or, let's put it this way, I wouldn't. 

And, of course, there are people, who are way over the top, price wise. I sell nothing. I did start a book drive last year, and it was very successful.

Series review: The Imposters on Netflix. This show is worthy of binge watching. Our regret, at the moment, is that there are no episodes for us to watch. I will go and find Jeff and I another series to watch.

It's sunny outside, but cold, as far as I'm concerned. When I turn on the fireplace, both girls are quick to try and get as close to the fireplace as possible.They are cold, even though they both have "fur" coats!

The closets, that I've gone through so far, has made me aware (don't tell Jeff), that I owned too many clothes. While purging, I found some clothes that I didn't remember owing. That just sounds sad. Whoever buys my clothes, will be in for a treat. Everything is clean, not stained, ripped or otherwise. I am also donating some of the clothes that I wore while working for a most demanding executive.

Since, it appears that I'm no longer able to cook and/or bake, I have wondered about hiring some kind of sitter, who can help me in the kitchen for instance, as well as going out for a walk. I guess, the best thing for me, would be to have a companion, so that I would have someone to talk to. I don't know how much it costs to have a companion, but definitely worth looking into.

It's a beautiful day here, and I hope you are having one as well. Jeff and I are eagerly awaiting our turn for the vaccine. Will still have to wear a mask, etc., but it's a start.



Monday, January 11, 2021

Big Doings At The Bassett House


After months of waiting, due to schedules and weathers, the tree man came today! So to my neighbor, who is afraid of one of our trees falling on her house. How do you like me now? There is a lot of noise, when you take this many trees down.

We have used this tree company before, and they are nothing short of amazing. By the time they leave today, there will be evidence that our trees were ever in the ground. I haven't gone in the backyard, because I don't want to have the girls running away, when the gate is open. So, I'm watching through my windows, and now they are feeding branches and trees, into a grinder. Such fun. This kind of fun, unfortunately, is costly. But, in the end, definitely worth it.

Our kitchen window is quite long as well as high. When we moved in, some 30+ years ago, the neighbor behind us, had his kitchen window facing ours. Totally unacceptable to this California woman, where privacy is key.

So, to fix this problem, Jeff and I planted Leland Cypress trees across the entire backyard. And, for many, many years, the trees gave us privacy in the kitchen. Flash forward to the here and now, and all of those trees are being taken down. When we moved here, everybody toted that these trees, would make a nice and high barrier against our neighbor.

What they didn't tell us, and it's a biggie, that these trees should be topped off at some point, to keep them from growing too high. Since we didn't know this, the trees kept growing and growing. From time to time, Jeff would cut off a dead branch, but that's all the maintenance, we ever did. 

We learned our lesson about this type of tree, which is shallow rooted, when a tree company came out, to look at the trees. It was deemed that the trees, all of them, had to be taken down. This was a bummer, but this wasn't a verdict that we didn't see coming. Jeff says that only two trees have been taking down completely, and it changes the look in the yard. So no privacy now. 

I think Jeff and I will wait until spring, to plant something in the yard. Perhaps a wall of holly plants. We have a holly bush tree in one corner of our backyard. It's still thriving. Downside? trimming a holly bush is near to impossible. Oh, you can trim it, but then you have to pick up the fallen branches. And, that my friends, is not an easy process.

The other news, is that I can't manage my new  iPhone. When Scott joined AT&T, he bought his family, and ours, new phones. I had an iPhone, oh 4 or so years ago. This was Bella's puppy stage. At that time, anything she could reach, or pull out of a trash can, belonged to her. When we discovered that my cellphone was missing from the counter, way in the back, then a search began. Yes, we did find the phone, but she had chewed on it, and put into dirt. This was a phone that wasn't coming back. My old phone was (a) smaller; and (b) easier to use. I knew that technology of a cellphone was newer, but didn't believe it would be hard to use. And I was wrong. I even bought a dummy book for seniors using an IPhone. First thing, was this new phone was waaaaaay bigger and heavier than the one I had years ago. But, initially I sat down with phone in one hand, and the book in the other. Unlike, my old phone that had a button the bottom, for turning on and off the phone. This one doesn't have that button anymore. And, try as I might, just couldn't understand any of the function buttons. I finally called "Uncle", and the phone is now put away. Jeff reminds me, and he's right, that, for the most part, I'm never alone. And, therefore, have no reason to have and/or use a cellphone. I just wanted one.

For the last few days, I've been cleaning out my closets. And, I have several large plastic bags to donate. I had many clothes that were just too big, some I didn't like anymore, and unfortunately, some that were still too small. I decided, that keeping clothes that were, at the moment, too small, was not a reason to keep them. When I donate these clothes, whoever buys or gets these, will be very happy.

Next project, shoes. Ugh. Over the years, all of them, I had small and narrow feet. Currently, somehow my right foot is now bigger. It makes no sense to buy shoes that I can no longer wear, so I'll just donate them. It's not like my right foot is magically going to get smaller! I wish.

Have to close now. I have a doctor's appointment in a few minutes.



Friday, January 8, 2021

What Can I Say Today?


After yesterday's blog, anything I write today, will hardly compare. I did watch one news cycle this morning. CNN has several morning shows, but you only need to watch one. Each different time of the news, is merely repeating what I've  already seen. Since the news is, for the most part, depressing, it's healthier for me to leave the television, and get started on something else.

Jeff and I gave Benjamin, for Christmas a kerokee (or however you spell it) machine, as well as a green background, and a panel of lights. Happy to say, that these three presents, has spurred Benjamin on, to make YouTube videos. The drawings he creates, also has music playing in the background. If you want to watch his videos, you can go to

As Benjamin's Grandmother, I, of course, think that the work he has already posted, is beautiful. There are three people in the family, who are creative. Me, not being one of them. Hats off to Wendy, Stacey and Benjamin. My skill, if I had to pick one, is writing. I have taken several on-line writing courses, and have enjoyed the assignments. Your prompt, for instance, could be as simple as "You have a red rose". My task, was to create at least a 100 word story, about the rose. Challenging, but fun all at the same time.

I have many things I could write about. My last project was about the missing diary of Abe Lincoln. Jeff even took me to Baltimore so that I could see some of the older churches. In my story, once the slaves managed to get to Baltimore, there was an underground tunnel in a church. The front pew would be moved to reveal the tunnel, and a path to Canada. Obviously, the pew was returned to it's original position. And, the story goes on and on. Over time, I have written probably more than 100 pages of this story. Unfortunately, I have lost my mojo, along the way. 

Some of the things that I learned about, during my research, was that once the slaves had fled the plantation, there was help along the way. One indication of a safe place, was the hanging of quilts. If  the was pattern up, then it was safe. If not, the slaves didn't stop, and kept on going.

Starting to write a book (not likely, but I can dream) is not easy. You have to capture the attention of the reader right away. When I am in a store, and looking for a book, I always read the first few pages. Those pages usually, tell me whether to buy the book, or find something more interesting to read.

After grabbing a reader's attention, then the story must progress. What is the dilemma or problem that the main character(s), has to deal with. How do they handle the crisis? And, of course there is the ending, which I have not yet envisioned. Stumbling blocks on the way to writing, can cause me to, for the moment, the story. 

And, when said book is finished, finding somebody or some company, to actually read it, and then, hopefully, gives you a thumbs up! Wouldn't that be grand? This is much like winning the lottery, if you don't play, you won't, obviously, win anything.
When I have "down" time, which is mostly all of the day, I have started, to organize things around the house. For instance, I would like to stop the struggle of finding a top, and then can't find the bottom, or vice versa.

Please stay safe everyone. As for me, I leave the house only for a doctor or dental appointment. 

Enjoy your weekend. See you on Monday.


Thursday, January 7, 2021



There is only way to describe, at least in polite society, is wow!  Jeff and I spent several hours yesterday, watching history. Albeit terrible history. The kind of history, that you will remember all the days of your life. For example, I remember, and perhaps you do as well, where I was when President Kennedy was assassinated. I was in junior high, and the schools were closed for the day. 

I know that when I got home, my parents were glued to the television. Remember, that at that time, there were very few television channels to choose from. As a preteen, I hadn't developed an interest, in many things that were happening around me.

Fast forward many years, and I now watch the morning and evening news.

The election last year, voted Biden as the new President. These two political parties, Democrat, and Republican, left the country deeply divided.  camps. Democrat or Republican, you choose.

The recounting of votes, over and over again, left all of us in limbo. This has never happened before. You run for office, you lose, you leave. It's as simple as that.

But, yesterday, left me sad and confused. Were there that many people who, like the President, really believed that he had won the election. There were, no fake votes, or duplicate votes from people who died, or lastly, dumping votes into a river. Such nonsense.

And, then yesterday, D.C., was overrun by protestors. Clarification, Trump's supporters. What probably started quietly (I actually don't know this), turned into a horror show. Around the world, heads of states, couldn't understand yesterday's actions. Frankly, at this time, I believe, we have definitely not showed the rest of the world how democracy happens. Unfortunately, just the opposite.

Protest, if you must. But, to have people die during this protest, is unnecessary. When the protesting started getting ugly, that's when no amount of police presence, could stop this mob. They went into the offices of some people, such as Nancy Pelosi, dumped papers all over the floor, sat in her chair (very disrespectful), and took selfies.

Washington, was not the only protest going through the country. Some, but not all, states, also had protesting. For instance, Georgia   Kansas (this I can't imagine) Idaho, Michigan and California, as well as other cities around the country.

I can only imagine, and I hope I'm wrong, that there will be more protesting on the 20th. When people or sports teams are defeated, they congratulate the other team, lick their wounds, or egos, and go home.

In this country, there are Democrats and Republicans. For months, at least it feels that long, people have begun feuding. I understand,

The First Amendment protects your right to assemble and express your views through protest. I'm sure that when the Constitution was written, our forefathers couldn't have begun to imagine the events of yesterday. 

Yesterday, in movie terms, would be an action film A movie, that no amount of popcorn, could erase those events.

I, do applaud, Vice-President Pence, for being such a strong leader, which we badly need at this time.

As for the administration, there have been people, who have, or will jump ship. You can't blame them. You know when your ship is going down, that you don't necessarily have to go down also.

Most of you know, that I don't "do" politics. But, today, I just had to go there.



Wednesday, January 6, 2021

History In The Making


I'm a bit behind this morning. But, as usual I have an excuse. History is unfolding today, and I wanted to watch the news a little longer. 

I'm pretty sure, that in my lifetime, I will, hopefully, never have to life again through all the political shenanigans,we've endured both last year, as well as the beginning of this year. I don't know about you, but I'm word out. The solution, obviously, would of course be, to stop watching the news. And, I just can't do that. This reminds me of driving past a car wreck, and not looking. It's just human nature.

Our Tivo will record the election results in Georgia, for the two seats that need to be filled for the Senate. I don't have to tell you which side I'm rooting for. I'm sure all of you have figured this out.

If we record a show, then Tivo has a button for 30 second skips. Purpose being, to avoid commercials as much as possible. I know that advertising of products, etc., is a revenue stream of money. But while the products see to be interesting, I have never actually stopped a show, to watch an ad.

I have unfinished sorting of clothes. Today, I'll tackle the closets (yes, more than one). I'll use the same method that I did with the spare bedrooms. It either fits, or it doesn't. Simple as that. Don't let sentiments get in the way.

The closets are filled with my going to work clothes. Since I no longer work, I don't have a need to keep all of these clothes. I will keep a certain amount of clothes, that I would wear to go to a party, etc. And, since the virus has ravished our world, there aren't any, or shouldn't be any large gatherings.

For this reason, I'm staying for the most part in the house. If I stay inside, then the zombies can't give the virus to me. I know that Jeff is right about catching the virus. And, now there is this new strain, and it's moving across the country. Okay, I'm a little bit paranoid!

My sincere sympathies, go out to the thousands, if not more, waiting in food lines that look like they are more than a mile long. Nobody, wants to sit in their cars for hours, but you have to do, what you have to do.

Most unemployment assistance, I think, ran out last month. Payments to your landlord, or the mortgage companies have been put on the background, for the moment. I do know somebody who owns a lot of rentals. His theory is, if you don't pay, you don't stay.

I, was in my first marriage, poor, I mean really poor. In the 60's, there were many marriages to veterans coming home. Some may have lasted, but ours did not. It lasted 5 years, until my husband, decided he wanted to marry somebody else. Best thing that could have happened to me. 

Before Jeff came along, a trip to the grocery store, was nothing short of a financial disaster for me. I had a son, and myself to feed. I looked for dented cans, even some out of date. Stale bread, and milk that was right on the edge. As a parent, I didn't like my newly divorced life, and I only received one check for support check. And, then nothing.

When my parents, came to visit me, they never came, without bringing food. Trust me, if you have never gone through this kind of near poverty, then you can't begin to understand, know difficult and hard my life was

When Jeff came along, we went grocery shopping. As usual, I looked for all the discounted food, which is all I could afford. Jeff, on the other, who was and still is, my man in shining armor, was going through the store and filling up his cart. When it came to checkout, I remember telling Jeff, that there was no way I could afford all these groceries. His answer was, and I can still remember, that he took my meager amount of food items, and paid for all of the groceries. That was my first experience, but certainly not the last, of being eternally grateful, of Jeff's help. This continues still today, when, because of my short term memory, he has to remind me over and over again, before I tell him, that I can't remember having this conversation. Basically, I'm the cement block, that Jeff has to lug around everyday. And, I wish he could have a better life, than the one he has now. 

Time to close. Closets are calling!

Please stay safe everyone.



Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Ugly Weather and Ugly News


For the new year, Jeff has bought me a day calendar featuring puppies. How great is that? On gloomy days, which have been many, it makes me happy to look at puppies. 

I watched the morning news, but only for one hours. I can watch one hour of news, and then move on to a pleasant tv show, or a movie. After all of that, I return to my "office", to write my blog. Writing comes easily to me, but there are some days, where I have to really think about the subject.

With the help of a Ritalin pill in the afternoon, I turn into a master organizer. The pill gives me a lot of energy. Completing a project in the afternoon, is very easy. The mornings not so much.

I have scheduled for later, all the nonsense going on in Georgia. I really feel sorry for the people, who have had to recount the votes over and over again.

Today, I wondered what the poll works make. The Inspector gets $150.00 a day. Clerks earn $80.00 a day. And last, but not least, counters earn $8.25 per hour. Normally, of course, with the exception of this election, the poll workers announce the winner of their particular state. Based on the messiness of this election, it might make it difficult to find workers for the next election.

I checked the facts. In history, only four elections have been contested. But, right this minute, everything that could go wrong, has done so. Thanks to CNN, I am recording the news all day. And, I'll do it again tomorrow. Fingers crossed that tomorrow, there's no issue with approving the Electoral College Certification.

I can't decide if my glass is half full or half empty, when I think about the year ahead. Getting everyone vaccinated is likely to take time. I have heard that some people won't be vaccinated until the spring. Argh. Other than giving shots to first responders, nurses, doctors, etc., it's hard to know when it will be our turn. Neither Jeff, or myself, have any doubts about getting the shot, and would likely want to be first in line!

We have lived for nearly a year, wearing masks, distancing and washing hands. Eventually, and I don't know when that is going to happen, it might be hard to return to our normal lives. It's possible that, after this length of time, some of us, may not find it easy to return to work, school, etc. But, I'm sure that we'll be able to adjust to the way things were, before March. 

Because, of the new strain of virus, which has already been in several states, I've decided to just stay home. If, I do this, I'll be relatively safe from getting sick.

Time for me to switch gears, and try and finish up my chore of going through my clothes. Unfortunately, I just might have more than a "tiny" amount of things to go through.

Stay safe everyone.





Monday, January 4, 2021

Back to "Normal"


Today, just about everybody, returns to either work or school. And, what am I doing you ask? Organizing - clothes! This is a daunting task, that requires trying on a number of clothes, to make sure that they are (a) not too big; (b) not drastically too small, as in I'll likely never be able to get my weight down, to wear them; and, finally, clothes that I, frankly, just don't want anymore. 

So far, I have filled 4 of those large plastic bags with clothes, that I'm ready to donate. You know how we ladies always tell our husbands, that we have nothing to wear! For me personally, with the filling of four bags, it is obvious that I had too many clothes (don't tell Jeff), in my closets.

The last time Scott was he mounted a large television in our bedroom. Problem? Last night, for instance, I was watching a show, and I thought I was sleepy. Not so much. A downside to the television in our room, is that I get too wired to go to sleep. This is not good. Perhaps, useful if I want to take a nap during the day.

I have high hopes for this new year. Pretty much anything, would be better than the year we just went through. I don't know when Jeff and I will be eligible for the vaccine, but when it's our turn, we'll be in line. Pretty much like everybody else!

I love Christmas time. Not for the things that I receive, but the presents that I give. But, as my family knows, when Christmas is over, for me, it's really over. I take all the decorations off of my little artificial tree, and along with garland, pack them up for next year. I like lights, all year round. Since it's not hurting anybody, and we seldom have visitors, I'll probably just keep the tree up all this year. If, for no other reason, is how pretty the little tree is, when we tell Alexa to turn on "x" smart plug. Or, however that works.

Scott, who now works for AT&T, he bought his family, and Jeff new cellphones, Samsung I think. At one time, in the early stages of Bella being a puppy, she took my cellphone, out into the yard, chewed on it, pushed it into the mud, etc. This didn't go well once the phone was retrieved, and put to a natural death. I was told at the time, that I would never get a cellphone again ever. But, important to note, I really don't need one, since I am seldom alone. But, if by chance, I do find myself alone, I would be able to call Jeff for help.

I no longer drive  the family thinks that my response to a situation would be com-promised. I agree with everybody, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. I'm only 71, but my world gets smaller and smaller. 

Scott bought me an iPhone, last year, and so far it's sitting on a kitchen counter. I've pushed the phone way in the back. Since I'm not a regular cellphone person, I bought one of those "dummy" books, titled iPhone for Seniors. It's true that I could be told how to do this and that with the phone. But I wouldn't understand and/or remember what I was being told. Much better for me to read this dummy book, and find out exactly how the phone works! 

If, for no other reason, I would like to be able to take pictures. And, perhaps a jog to my memory, of upcoming appointments. Things like that. I don't make calls to my friends, very often. Being me, I always assume that when I call, I'm interrupting their day. For the most part, I know that none of this is true, but that's just how my brain works! Or, how my brain doesn't work so well anymore. I hate, what my life has become. And, it's maddening to those around me, that they have to repeat things multiple times. Notes don't work, because I can't remember where the list is. Such is my life.

Due, in part, because of the new strain of the virus, I have made the decision to not leave the house, unless I have to absolutely go somewhere. For instance, going to get a pedicure is not so important (actually it is) that I should be around other people.

I've even decided not to go to work with my personal trainer. When I'm with the trainer, I generally ride the bike, for at least 10 or 15 minutes. The sessions are for 30 minutes. After being on the bike, it leaves little time to do much else. 

The weather here has been gloomy and rainy for several days. And, this absolutely doesn't improve my mood.

Stay healthy and safe everybody.



Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...