Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year and Haves and Haves Not


New year, clean slate.  A start over if you will, one that we get every year.  We're not asking the universe to forget our mistakes, but to accept them for what they were - mistakes or errors in judgment. So with the flip of a calendar page, we have a brand new year ahead of us. What we do with our new beginning is entirely up to each of us.  Nobody can make you change, or sure they can urge or even beg, but ultimately the change comes from within.  If you're not ready for a change, it just ain't gonna happen.

I have just finished reading today's paper and one of the lead articles in the Food Section (though it was below the fold) was about a nine hour, 40 course dinner called Panarda costing $250 per person.  The meal started at 1:41pm and ended around 10:30 pm.  I had to ask myself who does that?  Talk about overeating, this dinner would do that - and deplete your wallet all at the same time.  Some diners ate every bite of everything, and I keep thinking where did they put all that food?  When I eat out at a restaurant I am never able to finish something as simple as steak and a baked potato. 

After reading about this rather expensive (at least in my book) meal, I wondered about the people who make up the "have not" portion of the United States.  The figures are staggering:

There are 12,800,000 people on Welfare
46,700,000 people exist on food stamps

According to some statistics I read, so don't quote me here, but it looks like the states with the best benefits are Hawaii, District of Columbia, Massachusetts, Connecticut and New Jersey. The states with the lowest benefits package in 2013 were Mississippi, Tennessee,  Arkansas, Idaho and Texas. Again, something I found on the internet.  For my money if I was looking for a new place to live and the above states were on the "short" list - I'd go to Hawaii every time!  Who wouldn't want to live there?

Okay, my time sitting on my fanny is up, coffee is cold and time for me to do something - anything!

Happy New Year everyone.


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