Monday, November 10, 2014

Cooking for Men


When the boys were all living at home, I had pretty much a hard set rule that dinner was at 6:00.  Not 6:01, but 6:00 on the dot.  The boys were raised with a strict schedule about mealtimes and they seldom missed a meal!

Okay, the boys are all men and have homes of their own.  For several years, it's just been Jeff and I around the table - or on the sofa watching Judge Judy!  The offerings today of frozen meals boggles my mind.  Where was this stuff when I had to have a hot meal for everyone, every day?  Luckily for the boys, over the years I became a master of throwing ingredients in a pot.  The ingredients varied each time I made a casserole.  It depended on what was in the cupboard and/or freezer.  The boys ate with gusto pretty much everything that was put in front of them.  

Cooking for two people actually requires more effort than cooking for an entire family.  If you cook too much, you could be eating that dish tomorrow and perhaps even the day after that.  I don't care how good the dish was on day one, it's not nearly as exciting by day three!

Scott and Jeff have been working on Scott's townhouse to get it ready to sell or rent.  I know they work hard which is evidenced by the amount of dust/dirt on their clothes.  Since this week was sanding drywall, they both came home covered in gray dust.  This also came home hungry!

For the last couple of days that they have worked, I have had a meal prepared and ready to eat when they come in the door.  Making meals for both of them brings back happy memories of cooking and baking for my family.

I was also lucky that the boys were not picky eaters.  Of course it helped that I'm somewhat of a picky eater, particularly when we're talking vegetables.  I am a peas, corn, carrots kind of girl.  Brussels Sprouts, for instance - yuck. 

Last night I fixed spaghetti and jalapeno cornbread.  Scott had two helpings, so I guess it tasted good.  I had also fixed a pumpkin cheesecake dessert, which required no baking, easy super easy to make and tasted exactly like pumpkin pie!  Dessert was also a hit.  Jeff's body can't handle sugar very well, but he did have a small slice with Cool Whip on top.  I'm going to buy another box of this dessert, which I can make for our Thanksgiving dinner.

Today, Scott will be over sometime after lunch.  I have already set out a package of taquitos (however you spell it) to cook after I get back from therapy.  Dinner will be meat loaf and mashed potatoes.  

It's a lot of fun for me to fix food that I know will be needed and appreciated when the days work is done.  And, having to actually fix meals does keep me on my toes and gets my brain fully engaged on what I should make for the next meal.

Fun times.


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