Wednesday, January 29, 2014



The definition of serendipity is a fortuitous happenstance (don't you just love that word?) or pleasant surprise.  Yesterday I had a serendipity moment and it made my day and also gave me a great deal of joy.

Jeff and I had a business appointment yesterday. When we entered the office, I noticed immediately the name of someone that I was absolutely sure I used to work for.  How often is that likely?  After yesterday, maybe I should consider buying a lottery ticket - who knows I might even win!

Luckily for me, my former boss, who I worked with for a number of years, happened to be in the office and we had time to catch up on things - both the good and bad.  I cannot adequately put into words how wonderful it was for me to see this man again after all these years.  Seeing him  brought back memories from a long time ago.  When I originally was hired, it was two attorneys and yours truly.  Our office was in a townhouse and on snow days or other days that schools were closed, the attorneys were kind enough to let me bring the boys to work.  If my memory serves me correct, there was always some kind of cookies or crackers to snack on during the day.  When the boys were in the office, and they were finished "snacking", all that was left was crumbs!  

I also remember that one of the boys decided that our spare office supplies needed to be organized!  I have never thought that most men/boys were particularly good at organization, but one of the boys did really try and while not exactly to my liking, left it alone.  On snow days, the boys shoveled the sidewalk and played outside (at that time the boys were 8 and 6).

Nothing stays the same forever.  We eventually grew out of space in the townhouse, moved into an office building, added lawyers and other secretaries.  I worked with this man for several more years before I decided it was time for me to move on.  

After leaving, I was hired as a legal secretary working in the labor and benefits department, until I "retired" a few days ago.  While my working career has come to a stop after 46 years, I can truly say that I have worked with some and for amazing people and formed friendships along the way.

I was told by Mrs. Orr, my business teacher, in high school ('67), that if I was going to be a secretary I had to be the best damn (pretty sure she used a different word) secretary out there.  I have never forgotten those words and have always tried to live up to that advice.  I believe that Mrs. Orr, who set me on my future path, would be proud of what I have accomplished over the years.

I may be a lot older than I was in 1967, but this girl can still type.  Shorthand not so much!  

Thank you so much my friend for the time we spent together yesterday.  It brought back a lot of really happy memories for me and perhaps for you too.  



  1. As the "former boss" referred to in "Serendipity" by Patti I feel compelled to say that the time spent together yesterday was equally enjoyed by me. Seeing you and remembering the times when we worked together was emotional and joyful for me. Love ya,Patti.

    1. Likewise. You are not only a former boss - but a great one!


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