Thursday, January 14, 2021

Just Another Day


My morning, like many others, just seems to slip away from me. This may happen to other folks that are retired. For all the years, that I, and perhaps you as well, heard the chirp of an alarm clock. How I hated the sound. These days, we only occasionally have to set the alarm, thank goodness.

As regular as a clock, I shared my breakfast with the morning news. It's a wonder that I don't get indigestion! But, with all the news that is occurring right now, I absolutely feel the need to stay current. Once I've turned off the news, if Jeff asks me what's going on in the country, I have almost zero recall! Sad, but the truth.

Trust me, I have done and continue to do, crosswords, word search and an on-line jigsaw picture. I do some, if not all, of these things every day. I took a "mental" test through AARP, and my score was 27 percent, out of 100. Not too good.

I am holding my breath, that there aren't any more protests, such as the one from last week. I feel so sorry for the National Guard. They walk the perimeter of the Capitol, night and day. If I had to do this, I probably would fall asleep standing up! But, because this isn't their first rodeo, they are probably used to standing by, and waiting. All of the National Guards have powerful weapons, and I believe, not afraid to use them. What a sad state of affairs for this country. Oh, how I miss the 60's, minus, of course, the Vietnam War.

Sadly, I understand how we got here. And, I hope with the new administration coming in next week, that the madness will stop. That maybe, wishful thinking on my part, but I'm hoping for the best. 

I have plenty of time to organize things. The closet clean up was very successful. My main closet (doesn't everyone have this?), is now sorted primarily with all the clothes, in one place. I have long sleeved tops, short sleeves, and the list just goes on and on.

With organizing running through my veins, I decided yesterday to go through the cabinet above the stove. Most of the time now, I never think of the consequences of my action. I was standing on a chair, and you already know what likely happened. Yup, I stumbled a bit and fell down after the chair, I was using toppled over. And your highness fell with it. Because of good bones, I didn't break anything, but I do have a very, very big bruise on one leg. You would think that I would do more reasonable things, around the house, but you'd be wrong. Part of my frustration, on a daily basis, is what I cannot do or should not do. And, of course, I can't even begin to explain to Jeff, why I continue to do stupid things. 

After I blog, then I go to Facebook, or Google, to see what interesting new things have happened overnight. I particularly like to read, anything about the Royals. While they for sure don't live like we minions do, but  they do have rules to follow. How, I would like to have somebody make up my bed every morning, and bring me tea, when I'm thirsty.

So, the maid in this family, does make the bed every morning. I don't want to go to bed at night, and see rumbled sheets and blankets. Just a quirk of mine.

I hope that you are going to get your vaccine shot very soon. Jeff and I are waiting our turn, but will be one of the first in line, when it's time for us to do so.

More tomorrow.



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