Saturday, January 4, 2014

Questionable Parenting


While drinking my coffee this morning, my brain was coming up empty for something to blog about.  And then I read the paper and became incensed about the "care" of two small children in the last few days.  One woman went to a casino and left her four year old daughter alone in the car for EIGHT hours!  Who does that?  All I can think about is that this small child is likely locked in the car with no food or water, no ability to use the bathroom and the windows are all covered by blankets. Do you suppose that Mom knew what she was doing wrong so to ease her conscious, she covered up the windows with blankets making sure that nobody could see her daughter sitting alone in the car.  I certainly hope that "Mom" won big because she's going to have to pay off the $150,000 fine - which isn't near large enough to suit me.  Maybe Mom should have to sit in a cold car all day like her daughter did, but even that punishment doesn't seem enough for me.

Then there was the grandfather who left his grandson alone in the car for ninety minutes with temperatures just above freezing.  Unfortunately, grandpa's bail was set at $10,000.  Seriously?

When I think of the tens of thousands of people who would give their eye teeth to have a child and give them a good home and then I think of the morons who put their wants and needs before their children.  Incredible.  

I'm hoping that both of these individuals have learned from their mistake, and that we won't be reading about them again in the future. 

Today is Saturday and I'm heading off in a few minutes to see a movie with friends.



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