Saturday, January 11, 2014

Homeless and the Affluent


I'm all for people who work hard or are gifted large amounts of money to spend their money any why they choose.  And one way to show people your wealth is by the size and cost of your house(s).   Somebody once said that you have to have money to get money, and that sounds about right.  If you don't have a job, a car or a place to live, it's going to be very difficult if not impossible for you to get on the last rung of the success ladder.

I'm always curious and I love researching the internet for interesting bits of facts (more or less).  Today's paper had a two page spread in the Real Estate section listing the top ten most expensive Washington area homes that were sold in 2013.  Now please don't weep for these homeowners when you realize that the listed price for one home, for example, was $15 million and they "accepted" a much lower offer of $12 million.  If you had a cool 12 million, would you be able to find another house?  Sure you could.  According to the paper, 29 homes sold for more than $5 million in 2013.  In 2012 only 17 sales topped $5 million or more.  Ten years ago, that number was five.

Of the ten most expensive homes listed in the paper, Maryland homes didn't even crack the top 10!  Goodness, I'm clearly not living in the right area, and it must be time to spruce up the old homestead and move on!  When I think of selling the house and purchasing something new, I'm thinking smaller with less yard.  Of course, the basement which is chock full of "treasures" would have to find new homes - with the boys perhaps?

As you'll see there is a real disparity between the million dollar homes and the people who live on the streets in D.C.  I can't imagine what it would be like to stake out a spot for me and my few possessions.  I just think that for the vast majority of us we fail to give a thought to those who have less (a lot less) than we do.  Perhaps we should think about these people who may be doing the best that they can.

Now some sad statistics about the homeless in D.C.  As of January 2013, there were 6,685 people homeless.  The numbers breakdown like this: 4,010 stayed in shelters, 2,343 were in transitional housing or motels and 512 remained on the street.

For January 6th, there was 1,645 people in shelters, 431 families at DC general shelters and 243 families staying in motels.  Who knows how many other people were sleeping on a grate trying to get or stay warm. 

It is easy, for those of us who have a roof over our heads, even if it isn't a million dollar roof, to forget about the poor people, who live on the streets in all kinds of weather and put up with having their possessions stolen or are bodily harmed.  I know that some people prefer to stay on the street rather than go to a shelter and on some level I understand that.  But with the really cold nights we had last week, it makes me want to pack up my unused blankets and drive to the city and give them to a homeless person.  By doing something as simple as that would not only be helpful to a person in need, but it would make me more grateful for the things that I have..


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