Thursday, November 6, 2014

Christmas Card List


Do you remember the yearly job, chore is too harsh a word, of buying cards, writing either a chatty how wonderful the year was letter, or just a note dashed off inside the card?  

When Jeff and I were first married, I made a file folder labeled appropriately enough "Christmas Card List".  Even when I was 25, I believed, and still do, that everything has a place, and that that place is not my kitchen counter or table!

Each year I dutifully wrote down the names of who I sent cards to, and next to their names whether I had received one in return.  Early on I sent out a fair number of cards and always tried to write something in the card besides our name.  The label is now yellow and the handwriting is faint, but I still keep the file.  Why?  No earthly reason, or no earthly good reason to keep it.  I guess my old sentimental self just can't bring myself to toss out 28 years of lists.  I know that if I toss out this old file, the world will not stop spinning.  I think I keep the lists because I can look back as far as 1974 and see who has been in my life since then.

When we moved to Maryland, I was still sending cards to old co-workers and friends.  Years passed, and my card list became smaller and smaller.  We have lived in Maryland 28 years now and I have one dear friend living in California, who gets a card.  Likewise, my sister gets a card.  For all my  other California co-workers, neighbors, etc. I have, and they have also, stopped sending cards.  

The first Christmas card was sent in 1843 and has been big business ever since.  Last year 6.5 Billion cards were bought in the U.S., and of that number 1.6 Billion of those were Christmas cards.  Cards can range anywhere from fifty cents to $10.00.  If you want your name printed on the cards that adds to the cost as does postage.

Christmas used to be the one time of the year when more cards arrived than junk mail and bills.  Sadly, this is no longer true.  

With all the social media, most of your friends and family can follow your life on Facebook, or on this blog for instance.  



  1. I still send cards, although my list gets shorter too! I enjoy getting cards and like the ones with a photo so you can see how the children grow. I sent one last year of Steve and I and the 3 grandchildren for the very first time. I don't know what I will say this year since it wasn't a healthy one...

    Love, M

  2. You can do like I did last year, and write mostly about positive things, which I know isn't always easy.

    Love P


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