Wednesday, January 6, 2021

History In The Making


I'm a bit behind this morning. But, as usual I have an excuse. History is unfolding today, and I wanted to watch the news a little longer. 

I'm pretty sure, that in my lifetime, I will, hopefully, never have to life again through all the political shenanigans,we've endured both last year, as well as the beginning of this year. I don't know about you, but I'm word out. The solution, obviously, would of course be, to stop watching the news. And, I just can't do that. This reminds me of driving past a car wreck, and not looking. It's just human nature.

Our Tivo will record the election results in Georgia, for the two seats that need to be filled for the Senate. I don't have to tell you which side I'm rooting for. I'm sure all of you have figured this out.

If we record a show, then Tivo has a button for 30 second skips. Purpose being, to avoid commercials as much as possible. I know that advertising of products, etc., is a revenue stream of money. But while the products see to be interesting, I have never actually stopped a show, to watch an ad.

I have unfinished sorting of clothes. Today, I'll tackle the closets (yes, more than one). I'll use the same method that I did with the spare bedrooms. It either fits, or it doesn't. Simple as that. Don't let sentiments get in the way.

The closets are filled with my going to work clothes. Since I no longer work, I don't have a need to keep all of these clothes. I will keep a certain amount of clothes, that I would wear to go to a party, etc. And, since the virus has ravished our world, there aren't any, or shouldn't be any large gatherings.

For this reason, I'm staying for the most part in the house. If I stay inside, then the zombies can't give the virus to me. I know that Jeff is right about catching the virus. And, now there is this new strain, and it's moving across the country. Okay, I'm a little bit paranoid!

My sincere sympathies, go out to the thousands, if not more, waiting in food lines that look like they are more than a mile long. Nobody, wants to sit in their cars for hours, but you have to do, what you have to do.

Most unemployment assistance, I think, ran out last month. Payments to your landlord, or the mortgage companies have been put on the background, for the moment. I do know somebody who owns a lot of rentals. His theory is, if you don't pay, you don't stay.

I, was in my first marriage, poor, I mean really poor. In the 60's, there were many marriages to veterans coming home. Some may have lasted, but ours did not. It lasted 5 years, until my husband, decided he wanted to marry somebody else. Best thing that could have happened to me. 

Before Jeff came along, a trip to the grocery store, was nothing short of a financial disaster for me. I had a son, and myself to feed. I looked for dented cans, even some out of date. Stale bread, and milk that was right on the edge. As a parent, I didn't like my newly divorced life, and I only received one check for support check. And, then nothing.

When my parents, came to visit me, they never came, without bringing food. Trust me, if you have never gone through this kind of near poverty, then you can't begin to understand, know difficult and hard my life was

When Jeff came along, we went grocery shopping. As usual, I looked for all the discounted food, which is all I could afford. Jeff, on the other, who was and still is, my man in shining armor, was going through the store and filling up his cart. When it came to checkout, I remember telling Jeff, that there was no way I could afford all these groceries. His answer was, and I can still remember, that he took my meager amount of food items, and paid for all of the groceries. That was my first experience, but certainly not the last, of being eternally grateful, of Jeff's help. This continues still today, when, because of my short term memory, he has to remind me over and over again, before I tell him, that I can't remember having this conversation. Basically, I'm the cement block, that Jeff has to lug around everyday. And, I wish he could have a better life, than the one he has now. 

Time to close. Closets are calling!

Please stay safe everyone.



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