Thursday, January 16, 2014

American Idol


I don't know if you watched (or suffered) through night one of American Idol's auditions.  Okay, I watched - sort of.  Actually, I thought the commercials were better than the show and that's saying a lot!

At least this year the judge's seemed compassionate when they had to dash someone's dream of becoming the next Idol.  The people that I saw auditioning last night (and I flip-flopped between Idol and another reality show that was cheesy but much more entertaining), were so very young.  I'm not a good judge of good singing, because I can't sing - and when I find a song that does make me feel compelled to sing along - I'm either in the shower or my car, where nobody has to listen to my very off key warbling.  I'm not being modest - it's pretty bad - just take my word for it.

At least we don't have to suffer through a season with Simon Cowell, who, more often than not, I thought was far too blunt with his criticism and I'm pretty sure that the wanna be stars were devastated by his comments (I know I would be).  

I admire the young people who audition in hopes of having a happy ending.  At the end of the day, everyone who auditions week after week know that there is only going to be one American Idol.  It's likely that for most of the contestants their chances are slim, and they know this.  Reminds me of buying a lottery ticket and actually expecting to win a million dollars.  Doesn't seem likely and since I don't buy any lottery tickets, my chances are nil.

I used to wish I could be a stand-up comedian, or act in a local play.  Not since my small role in my senior play in 1967, I have never uttered a word on stage, and know I never will. I don't have the guts to put myself out there and open myself up to negative criticism.   Even writing about "Wilma" is a stretch for me, I know that at the end of the story, if I ever get that far, all I will have to show for my efforts is a ream of paper, filled with black ink.

I will continue to watch American Idol and will likely after a few weeks have picked out a favorite that I will be silently rooting for.  I know they can't all be the winner, but for each week that they stand up on stage and sing their hearts out, they are all winners in my book - at least they are out there chasing their dreams.


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