Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Off Limit Topics


I have certain topics that I do not usually discuss either in person or in writing.  They are: politics, religion and a woman's right to choose.  I do feel strongly about a woman's rights but for the most part keep my opinion to myself, because it's so controversial.  

Yesterday was election day and this morning the newspaper is filled with the election results.  Okay it's over, so now I want all the nominees to take down their signs which have dotted roads and neighborhoods for weeks.  

I love Tim Allen and enjoy his new television show "Last Man Standing".  It's funny and I enjoy his humor which is reminiscent of his role on "Tool Time".  What I don't understand and don't like is why the writers et al of the show feel it's necessary to put in their two cents worth about the political party they support.  Clearly if you watch the show, everything is pro-Republican.  The political agenda that is used on the show, takes away from my enjoyment.  Everybody has a right to their opinion, and I'm fine with that.  What I'm not fine with is taking a comedy television show and using it as a platform for politics.  I assume that since the election is now over, the political jokes will stop, at least I hope so.

My opinion about Tim Allen's show is just that, an opinion.  It may not be the same as yours, and that's okay.  When I watch a comedy show, I want to be able to laugh at the silliness.  If I want news and to hear opinions, I'll watch a news show.


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