Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Women's Purses - Men's Wallets


Truthfully, I had never given much thought to the subject of going through a woman's purse or a man's wallet, until I stumbled on to a very looooooooooong string of dialogue on the internet about this very subject.

First off, I don't think there is any man anywhere that willingly goes scrounging around in somebody's purse.  Husbands are even resistant to retrieving anything from the bowels of a purse.  For argument sake, let's assume that most women's purses are on the larger, not smaller side.  You save those dainty, hold next to nothing, purses for "occasions".  I know my regular purse, which weighs a ton, contains crackers (in case I get the munchies), keys, crossword puzzle book and pen (in case I get bored), keys, my "make-up" (lipstick and a comb!), cellphone (always turned off), wallet which holds enough cash to buy me a shake (my new vice), sunglasses, tissues and of course the required ID cards.  Nothing in there that is a secret, or anything that would embarrass me if my purse was turned upside down!

What's in Jeff's wallet?  Truly, I don't know and I'm not even curious.  I cannot remember the last time I opened up his wallet.  I actually think a man's wallet may be more scared than a woman's purse.  A purse just sits around,generally open, allowing for practically anybody to glance inside.  A wallet, on the other hand, sits inside a pocket generally on a man's backside, a place where I'm reluctant to go.  Besides the obvious problem of trying to wrench a wallet from a back pocket, I'm just not that curious.  The amount of things that can be contained in a wallet compared to a purse is quite small, making it much less interesting.

In the "old" days, people would carry pictures around of their children or grandchildren in our wallets, but with today's modern technology, we carry enough electronic pictures of our children around to put just about anybody to sleep!

I hope it's warmer where you are.  Happy Wednesday.



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