Friday, January 15, 2021

What Might Happen In The Future


After that horrific protest last week, makes me wonder what, if anything, else is likely to happen in the coming days. The news people continually say that it's possible for more protests, in other cities, in the coming week. When is enough, enough? For me, last week was enough. The intrusion of people storming the capital was very scary. I'm not feeling very optimistic about the future days. And, that's not a good feeling, I assure you.

I wonder what the protestors are hoping to accomplish when they invade government buildings. The election is over. Biden won, and there is nothing more to say about that. It's called reality, and sooner or later, everybody, will hopefully adjust to the new administration.

In the meantime, Jeff and I are watching endless news shows. I'm not sure why we do this, because for the most part, the news doesn't usually change from one newscast to another.

The FBI, has warned Governors in all states, to be aware and prepared for a possible attack in their cities. Oh, please let us go back in time, when things weren't so bleak. 

At this point in time, I'm glad I don't have children. What would I say to them about last week? It's hard enough to talk to them about the virus and the absolute necessity to wear masks, when they are not at home.

And, of course, the virus continues to spread. When I looked at the protest last week, almost nobody was wearing a mask. So, it stands to reason, that there is a possibility, that the numbers of people who have the virus, will rise. I'm scared, I'll admit, which is why I almost never leave the house. Why go shopping, when you don't really have to go. Jeff shops once a week, while I remain at home.

I don't know when Jeff and I will receive our vaccination. Some states say, anybody over the age of 65. While for other states, you must be over 75. I have signed on with the county, so that they will send an email to us, letting us know when it's our turn. And, it can't happen soon enough. I know, that we'll have to continue to wear masks, and this will be okay, because it's become normal.

When you leave the house, you have to have the essentials, like wallets or a purse, but more often than not, I get in the car and realize I don't have a mask. Grrr. Before I go back inside, I check the pocket in the car, and sure enough there is more than one, inside the car. Obviously, I should take those masks and hang them on a hook on the back door. Yet, I don't.

I remember, and perhaps you do as well, that years ago, Coke had a lovely commercial, "It's the real thing". As far as commercials go, this one is near the top of my list. As for my number one favorite commercial, it goes to Budweiser with those beautiful horses.

So, there you have it, as I wrap up another week.

Enjoy your weekend, and stay safe.





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