Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Ugly Weather and Ugly News


For the new year, Jeff has bought me a day calendar featuring puppies. How great is that? On gloomy days, which have been many, it makes me happy to look at puppies. 

I watched the morning news, but only for one hours. I can watch one hour of news, and then move on to a pleasant tv show, or a movie. After all of that, I return to my "office", to write my blog. Writing comes easily to me, but there are some days, where I have to really think about the subject.

With the help of a Ritalin pill in the afternoon, I turn into a master organizer. The pill gives me a lot of energy. Completing a project in the afternoon, is very easy. The mornings not so much.

I have scheduled for later, all the nonsense going on in Georgia. I really feel sorry for the people, who have had to recount the votes over and over again.

Today, I wondered what the poll works make. The Inspector gets $150.00 a day. Clerks earn $80.00 a day. And last, but not least, counters earn $8.25 per hour. Normally, of course, with the exception of this election, the poll workers announce the winner of their particular state. Based on the messiness of this election, it might make it difficult to find workers for the next election.

I checked the facts. In history, only four elections have been contested. But, right this minute, everything that could go wrong, has done so. Thanks to CNN, I am recording the news all day. And, I'll do it again tomorrow. Fingers crossed that tomorrow, there's no issue with approving the Electoral College Certification.

I can't decide if my glass is half full or half empty, when I think about the year ahead. Getting everyone vaccinated is likely to take time. I have heard that some people won't be vaccinated until the spring. Argh. Other than giving shots to first responders, nurses, doctors, etc., it's hard to know when it will be our turn. Neither Jeff, or myself, have any doubts about getting the shot, and would likely want to be first in line!

We have lived for nearly a year, wearing masks, distancing and washing hands. Eventually, and I don't know when that is going to happen, it might be hard to return to our normal lives. It's possible that, after this length of time, some of us, may not find it easy to return to work, school, etc. But, I'm sure that we'll be able to adjust to the way things were, before March. 

Because, of the new strain of virus, which has already been in several states, I've decided to just stay home. If, I do this, I'll be relatively safe from getting sick.

Time for me to switch gears, and try and finish up my chore of going through my clothes. Unfortunately, I just might have more than a "tiny" amount of things to go through.

Stay safe everyone.





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