Friday, January 8, 2021

What Can I Say Today?


After yesterday's blog, anything I write today, will hardly compare. I did watch one news cycle this morning. CNN has several morning shows, but you only need to watch one. Each different time of the news, is merely repeating what I've  already seen. Since the news is, for the most part, depressing, it's healthier for me to leave the television, and get started on something else.

Jeff and I gave Benjamin, for Christmas a kerokee (or however you spell it) machine, as well as a green background, and a panel of lights. Happy to say, that these three presents, has spurred Benjamin on, to make YouTube videos. The drawings he creates, also has music playing in the background. If you want to watch his videos, you can go to

As Benjamin's Grandmother, I, of course, think that the work he has already posted, is beautiful. There are three people in the family, who are creative. Me, not being one of them. Hats off to Wendy, Stacey and Benjamin. My skill, if I had to pick one, is writing. I have taken several on-line writing courses, and have enjoyed the assignments. Your prompt, for instance, could be as simple as "You have a red rose". My task, was to create at least a 100 word story, about the rose. Challenging, but fun all at the same time.

I have many things I could write about. My last project was about the missing diary of Abe Lincoln. Jeff even took me to Baltimore so that I could see some of the older churches. In my story, once the slaves managed to get to Baltimore, there was an underground tunnel in a church. The front pew would be moved to reveal the tunnel, and a path to Canada. Obviously, the pew was returned to it's original position. And, the story goes on and on. Over time, I have written probably more than 100 pages of this story. Unfortunately, I have lost my mojo, along the way. 

Some of the things that I learned about, during my research, was that once the slaves had fled the plantation, there was help along the way. One indication of a safe place, was the hanging of quilts. If  the was pattern up, then it was safe. If not, the slaves didn't stop, and kept on going.

Starting to write a book (not likely, but I can dream) is not easy. You have to capture the attention of the reader right away. When I am in a store, and looking for a book, I always read the first few pages. Those pages usually, tell me whether to buy the book, or find something more interesting to read.

After grabbing a reader's attention, then the story must progress. What is the dilemma or problem that the main character(s), has to deal with. How do they handle the crisis? And, of course there is the ending, which I have not yet envisioned. Stumbling blocks on the way to writing, can cause me to, for the moment, the story. 

And, when said book is finished, finding somebody or some company, to actually read it, and then, hopefully, gives you a thumbs up! Wouldn't that be grand? This is much like winning the lottery, if you don't play, you won't, obviously, win anything.
When I have "down" time, which is mostly all of the day, I have started, to organize things around the house. For instance, I would like to stop the struggle of finding a top, and then can't find the bottom, or vice versa.

Please stay safe everyone. As for me, I leave the house only for a doctor or dental appointment. 

Enjoy your weekend. See you on Monday.


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