Friday, November 28, 2014

Post Thanksgiving


It's the day after Thanksgiving, and all is calm in the Bassett house.  Yesterday we had our dinner at Crackle Barrel, and unfortunately while we had to wait for a table, I was able to shop.  Pretty much I've never met a store that I didn't find something that I wanted and yesterday was no exception!

We brought home enough food for lunch today, as well as one piece of pie that wasn't eaten last night.  I, of course, ate mine!  Jeff has more control of his urgings when it comes to sugar, particularly since his gastric surgery years ago, his body has trouble with sugar.  My body has no trouble with sweets - unfortunately.

After we left the restaurant we headed to a nearby WalMart and Target.  When the boys were very young and there was a certain "it" toy, Jeff would go out late at night to buy that particular toy.  Since the "invention" of online shopping, as well as having adult sons, I don't feel the pressure of having to buy a special something for them before stores empty their shelves!  Both of them have up-to-date electronics and televisions and with the exception of buying a DVD for Ben, don't buy many movies.  

Our first stop was WalMart where the line to get in the store was super duper long.  The crowds wound around metal gates, for lack of a better word, much like you would herd cattle, which is what we felt like when we finally got into the store.  

Not having experienced the rush of a limited supply of something, I was completely baffled by the people literally hanging on to pallets of large televisions, stereo equipment, etc.  Apparently, the pallets in the store were going to be unwrapped at some predetermined time during the evening.  Who knew that people would literally stand in line for a chance to buy something.  I hope those people know that you can buy those same items on line while sitting in your chair drinking coffee.

All I wanted at WalMart was trail mix.  I have been eating a trail mix that has some M&M candy mixed in with the nuts.  Since I'm trying to be good about eating too much sugar, the trail mix allows me to enjoy some chocolate every day.  Once we had found the trail mix, we asked someone in a WalMart shirt where was the line for the cashiers.  She pointed to the back, and I mean back, of the store.  We both decided that it was nuts (literally) to stand in line for trail mix, we abandoned the trail mix and left the store.

Target is just across from WalMart and their merchandise is many degrees better than at WalMart.  We sat in our car until Target opened at 6:00 and then went inside.  Aisles were blocked off, people were everywhere and good manners had flown out the doors when they opened!

Again, trail mix is all I wanted.  Bag in hand walked to the front of the store and was told that I would, once again, have to wait in a very long line to get to the cashiers.  Every cart in line was bulging with Target's special on sale items and there didn't appear to be a special express check-out for people who were just buying nuts!  Left without the trail mix.

We came home somewhat exhausted from trying to maneuver through the throngs of people who were desperate to get the big ticket items that were on sale.  As we drove, we reminded ourselves that having experienced Black Thursday and hated it, it's an experience we won't have to have again.  Thank goodness!

Today, Jeff is going to work at Scott's house preparing his tractor for snow plowing (at least I think that was the plan).  I'm going to put on my shoes and head to the library to return books and check out some new ones.  Compared to going to a mall, I'm not expecting an overflow of people at the library.

Have a good day.


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