Saturday, November 29, 2014

Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks


The old dog I'm referred to is me.  The new trick is trying to teach myself how to crochet.  I bought a children's crochet kit that comes with everything you need to get started, including instructions.  Once I got home, I opened up the box and since there was only one hook, started reading the how to's on page one.  I never made it to page two!

Following instructions is something I've never been particularly good at.  I can see the picture and arrows pointing up or down, but somehow in my brain that all gets twisted around until all I end up with is a slipknot on the needle and an hour of frustration!

I bought myself a children's book of crochet yesterday and it comes with all sorts of brightly colored instructions and yet I couldn't manage to make a chain stitch which is apparently the first stitch you need to know how to do.

Not yet ready to throw in the towel, but close to be sure, I went to my computer and typed in learning to crochet.  Up popped dozens of YouTube videos as well as written instructions that I found on the internet.  I was, at this point, feeling really disappointed, but brought my yarn and needle to the computer and watched the same video over and over again.  Eventually, the under/over maneuver necessary to make a stitch started to sink in.  

The reason I decided to try my hand at crocheting was there was only one needle involved.  In my mind having to deal with only one needle would make things easier for me.  Initially, that was not the case.

After many, and I do many, unsuccessful attempts at making my first stitch, I managed to do something right and there was a stitch!  Hurrah.  This morning I took my yarn and needle and was able to make many chain stitches - and I'm proud of myself.  

For those who know me well, also know that arts and crafts don't come easily to me.  I can never seem to grasp written instructions and I had a mother and grandmother who were both very talented with all manner of needle crafts and produced some beautiful needlepoint and crocheted things.  I don't aspire to even begin to contemplate matching their skill level, but I'm teaching myself crocheting one stitch at a time!


Friday, November 28, 2014

Post Thanksgiving


It's the day after Thanksgiving, and all is calm in the Bassett house.  Yesterday we had our dinner at Crackle Barrel, and unfortunately while we had to wait for a table, I was able to shop.  Pretty much I've never met a store that I didn't find something that I wanted and yesterday was no exception!

We brought home enough food for lunch today, as well as one piece of pie that wasn't eaten last night.  I, of course, ate mine!  Jeff has more control of his urgings when it comes to sugar, particularly since his gastric surgery years ago, his body has trouble with sugar.  My body has no trouble with sweets - unfortunately.

After we left the restaurant we headed to a nearby WalMart and Target.  When the boys were very young and there was a certain "it" toy, Jeff would go out late at night to buy that particular toy.  Since the "invention" of online shopping, as well as having adult sons, I don't feel the pressure of having to buy a special something for them before stores empty their shelves!  Both of them have up-to-date electronics and televisions and with the exception of buying a DVD for Ben, don't buy many movies.  

Our first stop was WalMart where the line to get in the store was super duper long.  The crowds wound around metal gates, for lack of a better word, much like you would herd cattle, which is what we felt like when we finally got into the store.  

Not having experienced the rush of a limited supply of something, I was completely baffled by the people literally hanging on to pallets of large televisions, stereo equipment, etc.  Apparently, the pallets in the store were going to be unwrapped at some predetermined time during the evening.  Who knew that people would literally stand in line for a chance to buy something.  I hope those people know that you can buy those same items on line while sitting in your chair drinking coffee.

All I wanted at WalMart was trail mix.  I have been eating a trail mix that has some M&M candy mixed in with the nuts.  Since I'm trying to be good about eating too much sugar, the trail mix allows me to enjoy some chocolate every day.  Once we had found the trail mix, we asked someone in a WalMart shirt where was the line for the cashiers.  She pointed to the back, and I mean back, of the store.  We both decided that it was nuts (literally) to stand in line for trail mix, we abandoned the trail mix and left the store.

Target is just across from WalMart and their merchandise is many degrees better than at WalMart.  We sat in our car until Target opened at 6:00 and then went inside.  Aisles were blocked off, people were everywhere and good manners had flown out the doors when they opened!

Again, trail mix is all I wanted.  Bag in hand walked to the front of the store and was told that I would, once again, have to wait in a very long line to get to the cashiers.  Every cart in line was bulging with Target's special on sale items and there didn't appear to be a special express check-out for people who were just buying nuts!  Left without the trail mix.

We came home somewhat exhausted from trying to maneuver through the throngs of people who were desperate to get the big ticket items that were on sale.  As we drove, we reminded ourselves that having experienced Black Thursday and hated it, it's an experience we won't have to have again.  Thank goodness!

Today, Jeff is going to work at Scott's house preparing his tractor for snow plowing (at least I think that was the plan).  I'm going to put on my shoes and head to the library to return books and check out some new ones.  Compared to going to a mall, I'm not expecting an overflow of people at the library.

Have a good day.


Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving

Image result for turkey


Happy turkey day!  This is the one day of the year where most if not all people eat their favorite foods at the table and then stagger to the sofa to rest and/or sleep!  A perfectly wonderful tradition.

This year, Jeff and I are going out for our turkey dinner.  This is the first time in many, many years where I haven't spent the entire day before preparing food that needs to be refrigerated.  While it will seem odd not to have to peel potatoes, make stuffing and gravy, I find that I'm okay with that.  The less food in the house is better for me.  As you know, a nibble here and a nibble there and before you know it you've eaten half the pie!

I remember as a child visiting my Grandmother who raised turkeys.  She kept the Tom turkeys separate from the hens (or tomettes if you prefer).  The Tom turkeys were scary creatures with a large wing span.  My brother and I were supposed to go to the pen area where the turkeys were kept and make sure that the feeders were full of grain and water.  I also remember that Grandma told us we had to make sure that the turkeys didn't sit on top of the aluminum feeders, because apparently they were/are so dumb that they would sit there until their feet were hot.

Because it's the day before "Black Friday", the ads in the paper weighed a ton.  Since I have done most of my shopping, I find I'm not terribly interested in what the stores have up for sale.  And since I have a gimpy hip, I do most of my shopping on line anyway.  

The hardest person(s) to buy for are the boys and Jeff.  Jeff is not a clothes horse so he has never pined for new shirts, etc. and I know virtually nothing about tools.  Besides in the past every time I manage to get instructions on what tools to buy for him, generally end up in one of the boys' houses!

After we eat our mid-day meal, then we can either brave Lowes or Home Depot looking for something that the boys, or more likely Jeff needs!  

I could spend the afternoon wrapping up the things I've bought, but I hate wrapping.  As the boys got older, I found myself more and more taking boxes and sealing them with packing tape.  I know, I know, it's not pretty, but most guys don't care about fancy paper and bows.

I hope you enjoy your day regardless of how you spend it.


Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Snow Happens!


Well the forecasters can pat themselves on their backs, because as I sit here this morning, a little bit of snow is falling.  The snow is light and mixed with rain, but technically it's snowing!  Other than taking myself off for physical therapy, I don't need or want to go anywhere else.  

Because of the very gray day outside, I decided that today would be a very good day to use my "SAD" light, which emulates sunshine.  There is something about gray days that can bring a person down emotionally.

Since we're not having a Thanksgiving dinner at our house, I don't even have to prep, bake or refrigerate anything!  Jeff and I have decided that it makes much more sense to eat our turkey in a restaurant and Cracker Barrel comes to mind!

If we don't have any 'tovers" in our kitchen. there won't be any of our favorite foods sitting around just waiting for a nibble.  In my mind, if you're just nibbling, then calories don't count!  Calories only count if you are sitting down with plate in hand (don't I wish)!

The stores if you've noticed have a glut of pumpkin mixes: cheesecake, pumpkin brownies, pumpkin bread, etc.  And, I have made all of those so I'm pretty much pumpkined out.  I think tomorrow's dessert should be coconut cream pie, which is a real favorite of mine.

Hard to say what I'll do with the rest of tomorrow.  My shopping for Benjamin is done and I'm almost finished for Stacey.  The boys and Jeff are always a bit of a challenge.  When the boys were younger, a new set of Legos was nearly the perfect gift.  But they're men now and I suppose they want power tools or something manly like that.  I'll leave shopping for the boys up to Jeff, since he knows what they need as far as tools or other equipment necessary for their garages.  And we all know how dear a garage is to a man!

Enjoy your day and I hope it's sunny where you are.


Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Mother Nature


We have all known that Mother Nature is a fickle woman, prone to changing her mind about the weather in a flash.  Yesterday was perhaps unseasonably warm for our area.  We had windows opened wide and a fan in the window while we slept.

Today the temperatures will begin to drop a bit and it's possible that if we open any windows at all, it will be the ones in our bedroom.  We like our bedroom to be cool and/or cold because there is nothing nicer than making a mad dash to the bed and curling up underneath a down comforter!

Tomorrow, however, the weathermen are using the "s" word - snow!  Probably not a lot of snow, but the first snow of the season is always fun.  Of course, the longer winter is, and the more snow that falls, it tends to lose it's luster.  While snow is pretty to look at, somebody has to shovel the driveway and since the boys are no longer at home, that chore unfortunately belongs to Jeff.

During winter, and we haven't decided if it's officially here, we take the "z" (convertible) car to our son's house for hibernation.  While it's true that if we had two cars in the driveway, there would be less snow to shovel, but the "z" would really be in the way and she isn't a car you want to be driving in when there is snow/sleet on the ground.

If it's a big snow and we have to get out, we use the truck "Blue Ox".  She's a big girl and sits high above the ground and also has four wheel drive that you can use if needed.  My car, while she would probably be okay in some snow, sits like a prima donna in the garage waiting for streets to be plowed before venturing out!

The other thing about snow is that while it's beautiful falling and "icing" all the trees, once it starts to melt on the roads, it quickly turns gray and mushy, which in turn, makes your car very dirty.  Perhaps if I owned a darker color car (mine is white), then the mush wouldn't be so visible!

Jeff is already making plans to make chicken soup for tomorrow and he makes very good soups.  Sometimes to make sure I'm paying attention, he tosses in a can of mushrooms (ick), which I then have to daintily toss out of my bowl.  Still, anybody who is up for the chore of chopping vegetables, a chore that I hate, should probably also have the right to use "rooms" if he wants.


Saturday, November 22, 2014

Bits and Pieces


Benjamin had a sleep over last night at Mom-Mom and Pop-Pop's house.  He didn't like sleeping in the spare room, because he much prefers sleeping in our bed.  Once all of his objections were raised, and there were many, he fell asleep quickly.

This morning Benjamin was up before me and while I was still asleep, Pop-Pop "lit" (gas fireplace) a fire to warm up the back of the house.  When I came down, Benjamin was happily playing with literally bits and pieces of toys he found in a toy chest I keep downstairs.  He built a railroad out of pieces of wooden track in a zigzag pattern and added little cars.  He had a name for his newly built town and provided that the dogs don't come in and out of that room, his little town will be safe.

One of the toys he is playing with is something that his father and Scott both played with as children.  It is now considered a vintage toy on Ebay, if you can even find it.  While searching for it today, I found accessories, like pieces of track and buildings for $.99, which is a steal.  But wait - the shipping is $28.00!  Nope, not going to be something that I'm going to buy.

The nice part of the the racetrack Benjamin is playing with is that after you play, you close up the track like a suitcase.  When not in use, it sits nicely under my sofa.

Years ago I bought Benjamin a large amount of foam blocks of different sizes.  I wanted foam because if he built something on one of my tables, there would be no damage to the wood.  Also, when he was younger, if a tower of blocks fell on him, there was no bodily damage!  I keep the blocks in a very large plastic container that I store in the spare room until it's time to play.

I may not have complete sets of many toys, just bits and pieces, but when Benjamin comes to visit, those bits and pieces become treasured toys to him.

Happy playing.


Friday, November 21, 2014

The Fly on the Window


Yesterday, I was in a multistory office building, sitting in an office waiting for the doc to come in.  I at first was browsing the magazine I had so wisely brought in with me, when I noticed a fly in the window behind the blinds.

A couple of questions immediately came to mind.  How did a fly get inside an office building, up three floors, behind closed exam room doors and on the window?  I know the obvious answer is he must have come up through a vent somewhere and found himself stranded.

Putting all rational thought behind me, because who ever thought I was rational?  Can you just imagine the fly coming through the front doors of the building while they were open and then getting in an elevator while those doors were open.  Still with me?  He gets off the elevator, on the right floor, of course, sees an open door and flies in.  Buzzes around the waiting room for a bit, gets bored and once the receptionist opens the office door, takes a chance on finding a better place to land.  He does this because the magazines that are out for patients don't interest him and he has trouble flipping the pages over with his bitty wings!

Now he's in the hallway and finds another room open and goes in.  He spots the window and flies over hoping that the window is his means of escape.  He gets between the blinds and the window and flits back and forth, looking for an opening, which he doesn't find.

The doctor finally comes in and I put down my magazine and pay attention to what the doctor is saying.  After my appointment, I look one last time at the window and the fly is still there basically caught between a rock and a hard place.  Perhaps while he lingers on the window he might be recalling some advice his mother gave him about flying through open doors!


Thursday, November 20, 2014

Retailers and Christmas


We haven't even cooked our Thanksgiving turkey yet, and already the retailers are rallying for our business, particularly our on-line business!

With the exception of one or two of the "mart" stores, I haven't been in an actual department store in a number of years.  Why?  For a host of reasons: parking issues; crowds; noise from music that management believes you want to hear; no assistance from clerks and least but no less annoying, the perfume counter.  Don't get me wrong I love perfume and have worn Chloe for over 30 years and have never tried anything else.  So when I walk past the cosmetics area, I don't need a clerk trying to push some fragrance on me - or worse - spraying me with said fragrance.  Aaaaack.

I shop online because I can literally find anything for anyone.  And, since my left hip is not completely in working order, it's easier for me to sit and shop.  I received Benjamin's Christmas list this week complete with the requisite number of !!! for each item!

First on his list was a Barbie and she scored !!!.  Must want a Barbie pretty bad.  He also wants a guitar, microphone and a paint set.  These last items were only worth !!, but I'm sure that he wants them equally as much as Barbie.  Buying a microphone is no biggie, but a guitar could be tricky.  Jeff and I are thinking about buying him an electronic keyboard which would come with a microphone and he could spend endless hours dancing away in the living room.  And, not to brag or anything, but he's a very good dancer!

Target has announced that it will not charge for shipping until December 20th.  That's tempting but my go-to online shopping place, other than Ebay, is Amazon.  Returning things to Amazon is easy and I have a prime account so most of the things I buy are eligible for free shipping.  

I want to be fair so I will check out Target and see how their prices compare to what I would/could buy on Amazon.  I think it might be hard for retailers to compete with the hugeness of Amazon, but we'll have to wait and see when the Christmas shopping season is over.

Happy shopping.


Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Let's Talk Chicken


I know you have heard the statement "Let's Talk Turkey", but today we're going to talk about chickens.  I saw a segment on television about a woman who has restaurants in New York but buys her chickens from organic farmers in Pennsylvania.  Seeing that show made me wonder what was the difference between your old regular chicken in the grocery store and primo organic birds.

My grandmother raised turkeys and they were kept in an area where they could eat grass as well as the food that my grandmother gave them.  The "Toms" grew into big boys and Grandma always said that after a certain weight, turkeys just didn't taste as good as a leaner bird did.

Apparently one of the big differences between the two types of chickens is:  non-organic, unprocessed or minimally processed produce is treated with a variety of growth-enhancing substances and is also commonly subjected to U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) grading and quality standards (voluntarily), while organic produce is not.  

That's the main reason that chickens in the grocery stores all look alike and likely all taste the same.  And I think most processed chickens come from one or two major chicken producing companies.

So how much does an organic chicken cost:

A whole, generic store-brand chicken typically costs about $1.50 per pound, the price for organic chicken is $2.69 a pound at Trader Joe's, the U.S. grocery chain, and $4.99 per pound from online grocer Fresh Direct. Whole Foods sells boneless, skinless organic chicken breasts for $8.99 per pound.  That's a whole lot of money for a chicken.

Since I've never eaten an organic chicken I can't comment on the taste.  But I am speculating that there would be a tremendous taste difference between a regular chicken and an organic one.  Trouble is I can't see myself spending nearly $9.00 a pound for chicken!  At that price the chicken cost nearly rivals the cost of a steak, and if I had my druthers, I'd rather have steak!


Monday, November 17, 2014

Monday Morning Blahs


No I don't have the blahs because I have to go to work.  Nope, I have the blahs because of the weather outside.  Yesterday, Jeff and I picked up our leaves and filled three yard bags full.  And then it rained, which is sort of okay because wet leaves don't blow around - yeah.

This morning when I opened up my blinds the sky is gray and it's lightly raining.  It's a good day to be inside if you can.  Because of the icky weather outside, I thought that I should use my "SAD" light this morning to help me be less glum.  Hope it works.

Jeff started up our gas fireplace this morning to help take some of the chill out of the air.  We have yet to turn on our heat.  If you wear the appropriate clothing - long sleeves and pants, and are moving around the least bit, then you don't notice the cold - as much!

With this kind of day, I would prefer that Mother Nature gave us some kind of weather - rain or even a dusting of snow.  I'm grateful that once I return from therapy, I'll be in for the day.  

Jeff has a VAC flight tomorrow.  He's flying a disabled Veteran to Kentucky and tomorrow is supposed to be our coldest day yet.  Jeff doesn't want any ice on the plane in the morning.  He can fly in snow and rain, but not with ice on the wings,  well I suppose you could but that would just be stupid and dangerous.  

There is a part of me that would like to see some of the white stuff.  It would mark the beginning of winter for me.  We don't own a snow blower partly because our driveway isn't very long and we always have at least one or sometimes two cars in the driveway, which cuts down on shoveling.  

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that tomorrow is a good day for flying.  The really good news about our plane is that the heater works really well.  The a/c not so much!


Saturday, November 15, 2014

Cold Now


In just the past two days, our weather has gone from mild temperature Fall to cold.  Last week Jeff and I were tooling around town in the "zippy z" with the top down and wind blowing in our hair.  The "z" is a wonderful car but I get claustrophobic if the top is down, it's such a small car.  At some point in the winter, we take the "z" out to either Scott or Andy's house and leave it there for the winter.  

We've made our first batch of vegetable soup, which was delicious by the way and our gas fireplace is turned on every morning.  We haven't turned the heat on yet, but we did put the down comforter back on the bed!  Even though we have two dogs in bed with us, they don't provide us with quite enough warmth.

We haven't had a frost yet, but once we do, leaf dumping from the oak tree becomes minimal.  We're in the rake up the leaves at the moment and our next chore will probably be shoveling the driveway when it snows.

I hope it's nice and warm where you are.


Friday, November 14, 2014

School Calendars


Our county's Board of Education has decided that beginning in 2015, the calendar will be marked as"winter, spring or summer" breaks.  So going forward there will be no mention of religious holidays on the calendar.  No Christmas, Easter, Yom Kippur, etc.  I think that's sad.  

Have we become so socially "correct" that holidays celebrated by this or that group of people shouldn't even appear on the calendar?  This "new" school calendar has come about because Muslims wanted their major holiday, Eid-al-Adha to be included.  Apparently, the addition of one more religious holiday was just too much for the school board to wrap their heads around.  So, rather than include one more holiday, going forward there will be no indication of anybody's holiday.  

I think one of the beautiful things about people is their differences.  We would be very bored if everybody was exactly the same, in their thinking and beliefs.  Think of the movie, Solent (sp) Green.  I love listening to Christmas carols, it's the music that I grew up with.  Likewise, other people have music that they know and love.

While I don't have a dog in this fight, because the boys are no longer in school, I am sorry for the Board's decision, which I think is short sighted.  


Thursday, November 13, 2014



It's time to pack up your spooky Halloween lights and toss out your Jack-O-Lantern, if you haven't already.  To me it seems that Thanksgiving is the lost holiday.  It is unfortunately wedged between Halloween and Christmas and doesn't receive much attention these days.

I can remember when Thanksgiving meant going to Grandma's house where the smells permeated the air as soon as you opened the door.  I loved the smell of turkey cooking, still do as a matter of fact.  Baked pies - pumpkin and pecan were on the counter and the refrigerator was filled with some of my favorites that we ate only at holidays.

Today's families are spread all over the country and large holiday dinners are getting rarer and rarer. Most families don't live close together and traveling at Thanksgiving and/or Christmas is a logistical nightmare, particularly if you intend to fly.

When the boys were young, I fixed the original Thanksgiving dinners that I knew from my childhood.  There was I believed, no reason to mess with success.  I served good food and lots of it, because who doesn't like leftovers!

Since it's just the two of us this year, I think that rather than try to cook a traditional Thanksgiving meal, we will likely go to Bob Evans and let somebody cook for us.  It just makes sense.  We can always cook a turkey breast and make stuffing and gravy for our "leftovers".  I won't be buying, much less baking, any pies.  Sugar is my downfall and I just can't resist taking small bites out of pies.  A few small bites soon turns into something major as you notice that there is very little pie left!  So if there's no pie in the house, there's no temptation on my part.

I'm not planning on buying many Christmas gifts this year, but I will check out "on line deals" on Thanksgiving and/or the day after.


Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Veteran's Day


Today, on Veteran's Day, we remember those men and women who have served or are serving our country.

Growing up, my brother, sister and I, were "Air Force Brats".  Dad was a lifer in the Air Force and that meant that our family became nomads as we moved from base to base.  When you are in the military, a move every three years or so is normal.   One of the problems of moving around is that you don't form any lifelong friendships.  

When we would leave a base, addresses were exchanged and perhaps even a letter or two.  Then either our friends moved, or we did and then didn't keep in touch.  We lived in England, Liverpool to be exact, the home of the Beatles, France, Kansas and California. 

We lived on military bases as well as off base.  Living on a military base had it's privileges.  When we lived on the base at Vandenburg, home to the Atlas missiles, we had buses, manned by Airmen, that picked us up at home and dropped us off at the library, movies, PX or a friend's house.  Since it was a closely guarded base, I don't believe our parents ever worried about us kids being out and about on our own.   

Being in the military meant you were probably never very close to family.  My grandmother lived in Illinois and once we were stationed in California, went to see her every summer.  The anticipation of seeing Grandma was huge, when it was time to leave, there were tears as we drove away from the farm.

As children in a military family, you learned early on, that any negative behavior on your part, would be brought to your father's attention, and you for sure didn't want that to happen.  It was easier to live on base because all of the children knew what it was like to be in a military family.  

I was very proud to be a part of Dad's retirement ceremony.  I, also remember, that since he hadn't worn his dress blues in years, his shirt didn't actually button at the neck and he was hoping that his tie would hide that flaw.  Dad said that when the officer came down the line to speak to each retiree, when he got to Dad, he thought the officer's scrutiny was focused on his neck.  He worried needlessly.

I have some great memories and visited a number of cities in Europe while we were stationed in France.  Unfortunately, when you're eight years old, eating out was a real nightmare for Mom.  My brother and I only wanted hamburger and fries and since that wasn't always possible, trying to order food for us fussy kids, made Mom cringe!

Happy Veteran's Day.


Monday, November 10, 2014

Cooking for Men


When the boys were all living at home, I had pretty much a hard set rule that dinner was at 6:00.  Not 6:01, but 6:00 on the dot.  The boys were raised with a strict schedule about mealtimes and they seldom missed a meal!

Okay, the boys are all men and have homes of their own.  For several years, it's just been Jeff and I around the table - or on the sofa watching Judge Judy!  The offerings today of frozen meals boggles my mind.  Where was this stuff when I had to have a hot meal for everyone, every day?  Luckily for the boys, over the years I became a master of throwing ingredients in a pot.  The ingredients varied each time I made a casserole.  It depended on what was in the cupboard and/or freezer.  The boys ate with gusto pretty much everything that was put in front of them.  

Cooking for two people actually requires more effort than cooking for an entire family.  If you cook too much, you could be eating that dish tomorrow and perhaps even the day after that.  I don't care how good the dish was on day one, it's not nearly as exciting by day three!

Scott and Jeff have been working on Scott's townhouse to get it ready to sell or rent.  I know they work hard which is evidenced by the amount of dust/dirt on their clothes.  Since this week was sanding drywall, they both came home covered in gray dust.  This also came home hungry!

For the last couple of days that they have worked, I have had a meal prepared and ready to eat when they come in the door.  Making meals for both of them brings back happy memories of cooking and baking for my family.

I was also lucky that the boys were not picky eaters.  Of course it helped that I'm somewhat of a picky eater, particularly when we're talking vegetables.  I am a peas, corn, carrots kind of girl.  Brussels Sprouts, for instance - yuck. 

Last night I fixed spaghetti and jalapeno cornbread.  Scott had two helpings, so I guess it tasted good.  I had also fixed a pumpkin cheesecake dessert, which required no baking, easy super easy to make and tasted exactly like pumpkin pie!  Dessert was also a hit.  Jeff's body can't handle sugar very well, but he did have a small slice with Cool Whip on top.  I'm going to buy another box of this dessert, which I can make for our Thanksgiving dinner.

Today, Scott will be over sometime after lunch.  I have already set out a package of taquitos (however you spell it) to cook after I get back from therapy.  Dinner will be meat loaf and mashed potatoes.  

It's a lot of fun for me to fix food that I know will be needed and appreciated when the days work is done.  And, having to actually fix meals does keep me on my toes and gets my brain fully engaged on what I should make for the next meal.

Fun times.


Sunday, November 9, 2014

You Know You're Getting Old When ....


I remember when I was in high school and participated in the senior school play.  I played a Swedish maid - no, not that kind with the short frilly skirt - the old lady in frumpy clothes and laced up shoes.  My name was Magda Svenson and I was witness to a murder.  As a teenager, I found it fun to spray my hair gray, and stomp around in the gymnasium in my old lady shoes. 

Flash forward to the present day: I no longer have to spray my hair gray, Mother Nature is doing that for me!  No longer a teenager, who was trying to make a fashion statement, I now opt for "old lady" comfort.  I have never met an elastic waist piece of clothing that I don't like.  Whoever thought that buttons and zippers on clothes was a good idea, has never met someone whose weight goes up and down, depending on the sugar intake!  Elastic is so forgiving, oh and comfy too!

Now to the shoes.  I am long past high heels.  While they make your legs look wonderful, they aren't always comfortable.  For both of the boys' weddings, I opted for dressy sandals with chunky short heels, which was a good decision on my part.

Thanks to my hip and back, lacing shoes is really difficult for me.  I can get the shoes tied, sort of, but they never stay tied, and I hate a loose shoe.  I finally gave in and bought myself some walking shoes with Velcro straps.  You're thinking granny I know, and you'd be right.  Easy for me to put on? You bet.  A fashion statement? Not unless you're thinking old lady alert.  Velcro shoes are easy for me to put on and I gave up caring about what other people think about me a long time ago.

So if you see me on the street, I'll be the lady with the elastic waist pants, probably a bit baggy and white Velcro walking shoes!


Saturday, November 8, 2014



The first "Automatic Continuous Clothing Closure" (i.e., the zipper) was patented in 1851.  Forty-two years later a product called "A Clasp Locker" came along.  Then for all the sewers out there, the company Talon, Inc. made zippers - all colors - all sizes.  

I checked and there are many variations of zippers: 

  • coil
  • invisible (which my Mother used when she made my clothes for me in the 60's
  • metallic
  • plastic
  • open or closed ended; and
  • magnetic
For most of the zipper's history, they have served as a necessary item on certain clothes - jeans, coats, etc.  My winter jacket has a zipper on the front, it's there for purpose not design.

Lately, I have noticed that women's dresses and skirts have zippers down the back that are as much a part of the dress as the dress itself.  I'm not sure when having this kind of zipper on clothes became so popular.  It seems like every television show and/or movie has an actress who is wearing a dress with this large, hard to miss, zipper going down their backside.  

Perhaps if my backside looked as good as theirs did, I might want to show off.  But I can assure you that there is nothing about my rear end, that I want to bring attention to!


Who knows what the next fashion trend will be, but whatever it is, doubt that it will be something to flatter my body!  Designers don't seem to have much to do with elastic waist clothing!


Friday, November 7, 2014

Cougars - The Two Legged Variety


Unlike when I was growing up, there wasn't much attention paid to marriages and/or sexual activity between an older woman and a teenager.  I did have an Aunt who married a boy in my graduating class and they seemed happy together.

If you open up a newspaper, or watch the news, you are more likely than not to hear about adults involved with teenagers.  The latest one involves a woman in her 40's and a 15 year old boy.  Why is all I can think to ask.   I suspect that teenagers today are light years away from the teens who grew up in the 60's - but still - he's really a boy.  

What's the attraction?  I think, again just my opinion, is that for older women it's sort of a "Hail Mary" while they still look good.  Some women, and men too for that matter, age kicking and clawing all the way to being older.  Perhaps being with a younger woman or man (teenager) fills some kind of void in their life.  For me just thinking about it is simply creepy.

There are a lot of adult men and women who are lonely and would certainly love to have a special somebody in their life.  Most of us are just regular people who have bodies and/or faces that won't stop traffic - unless we're too slow crossing the street!  Even if you can afford to have "work" done on your body, the calendar doesn't lie.  Each year on your birthday, you're older.  Fact of life.  Some people are terrified about turning 40, or heaven help them, 50!  Next month I will be 65 and I'm okay with that.  I have accepted, perhaps too willingly, that my body sags more than I like, my skin is dotted with "wisdom" spots, and I can't see things as well as I once could.

Fact of life: bodies age, I don't care how much plastic surgery you have done, you're still aging.  Look at some of the older Hollywood stars like Helen Mirren for example, who are beautiful as well as older.  You can age gracefully and accept what you can not change (your age), and find age appropriate partners.  

If you feel the need to have someone younger than you in your life, which is okay, at least look for someone who has a "2" as part of their age!


Thursday, November 6, 2014

Christmas Card List


Do you remember the yearly job, chore is too harsh a word, of buying cards, writing either a chatty how wonderful the year was letter, or just a note dashed off inside the card?  

When Jeff and I were first married, I made a file folder labeled appropriately enough "Christmas Card List".  Even when I was 25, I believed, and still do, that everything has a place, and that that place is not my kitchen counter or table!

Each year I dutifully wrote down the names of who I sent cards to, and next to their names whether I had received one in return.  Early on I sent out a fair number of cards and always tried to write something in the card besides our name.  The label is now yellow and the handwriting is faint, but I still keep the file.  Why?  No earthly reason, or no earthly good reason to keep it.  I guess my old sentimental self just can't bring myself to toss out 28 years of lists.  I know that if I toss out this old file, the world will not stop spinning.  I think I keep the lists because I can look back as far as 1974 and see who has been in my life since then.

When we moved to Maryland, I was still sending cards to old co-workers and friends.  Years passed, and my card list became smaller and smaller.  We have lived in Maryland 28 years now and I have one dear friend living in California, who gets a card.  Likewise, my sister gets a card.  For all my  other California co-workers, neighbors, etc. I have, and they have also, stopped sending cards.  

The first Christmas card was sent in 1843 and has been big business ever since.  Last year 6.5 Billion cards were bought in the U.S., and of that number 1.6 Billion of those were Christmas cards.  Cards can range anywhere from fifty cents to $10.00.  If you want your name printed on the cards that adds to the cost as does postage.

Christmas used to be the one time of the year when more cards arrived than junk mail and bills.  Sadly, this is no longer true.  

With all the social media, most of your friends and family can follow your life on Facebook, or on this blog for instance.  


Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Off Limit Topics


I have certain topics that I do not usually discuss either in person or in writing.  They are: politics, religion and a woman's right to choose.  I do feel strongly about a woman's rights but for the most part keep my opinion to myself, because it's so controversial.  

Yesterday was election day and this morning the newspaper is filled with the election results.  Okay it's over, so now I want all the nominees to take down their signs which have dotted roads and neighborhoods for weeks.  

I love Tim Allen and enjoy his new television show "Last Man Standing".  It's funny and I enjoy his humor which is reminiscent of his role on "Tool Time".  What I don't understand and don't like is why the writers et al of the show feel it's necessary to put in their two cents worth about the political party they support.  Clearly if you watch the show, everything is pro-Republican.  The political agenda that is used on the show, takes away from my enjoyment.  Everybody has a right to their opinion, and I'm fine with that.  What I'm not fine with is taking a comedy television show and using it as a platform for politics.  I assume that since the election is now over, the political jokes will stop, at least I hope so.

My opinion about Tim Allen's show is just that, an opinion.  It may not be the same as yours, and that's okay.  When I watch a comedy show, I want to be able to laugh at the silliness.  If I want news and to hear opinions, I'll watch a news show.


Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Social Security


Social Security, everybody who works have mandatory deductions made for Social Security come out of their paychecks.  There are a lot of people who depend on income from Social Security for their very survival.

In numbers, there are over 59 million Americans who receive Social Security.  I, for instance, along with 11 million other people receive disability from Social Security because I can no longer work.  And, I have read all about the abuses of receiving disability checks.  There is even a commercial that is running now for a firm that promises to help you receive a disability award.  That they advertise on television, doesn't pass my sniff test.

Fewer workers support more retirees. In 1950 there were 16 workers per Social Security recipient. In 1960 it was 5 workers per recipient and by the year 2033 only 2.1 works will support one retiree!

Everyone knows that the longer you wait to claim your Social Security benefits, the more money you will receive.  My official retirement age, based on the year I was born, is 66.  I will turn 65 this December.  Since I'm on disability, I'm unsure whether I can stay on disability or will I be forced at age 66 to retire.  Time will give me the answers I'm sure.

I will tell you that signing up for Social Security, which you must do as you approach 65 and finding the right Medigap policy for your needs, is complicated stuff.  For months our mailbox has groaned under the weight of offers from companies who want to be our Medigap carrier.   Jeff did diligent research, made a decision and we no longer have to look at offers from companies wanting our business - thankfully.

Like Jeff, we have been contributing to the Social Security fund for years.  I started working full time in 1967 and with the exception of a short break in employment when we moved to Maryland from California, have worked continually.  

I had been planning on working for several more years, but then as they say "s..." happens and my long range plans had to be scraped.  You can certainly plan for the future, but sometimes what you had envisioned for yourself does not become your reality.


Sunday, November 2, 2014

Cooking and Baking


From a very early age, I was assigned chores in the kitchen, other than dish washing.  In junior high I had to peel potatoes every night, before I could play or do homework.  I have no recollection why potatoes every night, I just know that it was my job.  Mom made me peel potatoes with a knife, which was terrifying and I could "peel" a large potato down to a nubbin in nothing flat.  One of the greatest gifts I ever received was a friend gave me a potato peeler!  I was able to peel faster, less cuts and while I don't think Mom appreciated the peeler, she at least didn't toss it out!

When I was in high school, Mom was working and by then I had moved up from potato peeler to making dinner every night.  My sister is eight years younger than me, so I cooked dinner while watching my sister.  Homework was done after I had done the dishes each night.  

What I did learn from both my Mom and Grandma was how to cook and bake.  What I didn't learn from either of them was how to keep my kitchen clean while doing so!  I can whip together a casserole in minutes from food in my pantry and freezer - add some hot salsa and sour cream and you have a tasty dish.  No two of these slap together casseroles are ever exactly the same.  What I do know is that the men in the house always and I do mean always ate these dishes.  And asked what the recipe was I'd have to say I have no idea.  Start with a meat, add stuff, cook and stir and you have a casserole.  Easy.

This weekend Jeff and I were going to a girlfriend's house for lunch on Saturday. I was bringing pumpkin bread and Mom's cherry cheese dessert.  Both of these items are easy to make and yet when I finished cooking and/or baking them, my kitchen was at least a 4 on the hurricane scale!  I managed, as always, to use all of my counter space, multiple measuring cups and bowls.  Flour tends to end up somehow on the floor and splatters from the mixer beaters "dots" a large area.  To put it bluntly - I am somewhat of a sloppy cook.  I don't ask anybody to clean up after me, which is probably a good thing, since they likely would refuse.  

By the way both dishes turned out exactly as they should and were enjoyed by everybody.  I don't do a lot of cooking and baking these days since it's just Jeff and I, as we tend to operate on difference schedules.  Dinner at my house is at 6:00 and has been since the beginning of time.  If I actually make dinner and Jeff's not home, I settle myself on the sofa with my dinner.  

I love all things pumpkin.  So at this time of year you can buy pumpkin bread mix, pumpkin cheesecake mix, pumpkin pudding, pumpkin ice cream, just to name a few "pumpkiny" things.  So if you love pumpkin, now's the time to enjoy some!


Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...